Current Affairs NEET

  Class Aves   Class Aves.               (i) General Characters             (1) Feather-clad, air-breathing, warm-blooded, oviparous, bipedal flying vertebrates. (2) Limbs are two pairs. Forelimbs are modified as wings for flying. Hind limbs or legs are large, and variously adapted for walking, running scratching, perching, food capturing, swimming or wading, etc.             (3) Exoskeleton is epidermal and horny.             (4) Skin is dry and devoid of glands except the oil or preen gland at the root of tail.             (5) Pectoral muscles of flight are well developed.         (6) Skull smooth and monocondylic, bearing a single occipital condyle. Cranium large and dome-like. Sutures indistinct.             (7) Vertebral column short. Centra of vertebrae heterocoelous (saddle-shaped).             (8) Sternum large, usually with a vertical, mid ventral keel for attachment of large flight muscles.             (9) Ribs double-headed (bicephalous) and bear posteriorly directed uncinate processes.             (10) Both clavicles and single inter clavicle fused to form a V?shaped bone, called furcula wishbone. (11) Heart completely 4?chambered. There are neither sinus venosus or truncus arteriosus. Only right aortic (systemic) arch persists adult. Renal portal system vestigial. Blood corpuscles nucleated.             (12) Birds are the first vertebrates to have was blood. Body temperature is regular (homoiothermous).             (13) Respiration by compact, spongy, distensible lungs continuous with thin air-sacs. (14) Larynx without vocal cords. A sound box or syrinx, producing voice, lies at or near the junction of trachea and bronchi. (15) Kidneys metanephric and 3?lobed. Uterus open more...

  Class 4 Mammalia    Class 4 Mammalia.             (i) General characters             (1) Hair-clad, mostly terrestrial, air-breathing, warm blooded, viviparous, tetrapod vertebrates.             (2) Limbs 2 pairs, pentadactyle, each with 5 or fewer digits. Hind limbs absent in cetaceans and sirenians. (3) Exoskeleton includes lifeless, horny, epidermal hairs, spines, scales, claws, nails, hoofs, horns, bony dermal plates, etc. (4) Skin richly glandular containing sweat, sebaceous (oil) and sometimes scent glands in both the sexes. Females also have mammary glands with teats producing milk for suckling the young. (5) Endoskeleton thoroughly ossified. Skull dicondylic having 2 occipital condyles. Cranium large. A single zygonmatic arch present. Pterygoids msall, scale-like. Otic bones fused into periotic which forms tympanic bulla with tympanic. Each half of lower jaw made of a single bone, the dentary, articulating with squamosal of skull Vertebrae with terminal epiphyses and flat centra (acoelous). Cervical vertebrae usually 7. Ribs bicephalous. Coracoid vestigial. (6) Teeth are of several types (heterodont), borne is sockets (thecodont) and represented by two sets (diphyodont). (7) Respiration always by lungs (pulmonary). Glottis protected by a fleshy and cartilaginous epiglottis. Larynx contains vocal cords.             (8) Heart 4-chambered with double circulation.             (9) Kidneys metanephric. (10) Brain highly evolved. Both cerebrum and cerebellum large and convoluted. Optic lobes small and 4 in number called corpora quadrigemina. Corpus callosum present connecting both cerebral hemispheres. Cranial nerves 12 pairs. (11) Senses well developed. Eyes protected by lids, the upper of which is movable. External ear opening protected by a large fleshy and cartilaginous flap called pinna. Middle ear cavity with 3 ear ossicles?malleus, incus and stapes. Cochlea of internal ear spirally more...

