1st Class


Category : 1st Class





Subtraction means taking out something from some bigger unit and finding the outcome as left over.


Subtraction of Two Numbers

It is the process of taking away smaller number from the greater one.

  •         Example:

Subtraction of Three Numbers

Let's see the example given below:


  •         Example:

Here, we have to subtract two numbers [2] and [1] because both numbers have '__' sign.                                          



Step 1: Add the numbers with ?__? sign.

Step 2: Do subtraction as subtraction of two numbers.





Subtraction of Figures

Numbers  and , etc.

Figures = 2 rupees, 3 books, 1 kg, 6 hours, etc.

Now, how to subtract figures?

In fact, we subtract figures with simple method of subtraction we have learned so far.


  •         Example:



Subtraction of Images

It means taking out picture or pictures from the group of pictures and finding the remaining as the result of the subtraction.

  •          Example:

Subtraction in Column

Subtraction in column is done by subtracting the numbers in column. See the examples given below:

  •         Example:


Word Problems Based on Subtraction

Like addition, word problems on subtraction are basically the statements, which require solution by means of subtraction only.


  •         Example:

James purchased 18 balloons on his birthday and gave 1 balloon to each of his friends. He has 7 friends. How many balloons are left with him?

(a) 11 balloons                                                   (b) 10 balloons

(c) 12 balloons                                                    (d) All the above

(e) None of these

Answer (a)

Explanation: Option (a) is correct because:



  •         Example:

In a school, there are  students inand  students in. Which section has more students and by how much?

(a) Section 1A by 9                                             (b) Section 1B by 9

(c) Section 1A by 10                                           (d) Section 1B by 10

(e) None of these

Answer (c)

Explanation: Option (c) is correct because

It means section  has  more students than section


  •         Example:

The sum of two numbers is . If bigger number is  then find the smaller number.

(a) 8                                                                              (b) 7

(c) 6                                                                  (d) All the above

(e) None of these

Answer (b)

Explanation: Option (b) is correct because:


Problems Based on Addition and Subtraction Both

In some questions you have to perform both addition and subtraction. See the examples given below:


  •         Example:                                                        

Solve the sum given below:

To solve this sum, first add the numbers with + sign. That is

. Now subtract  from . That is . So the answer is .


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