10th Class

World Wide Web (WWW)

Category : 10th Class

*   World Wide Web (WWW)



For accessing any information on the Internet the system WWW (World Wide Web) is used. It's one of the graphical parts of the internet. With the help of hyperlinks the Web links one Internet site to another. No need to expect every resource on the Internet to be accessible through the Web. To access this, a document must be coded with links that can be read by Web servers. Newsgroups and E-mails are not part of Web. The key piece of the Internet Software needed to access and navigate the Web is a Web browser. Interface enables you to ask for and view Web pages. Browsers vary in the number of features and the quality they offer. The two most popular browsers are the Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer.  



* The following are the Few Advantages of WWW 

Provides interactive GUI environment. Basically it presents a standard interface to FTP, News, email, and other Internet tools, as well as a standard way of accessing information through web pages and databases through forms. The web has become a valuable tool to access the net.

Provides formatted output that supports formatted text and represents information in customize way.  



* Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)

URL enables a uniform way of identifying resources that are available by using the IP (Internet Protocols).  


* The following is the basic format of the URL:

Protocol: //host/path/filename Host name is broken down into two or more parts separated by periods. The periods separate domain information from the host name. Commonly domain names for Web servers start with www, such as www.google.com, which identifies the Web server called Google in the commercial domain. The following table lists some domains:    

Domain   Name Description
edu Is used for education sites.
Com Is used for commercial sites.
Gov Is used for government sites.
Net Is used for network sites.
org Is used for organizational sites.
Mil Is used for military sites.
In Is used for India.


While defining URL you can use uppercase or lowercase. Most Web publishers use only lowercase letters in their URLs, so most Web documents and object files are named in lowercase letters. You cannot use all ASCII characters in your URLs. It allows only letters a-z, the numerals 0-9 and a few special characters.  

These are: 

  • Asterisks
  • Hyphens
  • Parentheses (left and right)
  • Periods
  • Dollar signs
  • Exclamation points
  • Plus signs
  • Single quotation marks
  • Underscores





 The Internet is controlled by two groups that influence it. Two volunteer groups-a council called the................. and a technical advisory team called the Internet Engineering Task Force(IETF)?work together to enforce minor rules to keep the whole thing working

(A) IAB                                                                 



(D) Both A and B

(E) None of these  


Answer: (d)


Correct Option:

(D) The Internet is controlled by two groups that influence it. Two volunteer groups - a council called the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) and a technical advisory team called the Internet Engineering Task Force(IETF)-work together to enforce minor rules to keep the whole thing working Incorrect Options:

Therefore, option (D) is correct and rest of the options is incorrect.          



 You cannot use all ASCII characters in your URLs. Which of the following special characters you can use while defining URL?

(A) *                                                                     

(B) $

(C) !                                                                       

(D) All of these

(E) None of these  


Answer: (d)


Correct Option:

(D) It allows only letters a-z, the numerals 0-9, and a few special characters.

These are:

Asterisks, Hyphens, Parentheses (left and right), Periods, Dollar sign, Exclamation points. Plus signs. Single quotation marks, and Underscores

Incorrect Options:

Therefore, option (D) is correct and rest of the options is incorrect.    



 Host name is broken down into two or more parts separated by periods. The periods separate domain information from the host name. Which one of the following domain names is used for network site?

(A) edu                                                                

(B) org

(C) net                                                                 

(D) corn 

(E) None of these  


Answer: (c)


Correct Option:

(C) net is used for network sites.

Incorrect Options:

Therefore, option (C) is correct and rest of the options is incorrect.


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