1st Class

The Sun, Moon and Stars

Category : 1st Class


                                                             The Sun, Moon and Stars


The Sun

If you see the sky during the day, you will see some clouds and the sun.

The sun looks like a yellow, hot ball of fire. It is very big. It shines brightly during the day. It gives us heat and light.

All plants and animals need the warmth of the sun to live.

The sun rises every morning in the east.

It brings us the day.

The sun set every evening in the west

It bring us the night


The Moon

If you see the sky at night, you will see the moon and lots of starts.

The moon looks like a big white ball.

Sometimes, you can see the moon even during the day.

If you observe the sky every day, you will notice that the shape of the moon change every night. Sometimes it is round like a ball. At other times, you can see parts of the moon or no moon at all.


In the night sky we see lots and lots of stars. They shine brightly. Stars are very big in size, but they look tiny, because they are very, very far away from us. If you see the stars carefully, you will notice that they make patterns in the sky.


Days of A Week

A new day begins when the sun rises in the sky. It ends when the sun sets and brings us the night. A group of seven days and nights makes a week. Each day of the week has a name.  

  1. Sunday                             
  2. Monday
  3. Tuesday                           
  4. Wednesday
  5. Thursday                        
  6. Friday
  7. Saturday




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