10th Class

Construction of Squares & Triangles

Category : 10th Class


In such type of problems, squares and equilateral triangles are constructed by joining its segments. There are three ways of asking questions from this chapter:

1.     To choose the only segment of a square.

2.     To choose three figures that are all the segments of a square.

3.     To choose three figures that are all the segments of an equilateral triangle.






1.         Select a figure from the given four options which fits into figure X to form a complete square.


(a)                  (b)

(c)                  (d)


Explanation (b):

We observe that after rotating the figure (b) through, it exactly fits into figure X to form a complete square as shown below:



2.         Select that combination of the parts P, Q, R, S and T, which can form a complete square when they are mutually fitted into each other.

(a) PRT                         (b) QRS

(c) PST                          (d) QRT


Explanation (d):



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