10th Class

Practice Exercise 2

Category : 10th Class



*            Passage - 1


Mini was twelve years old and a spastic. A spastic is a person who has no control over his hands and legs from birth. Mini could not walk, or button up her shirt, but she could crawl and had learnt to use her hand to brush her teeth and use a spoon to eat. She could also mean oeuvre her wheelchair. She went to a special school where she was taught exercises and underwent speech therapy, as well as learnt the usual subjects like other children. But Mini had no friends. Ever since they had come to this house six months ago, Mini had no one to play with. All the neighborhood children seemed to be busy with their own games and schools, and they had never become friendly with Mini. It was Mini's routine to watch the children at play. Big drops of rain started falling. But the children went on with their game. The big red ball bounced up and down. Suddenly, there was another ball among the children. A brown one. The girls started screaming, and the boys shouted at the top of their voices. A boy bent down to touch the ball, when it suddenly flapped its wings and flew up. Before Mini knew what was happening, the new ball had flown into her balcony and landed on her lap. It took a moment before Mini recovered from her shock. She saw that the thing in her lap was not a ball at all, but a bird it was sitting in her lap, all huddled up in fright. It suddenly started raining heavily.  


Read the passage carefully and tick the correct answers:    


  Although Mini was a spastic but she could_______.

(a) Button up her shirt                                  

(b) Not brush her teeth

(c) Use a spoon to eat                                   

(d) Not walk

(e) None of these  



  The passage intends to make us understand that_________.

(a) People with disabilities can do many things in life

(b) Disable people can do simple activities in life

(c) People who need special care are not capable of doing different activities in life

(d) Some people can learn to do different things although they are disable

(e) None of these  



  The ball that landed on the lap of Mini made her acknowledge that________.

(a) She could not play with other children

(b) It was so happy a moment to play with other children

(c) The ball flapped its wings and flew up

(d) It was not a ball actually but a bird

(e) None of these  



  Mini had a routine activity to________.    

(a) Play with the ball                                      

(b) Go to a special school

(c) Watch the children at play                    

(d) Listen to the screaming of the girls

(e) None of these    


*            Passage - 2

Annie hummed to herself, enjoying the cool breeze. Her daily morning job was always a pleasure. She plucked jasmine flowers from the roof and threaded them. Her mother sold them in the market. But she sold a lot more than those. Her mother bought the rest at the market and threaded them herself. Annie loved helping her mother with the flowers. The jasmine creeper grew outside her bedroom window and climbed up to the terrace from where most of the flowers could be plucked easily. The flowers started whispering as soon as they saw Annie coming towards them with her basket. They were all waiting to be plucked so that they could adorn some girl's head and let others enjoy them before they died. One day, Annie didn't pluck the flowers. The flowers were upset. "If she doesn't pluck us, well die tomorrow without giving anyone any joy, or getting to look around the world," they sighed. A few of them dropped off the branches, because they wanted to fall outside Annie's bedroom window and find out what was wrong.  


Read the passage carefully and tick the correct answers:  


  Anne would pluck flowers and her mother would sell them in the market. They were________.

(a) Florist                                                            

(b) Floristic                         

(c) Botanist                                                        

(d) Horticulturist

(e) None of these  



  How was the jasmine creeper helpful to Annie?

(a) In finding other flowers easily                            

(b) Helping her mother with flowers

(c) It grew outside her bedroom window             

(d) Provided easy way to pluck most of the flowers

(e) None of these  



  The flowers were upset because__________.

(a) Annie did not go to see them in the terrace

(b) The flowers were not plucked by Annie

(c) They wanted to fall outside Annie's bedroom window

(d) Nobody got any joy or got to look around the world

(e) None of these    



  It seem from the passage that flowers always wish to_________.

