Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

All substances do not conduct electrical current. The substances, which allow the passage of electric current, are called conductors. The best metal conductors are such as copper, silver, tin, etc. On the other hand, the substances, which do not allow the passage of electric current through them, are called non-conductors or insulators. Some common examples of insulators are rubber, wood, wax, etc.   The conductors are broadly classified into two types, Metallic and electrolytic conductors.
Metallic conduction Electrolytic conduction
(i) It is due to the flow of electrons.  (i) It is due to the flow of ions.
(ii) It is not accompanied by decomposition of the substance.(Only physical changes occurs) (ii) It is accompanied by decomposition of the substance. (Physical as well as chemical change occur)
(iii) It does not involve transfer of matter. (iii) It involves transfer of matter in the form of ions.
(iv) Conductivity decreases with increase in temperature. (iv) Conductivity increases with increases in temperature and degree of hydration due to decreases in viscosity of medium. 
The electrolyte may, therefore, be defined as the substance whose aqueous solution or fused state conduct electricity accompanied by chemical decomposition. The conduction of current through electrolyte is due to the movement of ions. On the contrary, substances, which in the form of their solutions or in their molten state do not conduct electricity, are called non-electrolytes.

The laws, which govern the deposition of substances (In the form of ions) on electrodes during the process of electrolysis, is called Faraday's laws of electrolysis. These laws given by Michael Faraday in 1833. (1) Faraday's first law : It states that, “The mass of any substance deposited or liberated at any electrode is directly proportional to the quantity of electricity passed.”i.e., \[W\propto Q\]      Where, W = Mass of ions liberated in gm, \[Q\,=\] Quantity of electricity passed in Coulombs     = Current in Amperes (I) × Time in second (t) \[\therefore \] \[W\propto I\times t\,\,\text{or}\,\,\text{W}=\text{Z}\times \text{I}\times \text{t}\] In case current efficiency \[(\eta )\]is given, then \[W=Z\times I\times t\times \frac{\eta }{100}\] where, \[Z=\]constant, known as electrochemical equivalent (ECE) of the ion deposited. When a current of 1 Ampere is passed for 1 second (i.e.,\[Q=1\]), then, \[W=Z\] Thus, electrochemical equivalent (ECE) may be defined as “the mass of the ion deposited by passing a current of one Ampere for one second (i.e., by passing Coulomb of electricity)”. It's unit is gram per coulomb.  Coulomb is the  unit of electrical charge. 96500 Coulombs \[=6.023\times {{10}^{23}}\] electrons = 1 mole electrons. 1 Coulomb \[=\frac{6.023\times {{10}^{23}}}{96500}=6.28\times {{10}^{18}}\] electrons,  or  1 electronic charge \[=1.6\times {{10}^{-19}}\] Coulomb.   (2) Faraday's second law : It states that, “When the same quantity of electricity is passed through different electrolytes, the masses of different ions liberated at the electrodes are directly proportional to their chemical equivalents (Equivalent weights).” i.e., \[\frac{{{W}_{1}}}{{{W}_{2}}}=\frac{{{E}_{1}}}{{{E}_{2}}}\]  or \[\frac{{{Z}_{1}}It}{{{Z}_{2}}It}=\frac{{{E}_{1}}}{{{E}_{2}}}\]or  \[\frac{{{Z}_{1}}}{{{Z}_{2}}}=\frac{{{E}_{1}}}{{{E}_{2}}}\]            \[(\because \,\,W=ZIt)\] Thus the electrochemical equivalent (Z) of an element is directly proportional to its equivalent weight (E), i.e., \[E\propto Z\,\,\text{or}\,\,E=FZ\,\,\text{or}\,\,E=96500\times Z\] where, \[F=\]Faraday constant\[=96500\,C\,mo{{l}^{-1}}\] So, 1 Faraday = 1F =Electrical charge carried out by one mole of electrons. 1F = Charge on an electron × Avogadro's number. 1F = \[{{e}^{-}}\times N=(1.602\times {{10}^{-19}}c)\times (6.023\times {{10}^{23}}mo{{l}^{-1}}).\] Number of Faraday \[=\frac{\text{Number of electrons passed}}{\text{6}\text{.023}\times \text{1}{{\text{0}}^{\text{23}}}}\] (3) Faraday's law for gaseous electrolytic product   For the gases, we use \[V=\frac{It\,{{V}_{e}}}{96500}\] where, \[V=\]Volume of gas evolved at S.T.P. at an electrode \[{{V}_{e}}=\]Equivalent volume = Volume of gas evolved at an electrode at S.T.P. by 1 Faraday charge (4) Quantitative aspects of electrolysis : We know that, one Faraday (1F) of electricity is equal to the charge carried by one mole \[(6.023\times {{10}^{23}})\] of electrons. So, in any reaction, if one mole of electrons are involved, then that reaction would consume or produce 1F of electricity. Since 1F is equal to 96,500 Coulombs, hence 96,500 Coulombs of electricity would cause a reaction involving one mole of electrons. If in any reaction, n moles of electrons are involved, then the total electricity \[(Q)\] involved in the reaction is given by,  \[Q=nF=n\times 96,500\,C\]                             Thus, the amount of electricity involved in any reaction is related to, (i) The number of moles of electrons involved in the reaction, (ii) The amount of any substance involved in the reaction. Therefore, 1 Faraday or 96,500 C or 1 mole of electrons will reduce,    (a) 1 mole of monovalent cation,(b) 1/2mole of divalent  cation,    (c) more...

