11th Class

Mineral Translocation

Category : 11th Class

P.R. Stout and D.R. Hoagland (1939) proved that mineral salts are translocated through xylem. After absorption of minerals by root, ions are able to reach xylem by two pathways.

(1) Apoplast pathway : In this pathway inflow of water takes place from the cell to cell through spaces between cell wall polysaccharides. Ions thus are able to move from cell wall of epidermis to cell walls of various cells in cortex, cytoplasm of endodermis, cell wall of pericycle and finally into xylem.

(2) Symplast pathway : In this pathway ions move through cytoplasm of epidermis and finally move through cytoplasm of cortex, endodermis, pericycle through plasmodesmata and finally into xylem.

Minerals in xylem are carried along with water to other parts of the plant along transpiration stream. Minerals reaching leaves take part in assimilation of organic compounds and then transported to other parts of the plant through phloem.


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