1st Class


Category : 1st Class



Comparison of Numbers

Comparison enables us to identify what is greater or smaller between two objects and what is greatest and smallest among more than two objects.


Greater Number

In greater number, we identify which number is the bigger in comparison to then numbers.

Let us see the examples given below:


  • Example:


It means that \[\] is greater than \[\],

‘>’ is the sign of 'greater than' or "bigger than' or ‘more than'.

\[>\] is read as

\[\] is greater than \[\]


Smaller Numbers

In smaller number, we have to identify which number is smaller or less than in comparison to the given numbers.

See the following examples:


  • Example:

It means  is less than 3

'<" is the sign of "less than' or "smaller than".

Hence,  is read as 2 is smaller than 3.


Equal Numbers

Equal means neither greater than nor less than.


  • Example:

Let's consider


These numbers are equal because if one or more zeroes is put before any number the number remains unchanged. Thus  and  can be written as:

 =  or  =

Where '=.' is the sign of equal.

And  =  is read as  is equal to  


Comparison of Images

The comparison of images means comparing the sizes or numbers of the pictures given. In other words, if a particular picture is bigger or smaller or equal in comparison to the other pictures given. It also means comparing the numbers of pictures between groups.


Size Comparison

Let's understand it through an example:

  • Example:

A           B

In the above mentioned pictures (A) is smaller and (B) is bigger. Therefore, (A) is 3-aiiler in comparison to (B).


Number Comparison

Just see the two groups of pictures given below:

  • Example:



Group A                      Group B


Here group A has four keys and group B has two keys. Therefore, group A is greater than group B.


Ascending and Descending Order

Numbers can be arranged in ascending or descending order. In other words you can say that numbers can be arranged from smaller to bigger or bigger to smaller.


Ascending Order

In ascending order, numbers are arranged in the order of smallest to biggest.

For example:  are in ascending order.


in ascending order.


  • Example:

Arrange the following numbers in ascending order:


The correct answer is


Note: We can also write these numbers in ascending order as


Descending Order

In descending order, numbers are arranged from bigger to smaller.


For example  

are in descending order.


  • Example:

Arrange the following numbers in descending order:


The correct answer is

Note: We can also write these numbers in descending order as


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