Significant Figures             In the measured value of a physical quantity, the digits about the correctness of which we are surplus the last digit which is doubtful, are called the significant figures. Number of significant figures in a physical quantity depends upon the least count of the instrument used for its measurement. (1) Common rules for counting significant figures : Following are some of the common rules for counting significant figures in a given expression: Rule 1. All non zero digits are significant. Example : \[x=1234\] has four significant figures. Again \[x=189\] has only three significant figures. Rule 2. All zeros occurring between two non zero digits are significant. Example : \[x=1007\] has four significant figures. Again \[x=1.0809\] has five significant figures. Rule 3. In a number less than one, all zeros to the right of decimal point and to the left of a non zero digit are not significant. Example : \[x=0.0084\] has only two significant digits. Again, \[x=1.0084\] has five significant figures. This is on account of rule 2. Rule 4. All zeros on the right of the last non zero digit in the decimal part are significant. Example : \[x=0.00800\] has three significant figures 8, 0, 0. The zeros before 8 are not significant again 1.00 has three significant figures. Rule 5. All zeros on the right of the non zero digit are not significant. Example : \[x=1000\] has only one significant figure. Again \[x=378000\] has three significant figures. Rule 6. All zeros on the right of the last non zero digit become significant, when they come from a measurement. Example : Suppose distance between two stations is measured to be 3050 m. It has four significant figures. The same distance can be expressed as 3.050 km or \[3.050\times {{10}^{5\,}}\,cm\]. In all these expressions, number of significant figures continues to be four. Thus we conclude that change in the units of measurement of a quantity does not change the number of significant figures. By changing the position of the decimal point, the number of significant digits in the results does not change. Larger the number of significant figures obtained in a measurement, greater is the accuracy of the measurement. The reverse is also true. (2) Rounding off : While rounding off measurements, we use the following rules by convention:           Rule 1. If the digit to be dropped is less than 5, then the preceding digit is left unchanged.        Example : \[x=7.82\] is rounded off to 7.8, again \[x=3.94\] is rounded off to 3.9. Rule 2. If the digit to be dropped is more than 5, then the preceding digit is raised by one. Example : x = 6.87 is rounded off to 6.9, again x = 12.78 is rounded off to 12.8. Rule 3. If the digit to be dropped is 5 followed by digits other than zero, then the preceding digit is raised by one. Example : x = 16.351 is rounded off to more...

  Laws of Chemical Combination   Various chemical reactions take place according to the certain laws, known as the Laws of chemical combination. These are as follows, (1) Law of conservation of mass : It was proposed by Lavoisier and verified by Landolt. According to this law, Matter is neither created nor destroyed in the course of chemical reaction though it may change from one form to other.  The total mass of materials after a chemical reaction is same as the total mass before reaction.             Example :  A reaction between \[AgN{{O}_{3}}\] solution and \[KI\] solution.                \[AgN{{O}_{3}}_{(aq)}\,\,+\,\,K{{I}_{(aq)}}\,\,\xrightarrow{{}}\,\,AgI+\,NaN{{O}_{3}}_{(aq)}\] (yellow ppt.)                         Mass of \[AgN{{O}_{3}}_{(aq)}\,\,+\,\,\text{Mass of }K{{I}_{(aq)}}\,\,\,=\,\,\,\text{Mass of the ppt}\text{. of }AgI\,\,+\,\,\text{Mass of }NaN{{O}_{3}}_{(aq)}\]           According to the modified statement of the law, The total sum of mass and energy of the system remains constant.   (2) Law of constant or definite proportion : It was proposed by Proust. According to this law, A pure chemical compound always contains the same elements combined together in the fixed ratio of their weights whatever its methods of preparation may be.             Example :  \[C{{O}_{2}}\] can be formed by either of the following processes:             (i)         By heating \[CaC{{O}_{3}}\]           :  \[Ca\,C{{O}_{3}}\,\,\,\,\xrightarrow{\Delta }\,\,\,\,Ca\,O\,\,+\,\,C{{O}_{2}}\]             (ii)      By heating \[NaHC{{O}_{3}}\] :  \[2\,NaHC{{O}_{3}}\,\,\xrightarrow{\Delta }\,\,N{{a}_{2}}\,C{{O}_{3}}\,+\,{{H}_{2}}O\,\,+\,\,C{{O}_{2}}\]               \[C{{O}_{2}}\] is collected separately as a product of each reaction and the analysis of \[C{{O}_{2}}\] of each collection reveals that it has the combination ratio of carbon and oxygen as 12 : 32 by weight.   (3) Law of multiple proportion : It was proposed by Dalton and verified by Berzelius. According to this law, When two elements A and B combine to form more than one chemical compounds then different weights of A, which combine with a fixed weight of B, are in proportion of simple whole numbers.             Example : Nitrogen forms as many as five stable oxides. The analysis of these oxides \[({{N}_{2}}O,\,NO,\,{{N}_{2}}{{O}_{3}},\,{{N}_{2}}{{O}_{4}}\,\] and \[{{N}_{2}}{{O}_{5}})\] reveals that for 28 gm. nitrogen, the weight of oxygen that combines is in the ratio 16 : 32 : 48 : 64 : 80 i.e., 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 in \[{{N}_{2}}O,\,NO,\,\,{{N}_{2}}{{O}_{3}}\,,\,{{N}_{2}}{{O}_{4}}\] and \[{{N}_{2}}{{O}_{5}}\] respectively.   (4) Law of equivalent proportion or law of reciprocal proportion : It was proposed by Ritcher. According to this law, The weights of the two or more elements which separately react with same weight of a third element are also the weights of these elements which react with each other or in simple multiple of them.                                   Example :  Formation of \[{{H}_{2}}S,\,\,{{H}_{2}}O\] and \[S{{O}_{2}}\] can be done  as follows,              (i) Hydrogen combines with sulphur forming hydrogen sulphide; 2gm. of hydrogen reacts with 32gm of sulphur. (ii) Hydrogen combines oxygen forming water; 2 gm. of hydrogen reacts with 16 gm. of oxygen. (iii) Sulphur combines with more...

 Atomic, Molecular and Equivalent Masses             (1) Atomic Mass : It is the average relative mass of atom of element  as compared with an atom of carbon –12 isotope taken as 12. \[\text{Atomic mass }=\frac{\text{Average mass of an atom}}{\text{1/12}\times \text{ss of an atom of }{{C}^{12}}\,}\]             Average atomic mass : If an elements exists in two isotopes having atomic masses ‘a’ and ‘b’ in the ratio   m : n, then average atomic mass =\[\frac{(m\times a)+(n\times b)}{m+n}.\] Since the atomic mass is a ratio, it has no units and is expressed in amu, 1 amu = \[1.66\times {{10}^{-24}}g\]. One atomic mass unit (amu) is equal to \[\frac{1}{12}th\] of the mass of an atom of carbon-12 isotope.             Gram atomic mass (GAM) : Atomic mass of an element expressed in grams is called Gram atomic mass or gram atom or mole atom.             (i) Number of gram atoms or mole atoms =\[\frac{\text{Mass of an element}}{\text{GAM}}\]             (ii) Mass of an element in gm. = Number of gm. atom \[\times \] GAM             (iii) Number of atoms in 1 GAM = 6.02 \[\times \]\[{{10}^{23}}\]                         \[\therefore \,\,\,\,\]Number of atoms in a given substance = No. of GAM \[\times \]6.02 \[\times \]\[{{10}^{23}}\] = \[\frac{\text{Mass }}{\text{GAM}}\,\]\[\times \]6.02 \[\times \]\[{{10}^{23}}\]             (iv) Number of atoms in 1 gm of element = \[\frac{6.02\,\times \,{{10}^{23}}}{\text{Atomic mass}}\]             (v) Mass of one atom of the element (in gm.) = \[\frac{\text{GAM}}{\text{6}\text{.02}\,\,\times \,\text{1}{{\text{0}}^{\text{23}}}}\]             Methods of determination of atomic mass             (i)         Dulong and Pettit's method : According to Dulong and Pettit's law                         Atomic mass \[\times \]Specific heat = 6.4 (approx.)                         Atomic mass (approx. )  = \[\frac{6.4}{\text{Specific heat (in cals}\text{.)}}\]                         This law is applicable to solid elements only except Be, B, C and Si.                         Atomic mass = Equivalent mass \[\times \]Valency                                     \[\text{Valency }=\frac{\text{Approximate atomic mass}}{\text{Equivalent mass}}\]             (ii) Vapour density method : It is suitable for elements whose chlorides are volatile.                         Valency of the element =\[\frac{\text{Molecular mass of chloride}}{\text{Equivalent mass of chloride}}\]=\[\frac{2\,\times \,\text{Vapour density of chloride}}{\text{Equivalent mass of metal }+\text{ 35}\text{.5}}\]                         Atomic mass = Equivalent mass of metal \[\times \]Valency             (iii) Specific heat method : It is suitable only for gases. The two types of specific heats of gases are CP (at constant pressure) and \[{{C}_{v}}\] (at constant volume). Their ratio is known as g whose value is constant (1.66 for monoatomic, 1.40 for diatomic and 1.33 for triatomic gases).                         \[\text{Atomic mass of a gaseous element }=\frac{\text{Molecular mass}}{\text{Atomaticity}}\]             (iv) Volatile chloride method : Different steps are given below             Step I. The element (M) whose atomic mass is to be determined is converted into its volatile chloride whose vapour density is determined by Victor Meyer method.                             Thus, Molecular mass of the chloride = 2 ´ V. D.               Step II. Equivalent mass of the element (M) of valency X is determined as usual.                         Atomic mass of the element = Equivalent mass of the element \[\times more...