(1) Definition : “The substances whose aqueous solution undergo decomposition into ions when electric current is passed through them are known as electrolytes and the whole process is known as electrolysis or electrolytic decomposition.” Solutions of acids, bases, salts in water and fused salts etc. are the examples of electrolytes. Electrolytes may be weak or strong.  Solutions of cane sugar, glycerine, alcohol etc., are examples of non-electrolytes. (2) Electrolytic cell or Voltameter : The device in which the process of electrolysis or electrolytic decomposition is carried out is known as electrolytic cell or voltameter. (i) Voltameter convert electrical energy into chemical energy. (ii) The electrode on which oxidation takes place is called anode (or +ve pole) and the electrode on which reduction takes place is called cathode (or –ve pole) (iii) During electrolysis in voltameter cations are discharged on cathode and anions on anode. (iv) In voltameter, outside the electrolyte electrons flow from anode to cathode and current flow from cathode to anode.   For voltameter, \[{{\text{E}}_{\text{cell}}}=-\text{ve}\] and \[\Delta \text{G}=+\text{ve}\text{.}\] (v) The anions on reaching the anode give up their electrons and converted into the neutral atoms. At anode : \[{{\text{A}}^{\text{--}}}\xrightarrow{\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,}\text{A}+{{e}^{-}}\] (Oxidation) (vi) On the other hand cations on reaching the cathode take up electrons supplied by battery and converted to the neutral atoms. At cathode : \[{{\text{B}}^{+}}+{{e}^{-}}\xrightarrow{\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,}\text{B}\] (Reduction) This overall change is known as primary change and products formed is known as primary products. The primary products may be collected as such or they undergo further change to form molecules or compounds. These are called secondary products and the change is known as secondary change. (3) Preferential discharge theory : According to this theory “If more than one type of ion is attracted towards a particular electrode, then the ion is discharged one which requires least energy or ions with lower discharge potential or which occur low in the electrochemical series”. The potential at which the ion is discharged or deposited on the appropriate electrode is termed the discharge or deposition potential, (D.P.). The values of discharge potential are different for different ions. The decreasing order of discharge potential or the increasing order of deposition of some of the ions is given below, For cations :  \[L{{i}^{+}},{{K}^{+}},N{{a}^{+}},C{{a}^{2+}},M{{g}^{2+}},A{{l}^{3+}},Z{{n}^{2+}},\] \[F{{e}^{2+}},\]\[N{{i}^{2+}},{{H}^{+}},C{{u}^{2+}},H{{g}^{2+}},A{{g}^{+}},A{{u}^{3+}}.\] For anions : \[SO_{4}^{2-},NO_{3}^{-},O{{H}^{-}},C{{l}^{-}},B{{r}^{-}},{{I}^{-}}.\]      Products of electrolysis of some electrolytes more...
Absorption of radiant energy by reactant molecules brings in photophysical as well as photochemical changes. According to Einstein's law of photochemical equivalence, the basic principle of photo processes, each reactant molecule is capable of absorbing only one photon of radiant energy. The absorption of photon by a reactant molecule may lead to any of the photo process.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The chemical reactions, which are initiated as a result of absorption of light, are known as photochemical reactions. In such cases, the absorbed energy is sufficient to activate the reactant molecules to cross the energy barrier existing between the reactants and products or in other words, energy associated with each photon supplies activation energy to reactant molecule required for the change. (1) Characteristics of photochemical reactions (i) Each molecule taking part in a photo process absorbs only one photon of radiant energy thereby increasing its energy level by \[hv\,\,or\,\frac{hc}{\lambda }\] (ii) Photochemical reactions do not occur in dark. (iii) Each photochemical reaction requires a definite amount of energy which is characteristic of a particular wavelength of photon. For example, reactions needing more energy are carried out in presence of UV light (lower \[\lambda \], more E/Photon). A reaction-taking place in UV light may not occur on exposure to yellow light (lower \[\lambda \]and  lesser E/Photon) (iv) The rate of photochemical reactions depend upon the intensity of radiation’s absorbed. (v) The \[\Delta G\] values for light initiated reactions may or may not be negative. (vi) The temperature does not have marked effect on the rate of light initiated reactions. (2) Mechanism of some photochemical reactions (i) Photochemical combination of H2 and Cl2 : A mixture of \[{{H}_{2}}\] and \[C{{l}_{2}}\] on exposure to light give rise to the formation of HCl, showing a chain reaction and thereby producing \[{{10}^{6}}\,\text{to}\,{{10}^{8}}\]molecules of \[HCl\] per photon absorbed.      \[{{H}_{2}}+C{{l}_{2}}\xrightarrow{sunlight}\,2HCl\] The mechanism leading to very high yield of HCl as a result of chemical change can be as follows. Chlorine molecules absorb radiant energy to form an excited molecule which decomposes to chlorine free radicals (Cl) to give chain initiation step. Light absorption step : \[C{{l}_{2}}\xrightarrow{hv}\,C{{l}_{2}}^{*}\]                       ........(i) Chain initiation step : \[C{{l}_{2}}^{*}\to \,C{{l}^{\bullet }}\,+\,C{{l}^{\bullet }}\]                   ........(ii) The chlorine free radical more...

