1st Class

Comprehensions Based on General Topics

Category : 1st Class


Comprehensions Based on General Topics



Introduction: In a reading comprehension a passage is given. You have to read the passage carefully and answer the questions based on it. Some examples are given below to develop your understanding.


  •           Example 1


See the picture given below and answer the questions that follow:


1.            How many types of fruit is he selling?

(a) Four                                      (b) Three

(c) Two                                      (d) One

(e) None of these



2.            The cost of which fruit is the highest?

(a) Guava                                    (b) Banana

(c) Apple                                    (d) Orange

(e) None of these



3.            The cost of which fruit is the lowest?

(a) Banana                                       (b) Orange

(c) Guava                                   (d) Apple

(e) None of these



4.            Which fruit among the fruits he is selling does not have seeds?

(a) Guava                                   (b) Banana

(c) Orange                                  (d) Apple

(e) None of these



  •            Example 2


I am a tree. I have a strong brown trunk and many branches. From my branches grow hundreds of green leaves.

On a hot summer day, people stop to take a breath of relief under the shade of my branches.   They cool themselves away from the hot Sun. Sometimes little children play around me and climb my branches. I love to hear their laughter and chatter


In the rainy season, my leaves get washed. Often, during the rains, there is storm and the wind blow- sat a great speed. My branches sway from side to side and my leaves make a rustling sound.

During winter, my leaves fall off so that new ones may come up in the spring time. I look quite bare at that time.

I will protect you, if you take care of me.


1.            The leaves of the tree get washed in _____.

(a) the rainy season

(b) the summer season

(c) the winter season

(d) the summer and winter season

(e) None of these



2.            What kind of sound the leaves make when _______ the wind blows?

(a) A hashing sound

(b) A rustling sound

(c) A cry-like sound

(d) A sound of barking dogs

(e) None of these



3.            When does the tree look bare?

(a) In summer

(b) In winter

(c) In spring

(d) In spring and summer

(e) None of these



4.            Which one of the following statements is false about the tree?

(a) From the branches of the tree grow hundreds of leaves.

(b) During the cool days people stand under the shade of the tree.

(c) The tree loves to hear the chatter and laughter of children...

(d) New leaves row on the tree in the spring season.

(e) None of these






1.  (A)

2.  (C)

3.  (B)

4.  (B)


1.  (A)

2.  (B)

3.  (B)

4.  (B)



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