  The Mole Concept   The mole (abbreviated as mol) is the SI base unit for a amount of a chemical species. It is always associated with a chemical formula and refers to Avogadro’s number (\[6.022\times {{10}^{23}}\]) of particles represented by the formula. It is designated as \[{{N}_{0}}\]. Thus, 12 molecules of \[HCl\] is a dozen, 144 molecules of \[HCl\] is a gross and \[6.022\times {{10}^{23}}\] molecules of \[HCl\] is a mole.                      1 mole of a substance = \[6.022\times {{10}^{23}}\] species             The molar mass of a substance is the mass in grams of 1 mole of that substance. \[\text{Mole of a substance }=\frac{\text{mass in grams}}{\text{molar mass}}\]             Under STP conditions when temperature is 273K and pressure is 1 atm, volume of one mole of an ideal gas is 22.4L                 Example: 7       The number of gram molecules of oxygen in \[6.02\times {{10}^{24}}CO\] molecules is       [IIT 1990] (a) 10 gm molecules        (b) 5 gm molecules          (c) 1 gm molecules          (d) 0.5 gm molecules  Solution: (b)     \[6.02\times {{10}^{23}}\] molecules = 1 mole of \[CO\]                                      \[\therefore \] \[6.02\times {{10}^{24}}\] CO molecules = 10 moles of CO                                     = 10 gms of Oxygen atom =5 gm molecules of \[{{O}_{2}}\]  Example: 8          1 c.c of \[{{N}_{2}}O\] at NTP contains :         [CBSE PMT 1988] (a) \[\frac{1.8}{224}\times {{10}^{22}}\] atoms (b) \[\frac{6.02}{22400}\times {{10}^{23}}\] molecules (c) \[\frac{1.32}{224}\times {{10}^{23}}\] electrons (d) All the above  Solution: (d)     22400 c.c. = \[6.02\times {{10}^{23}}\] molecules                                     1 c.c. of \[{{N}_{2}}O=\frac{6.02\times {{10}^{23}}}{22400}\] molecules                                     \[=\frac{3\times 6.02\times {{10}^{23}}}{22400}\] atoms (Since \[{{N}_{2}}O\] has three atoms)                                     \[=\frac{6.02\times {{10}^{23}}}{22400}\times 22\] electron  (Because number of electrons in \[{{N}_{2}}O\] are 22)  Example: 9       The mass of carbon present in 0.5 mole of \[{{K}_{4}}[Fe{{(CN)}_{6}}]\] is  (a) \[1.8\ g\]       (b) \[18\ g\]        (c) \[3.6\ g\]        (d) \[36\ g\] Solution: (d)     1 mole of \[{{K}_{4}}[Fe{{(CN)}_{6}}]\]=\[6\ gm\] atoms of carbon                                     \[0.5\] mole of \[{{K}_{4}}[Fe{{(CN)}_{6}}]\]\[=\ 3\ gm\] atoms of carbon                                     \[=3\times 12=36\ g\] Example: 10     The number of moles of oxygen in one litre of air containing 21% oxygen by volume under standard conditions is  [CBSE PMT 1995] (a) 0.186 mole                (b) 0.21 mole     (c) 0.0093 mole              (d) 2.10 mole Solution: (c)     \[\because \] 100 ml of air at STP contains 21 ml of \[{{O}_{2.}}\] \[\therefore \] 1000 ml of air at STP contains 210 ml of \[{{O}_{2.}}\] \[\therefore \] No. of moles of \[{{O}_{2}}\] = \[\frac{\text{Vol}\text{. of }{{O}_{2}}\,\text{in litres under}\,\text{ STP conditions }}{22.4\,\text{litre}}\] =\[\frac{210/1000}{22.4}\,=\,\frac{21}{2240}\] =  0.0093 mole  Example: 11     The number of moles of \[BaC{{O}_{3}}\,\]which contains 1.5 moles of oxygen atoms is [EAMCET 1991] (a) 0.5               (b) 1      (c) 3      (d) 6.02 \[\times \]1023 Solution: (a)                 \[\because \] 1 mole of \[BaC{{O}_{3}}\]contains 3 moles of more...

