10th Class

Coordination in Plants

Category : 10th Class

*         Coordination in Plants


Unlike animals, plants do not have nervous system for coordination and control of body activities. They does not have muscles for these activities. But despite all this, the plants responds to the stimulus and coordinates their function. There are infact specialized tissue in the plants for these activities. These specialized tissue is called xylem and phloem. Apart from these, the other substances, which helps in coordination are hormones. The different hormones found in plants are Auxin, gibberellins, cytokinins and abscisic acid. Auxins are founded in the apical meristem of the root tips and shoot tips. When the light falls on the shoot tips the auxin hormones get excited and speeds up the cell division at the shoot tips and leads to the elongation of shoots of the plants.

The second hormone, gibberellins helps in elongation of stem and germination of seeds and flower. The third hormones, cytokinins promotes cell division and helps in breaking dormancy of seeds of the plants. The fourth hormones, abscisic acid inhibits the growth of the plants. It promotes the falling of seeds and fruits form the plants.


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