(a) Be friendly with others                          

(b) Show respect to wards others

(c) Give joy to others                                    

(d) Look around the world

(e) None of these    



*            Passage - 3

Hibernation is one of the main adaptations that allow certain northern animals to survive long, cold winters. Hibernation is like a very deep sleep that allows animals to save their energy when there is little or no food available. The body functions of 'true hibernators' go through several changes while they are hibernating. Body temperature drops, and the heart rate slows. For example, hibernating woodchuck's body temperature drops by more than 30 degrees Celsius, and its heart rate slows from 80 to 4 beats per minute! Other true hibernators include the jumping mouse, little brown bat, eastern chipmunk, and several ground squirrels. Other animals, such as the skunk and raccoon, are not considered true hibernators, as they wake up in the winter to feed, and their body functions do not change as much. Since they only sleep for a little bit at a time, the term 'dormancy' or 'light sleeping' is used to describe their behaviour. The largest animals to hibernate are bears. Their heart rate may slow down from a usual 40-50 beats per minute to 8-12 beats per minute, but their body temperature changes very little, so they are able to wake up quickly. Hibernating animals have a special substance in the blood called hibernation inducement trigger, or HIT. This substance becomes active in the fall, when the days become cooler and shorter. When HIT becomes active, the animals start preparing for winter. Some animals store food so that they can eat when they wake up, and some animals eat a lot in late summer and fall to add excess fat to their bodies. This fat keeps them warmer and acts as a source of energy while they are sleeping. Some animals also make changes to the places where they will sleep (dens). They add leaves and grasses to keep them warm.  


Read the passage carefully and tick the correct answers:  


  The main reason behind hibernation of animal is__________.

(a) To survive long, cold winters                               

(b) To keep themselves from enemies

(c) To go to long deep sleep                       

(d) To save their energy

(e) None of these  



  Changes that occur in the functions of an animal's body when it hibernate_____________.

(a) They can live without food for long time        

(b) Their heart rate slows

(c) There is a rise in their body temperature       

(d) They are able to wake up quickly

(e) None of these        



  Raccoons and skunks not 'true hibernators'_____________.

(a) They remain awake for long period of time  

(b) Their heart beats slowdown from usual 40 to 50 beats

(c) Their body temperature does not change at all

(d) They wake up to feed in the winter

(e) None of these  



  What is the term used to describe the behaviour of raccoons and skunks

(a) Dormancy                                                    

(b) Hibernate                    

(c) Adaptations                                                

(d) HIT

(e) None of these    




Passage - 1
1.                   C 2.                   A 3.                   D 4.                   C


Passage - 2
1.                   A 2.                   D 3.                   B 4.                   C


Passage - 3
1.                   A 2.                   B 3.                   D 4.                   A





*            Passage - 1

  1. (c) The answer can be retained from the third sentence in the first paragraph.
  2. (a) Although directly the answer to the question is not stated in the passage, it could be ascertained from the reading of the passage that a person (here Mini) with disabilities can learn to do many things in life by means of practice.
  3. (d) The sentence 'She saw that the thing in her lap was not a ball at all, but a bird!' hints answer to the question.
  4. (c) The sentence ?It was Mini's routine to watch the children at play' gives answer to the question.     


*            Passage - 2

  1. (a) One who deals in flowers is called a 'florist' hence option (a) is the correct answer.
  2. (d) The sentence in the passage 'The jasmine creeper grew outside her bedroom window and climbed up to the terrace from where most of the flowers could be plucked easily' hints answer to the question.
  3. (b) The lines in the passage 'One day, Annie didn't pluck the flowers. The flowers were upset' refers to the answer to the question.
  4. (c) From the sentence "'lf she doesn't pluck us, we'll die tomorrow without giving anyone any joy, or getting to look around the world," they sighed' we can ascertain the correct answer to the question.  


*            Passage - 3

  1. (a) From the first line of the passage, the answer can be guessed.
  2. (b) The sentences in the paragraph 'The body functions of 'true hibernators' go through several changes while they are hibernating. Body temperature drops, and the heart rate slows' gives correct answer to the question.
  3. (d) In the sentence 'Other animals, such as the skunk and raccoon, are not considered true hibernators, as they wake up in the winter to feed, and their body functions do not change as much' hints correct answer to the question.
  4. (a) The correct option will be 'dormancy' as used in the passage which is also called 'light sleeping'.  


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