1st Class

Subtraction of Figures

Category : 1st Class

*    Subtraction of Figures



Numbers etc

Figures = 2 rupees, 3 books, 1 kg, 6 hours, etc.

Now, how to subtract figures?

In fact, we subtract figures with simple method of subtraction we have learned so far.  




hours -hours =hours  


Take another example:



bananas -bananas -banana 8 Bananas -(2 Bananas + 1 Bananas)





 Zacob subtracts 4 rupees out of 8 rupees. Find the result.

(a) 5 rupees                                       

(b) 3 rupees

(c) 2 rupees                                       

(d) 4 rupees


Answer: (d)  






  7 kg + 1 kg - 3 kg =

(a) 2kg                                                 

(b) 3kg

(c) 5kg                                                  

(d) 6kg  


Answer: (c)





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