1st Class

Comparison of Images (Size)

Category : 1st Class

*     Comparison of Images (Size)



The comparison is done through pictures.  

* Size Comparison

Let's understand it through an example:  


In the above mentioned pictures (a) is smaller and (b) is bigger. Therefore, (a) is smaller in comparison of (b) while (b) is bigger in comparison of (a). Thus we can present it as:



Take another example:

Here again picture (a) is smaller in comparison of (b) and picture (b) is bigger in comparison of (a) Thus we can present it as  



 *   Comparison of (Number) Images

Just see the two groups of pictures given below:



Here group A has four keys and group B has two keys. Therefore, group A is greater than group B and this can be presented as:


Take another example:  


Here box (a) has 6 bowls while (b) has 3 bowls. Thus box (a) has more number of bowls in comparison of box (b). It can be presented as:





 Which one of the following is not true?






Answer: (c)  


Picture in left is smaller than the picture in right.    





 The following picture is greater than which one of the following options? Calculate in term of numbers.







Answer: (d)


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