10th Class

Practice Exercise

Category : 10th Class



In each of the questions two statements I and II are given. Out of these two statements one may be the cause and other the effect or either these two may be independent causes any effect or independent effects of any cause etc. Choose the correct option.  



I.  The Reserve Bank of India has recently put restrictions on few small banks in the country.

II.  The small banks in the private and cooperative sector in India are not in a position to withstand the competitions of the bigger in the public sector.

(a) Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.

(b) Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.

(c) Both the statements I and II are independent causes.

(d) Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.

(e) Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.




I.  There is unprecedented increase in the number of young unemployed in comparison to the previous year.

II.  A large number of candidates submitted applications against an advertisement for the post of manager issued by a bank.

(a) Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.

(b) Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.

(c) Both the statements I and II are independent causes.

(d) Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.

(e) Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.



 Tim's commute never bothered him because there were always seats available on the train and he was able to spend his 40 minutes comfortably reading the newspaper or catching up on paperwork. Ever since the train schedule changed, the train has been extremely crowded, and by the time the doors open at his station, there isn't a seat to be found.

(a) Tim would be better off taking the bus to work.

(b) Tim's commute is less comfortable since the train schedule changed.

(c) Many commuters will complain about the new train schedule.

(d) Tim will likely look for a new job closer to home.

(e) None of these



 Kanha is older than her cousin Sonali. Sonali's brother Ajay is older than Kanha. When Sonali and Ajay are visiting with Kanha, all three like to play a game of Monopoly. Sonali wins more often than Kanha does.

(a) When he plays Monopoly with Sonali and Kanha, Ajay often loses.

(b) Of the three, Kanha is the oldest.

(c) Kanha hates to lose at Monopoly.                     

(d) Of the three, Sonali is the youngest.

(e) None of these



In each question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then consider the two conclusions together and decide which of them logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt from the information given in the statement.


 Give answer:

(a) If only conclusion I follows                   

(b) If only conclusion II follows

(c) If either I or II follows                             

(d) If neither I nor II follows and

(e) If both land II follow



 Statements: In a one day cricket match, the total runs made by a team were 200. Out of these 160 runs were made by spinners. Conclusions: 80% of the team consists of spinners. The opening batsmen were spinners.

(a) Only conclusion I follows                       

(b) Only conclusion II follows

(c) Either I or II follows                                  

(d) Neither l nor II follows

(e) Both I and II follow



 Statements: The old order changed yielding place to new. Conclusions: Change is the law of nature.

Discard old ideas because they are old.

(a) Only conclusion I follows                       

(b) Only conclusion II follows

(c) Either l or II follows                                  

(d) Neither I nor II follows

(e) Both I and II follow



 If the first two statements are true, the third statement is:

All the tulips in Zoe's garden are white.

All the pansies in Zoe's garden are yellow.

All the flowers in Zoe's garden are either white or yellow

(a) True                                                               

(b) False                              

(c) Uncertain                                                     

(d) All of these

(e) None of these



 If the first two statements are true, the third statement is:

During the past year, Josh saw more movies than Stephen.

Stephen saw fewer movies than Darren.

Darren saw more movies than Josh.

(a) True                                                               

(b) False                              

(c) Uncertain                                                     

(d) All of these



 If A is the brother of B; B is the sister of C; and C is the father of D, how D is related to A?

(a) Brother                                                         

(b) Sister                             

(c) Nephew                                                       

(d) Cannot be determined

(e) None of these



 If A + B means A is the brother of B; A " B means A is the sister of B and A x b means A is the father of B. Which of the following means that C is the son of M?

(a) M " N x C + F                                               

(b) F " C + N x M              

(c) N + M" F x C                                                

(d) M x N" C + F

(e) None of these



 Introducing a boy, a girl said, "He is the son of the daughter of the father of my uncle." How is the boy related to the girl?

(a) Brother                                                         

(b) Nephew                      

(c) Uncle                                                             

(d) Son-in-law

(e) None of these



 Pointing to Varman, Madhav said, "I am the only son of one of the sons of his father." How is Varman related to Madhav?

(a) Nephew                                                       

(b) Uncle                            

(c) Father or Uncle                                         

(d) Father

(e) None of these



 1. Birth 2. Death 3. Funeral 4. Marriage 5. Education

(a) 4, 5, 3, 1, 2                                                   

(b) 2, 3, 4, 5, 1                   

(c) 1, 5, 4, 2, 3                                                    

(d) 1, 3, 4, 5, 2

(e) None of these



 1. Index 2. Contents 3. Title 4. Chapters 5. Introduction

(a) 3, 2, 5, 1, 4                                                   

(b) 2, 3, 4, 5, 1

(c) 5, 1, 4, 2, 3                                                    

(d) 3, 2, 5, 4, 1

(e) None of these



 The school principal has received complaints from parents about bullying in the school yard during recess. He wants to investigate and end this situation as soon as possible, so he has asked the recess aides to watch closely. Which situation should the recess aides report to the principal?