  Percentage Composition and Molecular Formula   (1) Percentage composition of a compound : Percentage composition of the compound is the relative mass of each of the constituent element in 100 parts of it. If the molecular mass of a compound is M and B is the mass of an element in the molecule, then                         \[\text{Percentage of element }=\frac{\text{Mass of element }}{\text{Molecular mass}}\times 100=\frac{X}{M}\times 100\]              (2) Empirical formula : The chemical formula that gives the simplest whole number ratio between the atoms of various elements present in one molecule of the compound is known as empirical formula (simplest formula).             For example, the empirical formula of glucose is \[C{{H}_{2\,}}O\]which shows that C, H and O are present in the ratio 1 : 2 : 1 in a molecule of glucose.             Empirical formula mass of a compound is equal to the sum of atomic masses of all atoms present in the empirical formula of the compound.             Calculation of the empirical formula : The empirical formula of a chemical compound can be deduced by knowledge of the, (i) Percentage composition of different elements.  (ii) Atomic masses of the elements. The following steps are involved in the calculation of the empirical formula,             Step I.   Calculate the relative number of atoms or atomic ratio.                         \[\text{Atomic ratio}=\frac{\text{Percentage of an element}}{\text{Atomic mass of the same element}}\]             Step II.  Calculate the simplest atomic ratio.             Step III. Calculate the simple whole number ratio.             Step IV. Write the empirical formula.             (3) Molecular formula : The chemical formula that gives the actual number of atoms of various elements present in one molecule of the compound. For example, the molecular formula of glucose is \[{{C}_{6}}{{H}_{12}}{{O}_{6}}\].             Relation between empirical and molecular formula : The molecular formula of a compound is a simple whole number multiple of its empirical formula.                         Molecular formula =\[n\,\,\times \,\text{Empirical  formula}\];      Where n is any integer such as 1, 2, 3….etc.                         The value of ‘n’ can be obtained from the following relation: \[n=\frac{\text{Molecular mass}}{\text{Empirical formula mass}}\].             The molecular mass of a volatile compound can be determined by Victor Meyer’s method or by employing the relation, \[\text{Molecular  mass}=\text{ 2}\times \text{Vapour  density}\].                         Calculation of the molecular formula : The molecular formula of a compound can be deduced from its :             (i) Empirical formula,   (ii) Molecular mass             The determination of molecular formula involves the following steps: Setp I.   Calculation of empirical formula from the percentage composition. Setp II.  Calculation of empirical formula mass. Setp III. Calculation of the value of ‘n’. Setp IV. Calculation of molecular formula by multiplying the empirical formula of the compound by ‘n’.   Examples bad on Percentage composition & Molecular formula   Example:12      The oxide of a metal contains 40% by mass of oxygen. The percentage of chlorine in the chloride of the metal is   [BIT Ranchi 1997]             (a) 84.7             (b) 74.7             (c) 64.7             (d) 44.7 Solution: (b)     % more...

