Current Affairs Nature

Koala, a small mammal, sleeps for 22 hours a day.

The world's tallest horse ever was the shire gelding Sampson of UK, foaled in 1846. It measured 2.19m. The tallest living horse is Lyrical Bend, born in 1994, measuring 1.94 m, in USA.

The pencil lead snake measures 10mm at the most, small enough to crawl through the hole as small as the lead of a pencil, hence the name.

Octopus at birth, measures only 3 mm, and can grow to a length of between 1 to 1.3m. It weighs about 3 kg on an average but, some larger examples can weigh up to 10 kg. It lays between 1 to 5 lakh eggs. It can open its 8 tentacles up to 2-3 m wide. 

Ostrich's legs are so powerful that one kick can kill a man. It is the 3nly bird, having two toes, and can grow to 3 height of 2.5 m.

Peregrine falcon is the world's fastest bird, has a superb eyesight and can spot a pigeon 8 km away.

Woodpecker has a capability of striking trees with its beaks for 20 times in just a second.

Andean condor is the biggest bird of prey and can weigh 11 kg or more.

Bald eagle, the national bird of USA, can make its nest measuring 2.9 m wide and 6 m deep.

There are about 40,000 types of trees in the world, of which about 700 are conifers (cone bearing trees, with thin leaves).

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