
Good Manners!

Category : Essays

Good manners are important. A man is known by his manners. A bad-mannered person is no better than a beast. People send their children to Hood schools so that they become well-mannered. Good manners win love and respect.

Good manners means that we should be good lo others. We should behave nicely. We should not hurt others by our action or speech. A man is judged by his behaviour. Good manners should be acquired and cultivated.

We should always observe good manners. We should be courteous and polite. We should thank for the service done to us. While talking to others, we should be slow and patient. We should allow others to speak soft. We should see that others do not feel bored with our talk. Never put a finger into nose or ear while talking.

Consideration for old, sick, women and children is important. When travelling we should try to accommodate others. We should help the old, the sick and the blind to cross the road. Plucking flowers in the public park is a bad manner. Avoid talking in a library. When sneezing put your handkerchief on your nose and say "sorry".

If we behave in such a way we can make the world a happier and better place. Good manners create friendship and goodwill. It is a sure path to success and happiness.


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