  Chemical Stoichiometry             Calculation based on chemical equations is known as chemical stoichiometry. Stoichiometry can be broadly classified into two groups: (1) Gravimetric analysis (Stoichiometry-I), (2) Volumetric analysis (Stoichiometry-II)             (1) Gravimetric analysis (Stoichiometry-I) : With the help of chemical equation, we can calculate the weights of various substances reacting and weight of substances formed. For example,                                                             \[MgC{{O}_{3}}\xrightarrow{{}}MgO+C{{O}_{2}}\uparrow \]             This equation implies :             (i) 1 mol of \[MgC{{O}_{3}}\] gives 1 mol of \[MgO\] and 1 mol of \[C{{O}_{2}}\].             (ii) 84 g of \[MgC{{O}_{3}}\] (Mol. wt. of \[MgC{{O}_{3}}\]) gives 40 g of \[MgO\] and 44 g of \[C{{O}_{2}}\].             Hence, chemical equation provide us information regarding :             (i) Molar ratio of reactants and products.             (ii) Mass ratio between reactants and products.             (iii) Volume ratio between gaseous reactant and products.             The calculation based upon chemical equation (Stoichiometry–I) are based upon three types namely :             (a) Mass-mass relationship (b) Mass-volume relationship (c) Volume-volume relationship             (2) Volumetric analysis (Stoichiometry-II) : It is a method which involves quantitative determination of the amount of any substance present in a solution through volume measurements. For the analysis a standard solution is required. (A solution which contains a known weight of the solute present in known volume of the solution is known as standard solution.)             To determine the strength of unknown solution with the help of known (standard) solution is known as titration. Different types of titrations are possible which are summerised as follows :             (i) Redox titrations : To determine the strength of oxidising agents or reducing agents by titration with the help of standard solution of reducing agents or oxidising agents.             Examples:                         \[\begin{align}   & \underline{\begin{align}   & \underline{\begin{align}   & \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,{{K}_{2}}C{{r}_{2}}{{O}_{7}}+4{{H}_{2}}S{{O}_{4}}\to {{K}_{2}}S{{O}_{4}}+C{{r}_{2}}{{(S{{O}_{4}})}_{3}}+4{{H}_{2}}O+3[O] \\  & \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,[2FeS{{O}_{4}}+{{H}_{2}}S{{O}_{4}}+O\to F{{e}_{2}}{{(S{{O}_{4}})}_{3}}+{{H}_{2}}O]\times 3\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \\ \end{align}} \\  & \,\,6FeS{{O}_{4}}+{{K}_{2}}C{{r}_{2}}{{O}_{7}}+7{{H}_{2}}S{{O}_{4}}\to 3Fe{{(S{{O}_{4}})}_{3}}+{{K}_{2}}S{{O}_{4}}+C{{r}_{2}}{{(S{{O}_{4}})}_{3}}7{{H}_{2}}O \\  & \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,2KMn{{O}_{4}}+3{{H}_{2}}S{{O}_{4}}\to {{K}_{2}}S{{O}_{4}}+2MnS{{O}_{4}}+3{{H}_{2}}O+5[O] \\  & \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,[2FeS{{O}_{4}}+{{H}_{2}}S{{O}_{4}}+O\to F{{e}_{2}}{{(S{{O}_{4}})}_{3}}+{{H}_{2}}O]\times 5\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \\ \end{align}} \\  & 10FeS{{O}_{4}}+2KMn{{O}_{4}}+8{{H}_{2}}S{{O}_{4}}\to 5F{{e}_{2}}{{(S{{O}_{4}})}_{3}}+{{K}_{2}}S{{O}_{4}}+2MnS{{O}_{4}}+8{{H}_{2}}O \\ \end{align}\]             Similarly with \[{{H}_{2}}{{C}_{2}}{{O}_{4}}\]             \[2KMn{{O}_{4}}+3{{H}_{2}}S{{O}_{4}}+5{{H}_{2}}{{C}_{2}}{{O}_{4}}\to {{K}_{2}}S{{O}_{4}}+2MnS{{O}_{4}}+8{{H}_{2}}O+10C{{O}_{2}}\] etc.             (ii) Acid-base titrations : To determine the strength of acid or base with the help of standard solution of base or acid.             Example:  \[NaOH+HCl\to NaCl+{{H}_{2}}O\] and \[NaOH+C{{H}_{3}}COOH\to C{{H}_{3}}COONa+{{H}_{2}}O\] etc.             (iii) Iodiometric titrations : To determine the reducing agents with the help of standard iodine solution is known as iodiometry.             