(a) A girl is sitting glumly on a bench reading a book and not interacting with her peers.

(b) Four girls are surrounding another girl and seem to have possession of her backpack

(c) Two boys are playing a one-on-one game of basketball and are arguing over the last basket scored.

(d) Three boys are huddled over a handheld video game, which isn't supposed to be on school grounds.

(e) None of these



 The film director wants an actress for the lead role of Parinda who perfectly fits the description that appears in the original screenplay. He is not willing to consider actresses who do not resemble the character as she is described in the screenplay, no matter how talented they are. The screenplay describes Parinda as an average- sized, forty something redhead, with deep brown eyes, very fair skin, and a brilliant smile. The casting agent has four actresses in mind.

Actress #1 is a stunning red-haired beauty who is 5'9" and in her mid- twenties. Her eyes are brown and she has an olive complexion.

Actress #2 has red hair, big brown eyes, and a fair complexion. She is in her mid-forties and is 5'5".

Actress #3 is 5'4" and of medium build. She has red hair, brown eyes, and is in her early forties. Actress #4 is a blue-eyed redhead in her early thirties. She's of very slight build and stands at 5'.

(a) 1, 2                                                                 

(b) 2, 3                                 

(c) 1, 4                                                                  

(d) 2, 4

(e) None of these



 Each question given below consists of a statement, followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a 'strong' argument and which is a 'weak' argument.

Give answer:

(a) If only argument I is strong                  

(b) If only argument II is strong'

(c) If either I or II is strong                           

(d) If neither l nor ll is strong, and

(e) If both I and II are strong




Should India encourage exports, when most things are insufficient for internal use itself?


I.  Yes. We have to earn foreign exchange to pay for our imports.

I.  No. Even selective encouragement would lead to shortages.

(a) Only argument I is strong                      

(b) Only argument II is strong

(c) Either I or II is strong                                               

(d) Neither I nor II is strong

(e) Both I and II are strong




Should all the drugs patented and manufactured in Western countries be first tried out on sample basis before giving licence for sale to general public in India?


I.  Yes. Many such drugs require different doses and duration for Indian population and hence it is necessary.

II.  No. This is just not feasible and hence cannot be implemented.

(a) Only argument I is strong                                      

(b) Only argument II is strong

(c) Either I or II is strong                               

(d) Neither I nor II is strong

(e) Both I and II are strong



Read the paragraph carefully and determine the main point the author is trying to make. What conclusion can be drawn from the argument? Each paragraph is followed by five statements. One statement supports the author's argument better than the others do.


 Generation Xers are those people born roughly between 1965 and 1981. As employees, Generation Xers tend to be more challenged when they can carry out tasks independently. This makes Generation Xers the most entrepreneurial generation in history.

This paragraph best supports the statement that Generation Xers:

(a) Work harder than people from other generations.

(b) Have a tendency to be self-directed workers

(c) Have an interest in making history

(d) Tend to work in jobs that require risk-taking behavior.

(e) Like to challenge their bosses work attitudes.



  If you're a fitness walker, there is no need for a commute to a health club. Your neighborhood can be your health club. You don't need a lot of fancy equipment to get a good workout either. All you need is a well-designed pair of athletic shoes. This paragraph best supports the statement that:

(a) Fitness walking is a better form of exercise than weight lifting.

(b) A membership in a health club is a poor investment.

(c) Walking outdoors provides a better workout than walking indoors.

(d) Fitness walking is a convenient and valuable form of exercise.

(e) Poorly designed athletic shoes can cause major foot injuries.




1.         B 2.         A 3.        B 4.        D 5.        D 6.        A 7.        C 8.        C 9.        0 10.      D
11.      A 12.      C 13.      C 14.      D 15.      B 16.      B 17.      A 18.      A 19.      B 20.      D




