Current Affairs Nature

An elephant eats up to 150 kg of food and also drinks 180 litres of water a day. When a baby elephant dies, its mother carries its body around for many days. 

Because of its wide distribution across North and South America, the mammal with the highest number of different names is puma. In English alone, it has over 40, including cougar, mountain lion, red tiger, catamount and Florida panther etc.

The Estuarine-crocodile often swims far out in the Indian Ocean and measures, up to 7 m long. It is the biggest of all the crocodiles.

Lungfish is a freshwater fish found in Australia, Africa and America. It buries itself in the mud when the river or lake dries up. It breathes through a small breathing tube, which connects the mud hole with the outer air. With most of its body system inactive, it can survive this way till the rains come, for up to four years.

The highest jumping animals are pumas and leopards, which can jump over 5 m.

Archer-fish is a champion of shooting at a target. It shoots a jet of water from its mouth and catches insects up to a distance of 1.5m.

The harpy eagle is the World's largest eagle about 90 cm long, having huge feet and long sharp claws. It feeds on rain forest animals, such as monkeys and sloths.

The Irish wolfhound is the tallest dog, with a height of 110 cm. St. Bernard is the heaviest, weighing up to 90 kg, and the miniature Yorkshire terrier weighing less than 500gm, is the smallest dog.

The deepest plant root which belongs to a fig tree grows in South Africa. It has roots down to more than 120m within the earth.

The basilisk lizard, also called as Jesus Christ lizards, found in tropical America, are able to run bi-pedalling across the surface of water. They have crests on their head back and tail.

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