For example: \[\underset{\text{Reducing agent}}{\mathop{A{{s}_{2}}{{O}_{3}}}}\,+2{{I}_{2}}+2{{H}_{2}}O\to A{{s}_{2}}{{O}_{3}}+4HI\]                                                        \[N{{a}_{2}}{{S}_{2}}{{O}_{3}}+{{I}_{2}}\to N{{a}_{2}}{{S}_{4}}{{O}_{6}}+2NaI\]             (iv) Iodometric titrations : To determine the oxidising agent indirectly by titration of liberated \[{{I}_{2}}\] with the help of standard hypo solution is known as iodometric titrations.             Examples: Oxidising agents such as \[KMn{{O}_{4}},\,{{K}_{2}}C{{r}_{2}}{{O}_{7}},\,CuS{{O}_{4}}\], ferric salts, etc. are reduced quantitatively when treated with large excess of KI in acidic or neutral medium and liberate equivalent amount of \[{{I}_{2}}\].                                                 \[2CuS{{O}_{4}}+4KI\to C{{u}_{2}}{{I}_{2}}+2{{K}_{2}}S{{O}_{4}}+{{I}_{2}}\]                         \[K{{r}_{2}}C{{r}_{2}}{{O}_{7}}+7{{H}_{2}}S{{O}_{4}}+6KI\to C{{r}_{2}}{{(S{{O}_{4}})}_{3}}+4{{K}_{2}}S{{O}_{4}}+7{{H}_{2}}O+3{{I}_{2}}\]             This \[{{I}_{2}}\] is estimated with hypo                         \[{{I}_{2}}+2N{{a}_{2}}{{S}_{2}}{{O}_{3}}\to N{{a}_{2}}{{S}_{4}}{{O}_{6}}+2NaI\]             (v) Precipitation titrations : To determine the anions like \[C{{N}^{-}},\ AsO_{3}^{3-},\ PO_{4}^{3-},\ {{X}^{-}}\] etc, by precipitating with \[AgN{{O}_{3}}\] provides examples of more...

Critical Thinking               In many situations, an excess of one or more substance is available for chemical reaction. Some of these excess substances will therefore be left over when the reaction is complete; the reaction stops immediately as soon as one of the reactant is totally consumed.             The substance that is totally consumed in a reaction is called limiting reagent because it determines or limits the amount of product. The other reactant present in excess are called as excess reagents.             Let us consider a chemical reaction which is initiated by passing a spark through a reaction vessel containing 10 mole of H2 and 7 mole of O2.                                                             \[2\underset{{}}{\mathop{\,{{H}_{2}}\,}}\,(g)\,\,+\,\,\underset{{}}{\mathop{{{O}_{2}}\,}}\,(g)\,\xrightarrow{{}}\,\,2\,\,\underset{{}}{\mathop{{{H}_{2}}O}}\,\,(v)\]             Moles before reaction            10             7         0             Moles after reaction               0               2                 10             The reaction stops only after consumption of 5 moles of O2 as no further amount of H2 is left to react with unreacted O2. Thus H2 is a limiting reagent in this reaction   Examples based on Stoichiometry and Limiting reagent   Example: 17     When a solution containing 4.77 gm. of NaCl is added to a solution of 5.77 gm. of AgNO3, the weight of precipitated AgCl is                              [IIT 1978]             (a) 11.70 gm.     (b) 9.70 gm.       (c) 4.86 gm.       (d) 2.86 gm. Solution: (c)         \[\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,AgN{{O}_{3}}\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,+\,\,\,\,\,\,NaCl\,\,\xrightarrow{{}}\,\,AgCl\,\,\,\,\,\,\,+\,\,\,\,\,\,NaN{{O}_{3}}\]                                                             Moles before mixing  \[\frac{5.77}{108\,+\,14\,+\,48}\]        \[\frac{4.77}{58.5}\]                            0                      0                                                                                                                           = 0.0339               = 0.0815    (Here \[AgN{{O}_{3}}\]is limiting reactant, thus)                                                             Moles after mixing                       0        0.0815 ? 0.0339                  0.0339            0.0339                                                                                                                                                                        = 0.0476                                                                                     \[\therefore \]      Moles of \[AgCl\] formed  =   0.0339                                                                                     \[\therefore \]      Mass of \[AgCl\] formed   = \[\text{Mol}\text{. mass}\,\,\times \,\,\text{No}\text{. of moles}\]   = \[143.5\times 0.0339\]  = \[4.864\,gm.