10th Class

Current Affairs

Category : 10th Class


Current Affairs


Study the following examples.


·                  Example 1

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:


Part of the computer system of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was hacked into as the world?s most powerful physics experiment got under way. A group calling itself the ?Greek Security Team? hacked into a computer connected to the system last Wednesday A spokesman for Cern, the lab that houses the LHC, said the hackers put up a message on the facility's website. No harm was done but the incident has highlighted the need for security in the LHC's network, the spokesman said. The hackers had targeted the computer network of the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment (CMS), a huge detector that analyses data from the particle accelerator. The LHC is attempting to recreate the conditions just after the Big Bang, in which the universe was created.  With the world watching as the first particles began circulating in the LHC, engineers were searching the hacked computer for possible malicious damage.

The CMS website displayed a page with a mocking message, in Greek, which included the line: ?We are 2600-don't mess with us?. It was not a malicious hack and it was quickly detected... but this sort of thing keeps you on your toes.

As a result of the attack, the CMS webpage, www.cmsmon.cern.ch, can no longer be viewed. Cern spokesman, James Gillies, told the BBC that the compromised computer was not connected to the accelerator itself. ?The computer is used to monitor one of the experiments at the LHC, it has nothing to do with the LHC accelerator itself or any of the control systems,? he said.

?It seems it was not a malicious hack and it was quickly detected and corrected but this sort of thing keeps you on your toes.?

Mr. Gillies said that the LHC had a general access network and a more restricted access network which controls the sensitive systems. Weakness introduced, he said that the experiment involved 10,000 scientists at 500 universities in 80 countries and that keeping on top of the systems? security was ?not trivial task?. ?As far as I understand there was one user somewhere-who wasn?t a hacker-who uploaded something on to this machine and inadvertently introduced a weakness that allowed people to get in,? he said. ?Our IT department is constantly reminding the experimental collaborators of security issues regarding the network and will continue to do so,? he said. ?This may have strengthened their message.?

The number 2600 is often used by the hacking community. It is believed to have originated in the US in the 1960s with the discovery that a tone of 2600Hz played down the line could be used to access restricted parts of the national telephone system.


1.            The hackers targeted the computer network of the:

           (a) BMS                                     (b) CMS

           (c) DMS                                     (d) EMS

(e) None of these


2.            LHC is attempting to recreate the conditions, in which the universe was created just after:

          (a) BIG-BABOOL                        (b) BIG-BAMPEH

          (c) BIG-BANG                            (d) SON-Rise TIME

(e) None of these


3.            The CMS website displayed a message ?Don?t mess with us?we are______.?

          (a) 2800                                   (b) 2600

          (c) 2000                                   (d) 3600

          (e) None of these


4.            In the ?Big Bang? experiment how many scientists, universities and countries are associated?

          (a) 10,000, 500, 80                     (b) 10,000, 500, 800

          (c) 1000, 5000, 80                      (d) 10,000, 500, 80

          (e) None of these


·              Example 2


Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:


Motion sensors similar to those developed for video games like Nintendo Will may help stroke patients relearn simple tasks, researchers say. A UK team is assessing such technology to see if can be used to monitor improvements in upper body movements in patients undergoing physiotherapy. The Oxford University team hopes it will allow patients to see their progress and motivate them to keep exercising. Clinical trials of the equipment are being planned. It is hoped the motion sensors will also help physiotherapists assess the range of movement patients have and help them tailor exercises accordingly. People do have problems with motivation to continue with their exercises, so this is exciting stuff and worth exploring.

Professor Marion Walker: The technology builds on previous work analysing the walking pattern in children affected with cerebral palsy It uses the same motion-sensing technology that records the movements of actors for computer-generated films such as Beowulf. A total of 12 infrared cameras work together to track the movement of reflective markers stuck to a person?s wrist, arm and torso in real time.

Research leader Dr. Penny Probert Smith said it can be hard to motivate patients who have had a stroke but the early days were vital. ?At first we're using a multi-camera system in the lab which will help us look at before and after the exercises and how much they use particular joints. We hope to break down useful movements-anything from handling money to tying shoelaces-into different elements that can be quantified and then assessed against standardised measures based on current clinical tests.?

Telemonitoring: Eventually the researchers want to develop a version of the technology allowing the stroke patient to use it at home and be monitored by the therapist or GP remotely and get feedback on how he is doing. In theory immediately after a stroke a patient would be assessed in the laboratory, but then move to using the home-based system, which they hope to test within a year. This is made possible, in part, by the boom in cheap motion-sensing technology for video game consoles such as Nintendo?s Wii.

Patients commonly get ?physio fatigue? and stop doing their daily exercises because they cannot see the small improvements they are making. Professor Marion Walker, an expert in stroke rehabilitation at the University of Nottingham, agreed it was a ?crucial Problem?. ?Patients respond well to technology but the equipment needs to be low cost and easy to use so it's not just a gimmick.?


1.            Motion sensors are similar to those developed as;

          (a) Video games                          (b) Movies

          (c) Picture songs                          (d) Based on GPS

          (e) None of these


2.            How many infrared cameras work together to track the movements of reflective markers stuck to a persons arm and torso in real time?

          (a) 42                                        (b) 22        

          (c) 12                                        (d) 32

          (e) None of these


3.            Patients respond well to technology but the equipment needs to be:

          (a) Latest                                   (b) Low cost

          (c) High cost                               (d) Easily available

          (e) None of these


4.            Professor Marian Walker, an expert in stroke rehabilitation, agreed it was a ?crucial problem? at the university of:

          (a) California                              (b) Chile

          (c) Nottingham                           (d) Oxford

          (e) None of these





1.    (B)

2.    (C)

3.    (B)

4.    (A)


1.    (A)

2.    (C)

3.    (B)

4.    (C).



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