
Dowry Is a Curse for Our Society or an Anti Dowry Drive

Category : Essays

Introduction. Dowry custom has been a curse for India. It poses a challenge which seems difficult to meet- It has proved to be the greatest curse for the poor classes of India. The birth of girls is said to be a degree of thousands of rupees for the parents.

Its origin. Originally the parents of the bride would give their daughters, ornaments and other necessary articles of daily use. By and by the rich men gave this system or custom and they began to fill the pockets of the parents of the bridegroom. In due course of time demand for dowry became most essential condition of the marriage settlement.

Dowry is the problem of society at present. Though India has a large number of problems to solve, yet the biggest is the problem of dowry. Dowry has destroyed our economy. Today we fix dowry rates for boys of different categories-doctors, engineers, lecturers, businessmen, executives, etc. Merits of the girl have nothing to do in the settlement of marriage.

Measures to stop dowry system. This growing social evil of dowry attracted the attention of our government. It started a tight against dowry custom. It made Anti-dowry Act in 1961 .But it received no support of the society. The administration also neglected the Act. Hence this Act gave no relief to the poor and middle class people.

This evil custom of dowry gave a death to the society. Our late Prime Minister Mrs. indira Gandhi studied the situation. She asked the young hoys to come forward to fight against this social evil. She her. Sell set an example by marrying her younger son, Shri Sanjay Gandhi to Menaka without any dowry. Her call received a warm welcome.

The work of State Governments. Many States took steps against this evil. They amended the old Anti-dowry Act. They also made new Act. Dowry was restricted to Rs. 3000/ to Rs 5000/. Punjab and Bihar were first to Fight against this demon of dowry. They were followed by other States. People are asked to celebrate the marriages in day lime with simple decoration. Road blocking and fixing shamiyanas on I In public places have been banned.

Work done by the Youth Congress. Youth Congress under the guidance of its President, Miss Ambika Soni, and Shri Sanjay came forward to right this social evil. Both of them made tours from cities to villages. They asked people to fight against the devil of dowry. They held public meetings.

Conclusion. This is the right time when we should help the government to root out dowry from this poor country. The youth should come forward to kill this demon.


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