Current Affairs Nature

Giraffe's tongue is about 21 inches long and the animal uses it to lick its ear clean.

The monkey has two brains: one controls its body and the other its tail.

Some animals such as rhinoceros use their excretions to mark their territory.

The nostrils and ear holes are closed when the seal is diving. It must surface every few minutes to breathe when under water. When asleep in water, the seal slowly rises to the surface, still fast asleep, breathes and slowly sinks again.

A cat's eyes glow at night, because it has a layer of cells in the inner eye that reflect light.

Dolphins never fully sleep as the two halves of their brain shut down alternately.

The gorilla weighs at least three or four times as much as a human being, but the human brain is at least 10 times larger than the Gorilla's.

The taipan is a large, poisonous snake from Australia that grows up to 3 m.

Pandas may eat up to 15 kg of bamboo (which has low nutritional value) leaves and stems in a single day. 

The black-necked cobra, which lives mostly in Africa, spits its venom into the eyes of its victim to cause blindness. 

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