
Misuse of Science or the Curse of Science

Category : Essays

Introduction. It is true that science has given us the outstands of gifts. It has made our life comfortable. But there is another side of science. It has proved a source of trouble for us. Some of it curses are as under:-

1. Over crowded cities and towns. Science has invented machines. New factories and mills arc set up in cities. The people of villages have given up agriculture. They are running to the cities. Now villages are left backward. Cities are over-crowded.

2. Unemployment and poverty. Science has given us machines. A machine does the work of hundreds of people. So they have driven laborers out of employment. Ultimately unemployment results in poverty.

3. Division of society. A few persons are the owners of factories. The other persons have to work in those factories. The whole profit goes to the mill-owners who are growing richer and richer. The labourers are growing poorer and poorer. The society is divided into two parts- the rich and the poor.

4. Division of world. The world is divided into two camps. One is Communist and other is Capitalist. There is a cold war between these camps.

5. Destructive weapons. The invention of the gun powder is one of the most dangerous inventions of science. Today the rich countries are making destructive weapons. These weapons rain death and

Disaster on public. Explosive bombs, planes, anti-aircraft guns, magnetic mines, rockets and missilies arc being produced. Atom bombs and hydrogen bombs are the most dangerous means of destruction. Atom bomb war will wipe out mankind from the world.

6. Disbelief in God. Science has made man money-minded, selfish and greedy. Gold is his only God. Now he has no faith in God. He cares more for the comforts of the body than the good of soul. Man has lost his humanity.

7. Danger of war. The greatest curse of science is the danger of war. Science has given the most destructive weapons in the hands of man. In the Second World War Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the two big cities of Japan, were destroyed forever in no time. If there is the third world war, our hard earned civilization will come to an end.

Conclusion. Hence we see that science is a great curse to our civilization. In fact, science is not so bad nor the scientists so bad. Only the wrong use of science is bad.


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