Current Affairs Nature

A rattlesnake or viper is sensitive to infrared, radiant heat, and can locate people even in dark by the heat they generate.

Phoenix was a mythical bird and it is believed that it burns itself to death and is reborn from its own ashes.

The marlin, a large food and game fish found in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, can reach the speed of 80 KMPH. It weighs 680 kg and can be 4.5 m long on an average. 

The African bush elephant is the largest animal on the land. The largest ever recorded is nearly 4m high and weighed about 12 tonnes.

The plover a small bird, lives on a crocodile body, even struts into its mouth to perform its valuable service of picking leeches from its gums and cleaning its teeth. The crocodile seems so grateful to the tiny plover that it never harms the do-gooder.

Blood is the only food for vampire bats, which consume 26 litres of blood a year, which is the total blood supply    of 5 human beings.

In the deserts of south – West Africa grows the welwitschia, a plant which can live for 2,000 years. It has only two ribbon-like leaves which grow and extend along the ground up to a distance of 3m.

Sponges were believed to be plants for a long time. But they are animals with at least 5,000 different species.

The gestation period for rhinoceros and giraffe is 520 days and 460 days respectively. And for the whale and walrus, it is 520 days and 480 days.

The breadfruit tree, which grows in Central Asia, produces the largest fruit in the world. Each one weighs up to 30 kg.

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