10th Class

The Nationalist Movement In Indo-China - Important Dates

Category : 10th Class


The Nationalist Movement in Indo-China




1802                -                   Foundation of Nguyen dynasty under Nguyen Anh.


1858                -                   French troops land in Vietnam.


1867                -                   Cochin China (South) becomes a French colony.


1868                -                   Scholars revolt against the spread of Christianity by French.


1887                -                   Creation of Indo-China Union including Laos, Cambodia, Cochin China, Annam, Tonkin.


1902-03           -                Plague epidemic.


1907                -                   Tonkin Free School was started to provide western education.


1930                -                   Communist Party was formed under the leadership of Ho Chi Minh.


1940                -                   Japan occupies Vietnam.


1941                -                   Ho Chin Minh returns to France after 30 years of stay in Europe.


1945                -                   Vietnam starts general popular resistance. Bao Dai abdicates. Ho Chi Minh declares independence of Hanoi.


1954                -                   The French army was defeated at Dien Bien Phu.


1961                -                   US intervention begins. US president Kennedy decides to increase US military aid to Vietnam.


1974                -                   Paris Peace Treaty.


1975                -                   NLF troops enter Saigon.


1976                -                   The Socialist Republic of Vietnam was proclaimed.


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