Current Affairs Nature

The water opossum is the only marsupial that lives in water. It is found around lakes and streams in South America. It hides in a burrow during the day and dives into river at night to find fish. 

The longest mammal migration that takes place in the oceans is that of the blue whales which travel up to 20,000 km each year.

Giraffe is the tallest animal in the world. The body of an adult male, excluding the long neck can reach a height up to 6 m.

The female anglerfish can have as many as tiny parasitic males sticking to her sides. The males will spend their whole lives with the same female.

At any given time, there are at least 12 billion chickens, 1.3 billion cows and the combined number of sheep and goats together are about 2 billion.

A porcupine is a large rodent whose body is covered by long quills that become erect to defend it from predators. It can kill even a grown up lion.

Dinosaurs of the type Edmantonsaur, had nearly 1,000 teeth to chew leaves. The type Heredontosaur had three types of teeth.

Horses can be trained to respond to the delicate touch of a rider.

Snail is well-known for being the slowest, travels up to 10m a day on a level surface.

Only 108 mm long, the thread snake is the world's shortest species of snake.

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