\]   Example: 18     The volume of oxygen at STP required to completely burn 30 ml of acetylene at STP is [Orissa JEE 1997]             (a) 100 ml          (b) 75 ml           (c) 50 ml            (d) 25 ml Solution: (b)     The balanced chemical equation for the reaction can be written as:                                                                                                 \[\underset{{}}{\mathop{{{C}_{2}}\,{{H}_{2}}}}\,\,\,+\,\,\,\,5/2\,\,{{O}_{2}}\,\xrightarrow{{}}\,2\,C{{O}_{2}}\,+\,{{H}_{2}}O\]                                                                                                             \[1\,Vol.\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,5/2\,Vol.\]                                                                                                             \[1\,ml\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,5/2\,ml\]                                                                                                             \[30\,ml\,\,\,\,\,\,30\,\times \,\,5/2\,=\,75\,ml\]                                      Hence, volume of the oxygen at STP required to burn 30 ml of acetylene at STP = 75 ml.   Example: 19     What is the volume (in litres) of oxygen at STP required for complete combustion of 32 g of\[C{{H}_{4}}\] [EAMCET 2001] (a) 44.8             (b) 89.6             (c) 22.4             (d) 179.2 Solution: more...

Arthritis and Cancer   (1) Arthritis             (a) Arthritis is any inflammatory condition of the joints characterised by pain and swelling.             (b) Two kinds of arthritis are : rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.             (c) There is no cure for arthritis; drugs are available which relieve pain.             (d) Rheumatoid arthritis is characterised by inflammation of the synovial membrane.             (e) A kind of rheumatoid arthritis that occurs in younger people is Still?s disease. (f) Osteoarthritis is a disease common among the elderly persons resulting from erosion of articular cartilage.             (g) Paraplegia refer to weakness or paralysis of both legs, often accompanied by loss of sensation. (h) Paraplegia is usually caused by a motor vehicle accident, sports accident, fall or gunshot wounds.   (2) Cancer: Cancer is an abnormal and uncontrolled division of cells, known as cancer cells, that invade and destroy the surrounding tissues. Generally Cancer is defined as uncontrolled proliferation of cells without any differentiation. Cancer cells are different from normal cells in some aspects. They do not remain confined to one part of the body. They penetrate and infiltrate into the adjoining tissues and dislocate their functions. Some of the cancer cells get detached from the main site of origin and travel by blood and lymph to sites distant from the original tumour and form fresh colonies, called metastasis or secondary growth.   Neoplasms or Tumours : A neoplasm (new growth) is a mass of tissue that grows in excess of normal in an uncordinated manner and continues to grow after the initial stimulus has ceased. Tumours are classified as benign or malignant.   Oncology: (G. onkos ? mass, tumour; logos ? study of) is the field of biomedicine devoted to the study and treatment of tumours. (a) Types of Tumours : There are two types of tumours : benign and malignant. (1) Benign Tumour ? (=Nonmalignant Tumour) : It remains confined to the site of its origin and does not spread to  other parts of the body. It causes limited damage to the body. It is non-cancerous. (2) Malignant Tumour (= Cancerous Tumour) : It first grows slowly. No symptoms are noticed. This stage is called the latent stage. The tumor later grows quickly. The cancer cells go beyond adjacent tissue and enter the blood and lymph. Once this happens, they migrate to many other sites in the body where the cancer cells continue to divide. It is metastasis. Only malignant tumours are properly designated as cancer.   Differences between Benign Tumour and Malignant Tumour  
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