  1. (B) The inability of the small banks to compete with the bigger ones shall not ensure security and good service to the customers, which is an essential concomitant that has to be looked into by the Reserve Bank. I seems to be a remedial step for the same.
  2. (A) An increase in the number of unemployed youth is bound to draw in huge crowds for a single vacancy.
  3. (B) The passage tells us that Tim's commute didn't bother him because he was always able to sit down and comfortably read or do paperwork. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that Tim's commute has become less comfortable since the schedule change, because it is very crowded and he can no longer find a seat. There is no information given that supports choices (A), (C) and (D).
  4. (D) If Kanha is older than Sonali and Ajay is older than Kanha, then Sonali has to be the youngest of the three. Choice b is clearly wrong because Ajay is the oldest. There is no information in the paragraph to support either choice a or choice c.
  5. (D) According to the statement, 80% of the total runs were made by spinners. So, I does not follow. Nothing about the opening batsmen is mentioned in the statement. So, II also does not follow.
  6. (A) Clearly, I directly follows from the given statement. Also, it is mentioned that old ideas are replaced by new ones, as thinking changes with the progressing time. So, II does not follow.
  7. (C) The first two statements give information about Zoe's tulips and pansies. Information about any other kinds of flowers cannot be determined.
  8. (C) Because the first two sentences are true, both Josh and Darren saw more movies than Stephen. However, it is uncertain as to whether Darren saw more movies than Josh.
  9. (D) If D is Male, the answer is Nephew. If D is Female, the answer is Niece. As the sex of D is not known, hence, the relation between D and A cannot be determined. Note: Niece - A daughter of one's brother or sister, or of one's brother-in- law or sister-in-law. Nephew - A son of one's brother or sister, or of one's brother-in-law or sister-in-law.
  10. (D) M x n '! M is the father of N N "C'! N is the sister of C and C + F'! C is the brother of F. Hence, M is the father of C or C is the son of M.
  11. (a) The father of the boy's uncle'! the grandfather of the boy and Daughter of the grandfather'! sister of father.
  12. (c) Madhav is the only son of one of the sons of Varman's father'! Either Varman is the father or uncle of Madhav.
  13. (d)
  14. (d)
  15. (b) Which of the following means that K is the mother-in- faw of M? Seeing four girls surrounding another girl, while in possession of her backpack, is the most suspicious of the incidents described.
  16. (b) Actresses #2 and #3 possess most of the required traits. They both have red hair and brown eyes, are average-sized, and are in their forties. Actress # I is very tall and is only in her mid-twenties. She also has an olive complexion. Actress #4 is of very slight build and is in her early thirties. She also has blue eyes.
  17. (a) Clearly, India can export only the surplus and that which can be saved after fulfilling its own needs, to pay for its imports. Encouragement to export cannot lead to shortages as it shall provide the resources for imports. So, only argument I holds.
  18. (a) Clearly, health of the citizens is an issue of major concern for the Government. So, a product like drugs, must be first studied and tested in the Indian context before giving licence for its sale. So, only argument I holds strong.
  19. (b) The support for choice (B) is given in the second sentence of the paragraph. Generation Xers like to work independently/ which means they are self-directed. No support is given for either choice (A) or choice (c). Choice (D) is not related to the paragraph. Although the paragraph mentions that Generation Xers like to be challenged, it does not say they like to challenge their bosses attitudes; therefore, choice (E) can be ruled out.
  20. (d) By stating that fitness walking does not require a commute to a health club, the author stresses the convenience of this form of exercise. The paragraph also states that fitness walking will result in a good workout. Choice (A) is incorrect because no comparison to weight lifting is made. Choice (B) may seem like a logical answer, but the paragraph only refers to people who are fitness walkers, so for others, a health club might be a good investment. Choice (C) is not in the passage. Although choice (E) seems logical, the paragraph does not indicate that the wrong shoes will produce major injuries.      





  • Inferring information involves an approach to reasoning and logical understanding.
  • It is a kind of verbal reasoning in which understanding and reasoning using concepts are framed in words.
  • It aims at evaluating ability to think constructively, rather than at simple fluency or vocabulary recognition.
  • Verbal reasoning tests of intelligence provide an assessment of an individual's ability to think, reason and solve  problems in different ways.     





  • Inferring information relates to verbal tasks that might involve concepts, like concrete or abstract ideas; or internalized language-based reasoning.
  • Verbal tasks involve skills, such as the ability to listen to and recall spoken information; understanding the meaning  of written or spoken information; solving language based problems of a literary, logical, or social type; understanding the relationships between language concepts and performing language analogies or comparisons; and the  ability to perform complex language-based analysis.        





  • Inferring information speaks about verbal intelligence which is the ability to analyze information and solve problems using language-based reasoning.
  • Verbal reasoning is important in most aspects of school work. Reading and language arts tasks required verbal reasoning skills. Even the more abstract courses such as math and physics require verbal reasoning skills, as most concepts are either introduced orally by the teacher or introduced in written form in a textbook.
  • Verbal reasoning is typically assessed in a full intellectual assessment of IQ.
  • Basic verbal reasoning may also be evaluated through brief intelligence tests and language assessment.    


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