(1) Reaction involving first order consecutive reactions (i) In such reactions, the reactions form a stable intermediate compound before they are finally converted into the products. (ii) For example, reactants (R) are first converted to intermediate (I) which is then converted to product (P) as \[R\xrightarrow{{{k}_{1}}}I\xrightarrow{{{k}_{2}}}P\]  Therefore, the reaction takes place in two steps, both of which are first order i.e., Step I :   \[R\xrightarrow{{{k}_{1}}}I\] ;  Step II :        \[I\xrightarrow{{{k}_{2}}}P\] This means that I is produced by step I and consumed by step II. In these reactions, each stage will have its own rate and rate constant the reactant concentration will always decrease and product concentration will always increase as shown in fig. (2) Reaction involving slow step : When a  reaction occurs by a sequence of steps and one of the step is slow, then the rate determining step is the slow step. For example in the reaction \[R\xrightarrow{{{k}_{1}}}I\]; \[I\xrightarrow{{{k}_{2}}}P\],  if \[{{k}_{1}}<<{{k}_{2}}\] then I is converted into products as soon as it is formed, we can say that \[\frac{-d[R]}{dt}=\frac{d[P]}{dt}={{k}_{1}}[R]\] (3) Parallel reactions : In such type of reactions the reactants are more reactive, which may have different orders of the reactions taking place simultaneously. For example, in a system containing \[N{{O}_{2}}\] and \[S{{O}_{2}},\ N{{O}_{2}}\] is consumed in the following two reactions,\[2N{{O}_{2}}\xrightarrow{{{k}_{1}}}{{N}_{2}}{{O}_{4}}\]; \[N{{O}_{2}}+S{{O}_{2}}\xrightarrow{{{k}_{2}}}NO+S{{O}_{3}}\] The rate of disappearance of \[N{{O}_{2}}\] will be sum of the rates of the two reactions i.e., \[-\frac{d[N{{O}_{2}}]}{dt}=2{{k}_{1}}{{[N{{O}_{2}}]}^{2}}+{{k}_{2}}[N{{O}_{2}}][S{{O}_{2}}]\].

Arrhenius proposed a quantitative relationship between rate constant and temperature as, \[k=A\,{{e}^{-{{E}_{a}}/RT}}\]                                                …..(i) The equation is called Arrhenius equation. In which constant  A is known as frequency factor. This factor is related to number of binary molecular collision per second per litre. \[{{E}_{a}}\] is the activation energy. T is the absolute temperature and R is the gas constant Both A and \[{{E}_{a}}\] are collectively known as Arrhenius parameters. Taking logarithm equation (i) may be written as, \[\log k=\log A-\frac{{{E}_{a}}}{2.303\,RT}\]                                             …..(ii) The value of activation energy \[({{E}_{a}})\] increases, the value of k decreases and therefore, the reaction rate decreases. When log k plotted against \[1/T\],  we get a straight line. The intercept of this line is equal to log A and slope equal to \[\frac{-{{E}_{a}}}{2.303\,R}\]. Therefore \[{{E}_{a}}=-2.303\,R\times \text{slope}\]. Rate constants for the reaction at two different temperatures \[{{T}_{1}}\] and \[{{T}_{2}}\], \[\log \frac{{{k}_{2}}}{{{k}_{1}}}=\frac{{{E}_{a}}}{2.303R}\left[ \frac{1}{{{T}_{1}}}-\frac{1}{{{T}_{2}}} \right]\]                                    …..(iii) where \[{{k}_{1}}\]and \[{{k}_{2}}\]are rate constant at temperatures \[{{T}_{1}}\] and \[{{T}_{2}}\] respectively \[({{T}_{2}}>{{T}_{1}})\].

(1) Collision theory (i) The basic requirement for a reaction to occur is that the reacting species must collide with one another. This is the basis of collision theory for reactions. (ii) The number of collisions that takes place per second per unit volume of the reaction mixture is known as collision frequency (Z). The value of collision frequency is very high of the order of \[{{10}^{25}}\,\text{to }{{10}^{28}}\] in case of binary collisions. (iii) Every collision does not bring a chemical change. The collisions that actually produce the product are effective collisions. The effective collisions, which bring chemical change, are few in comparison to the total number of collisions. The collisions that do not form a product are ineffective elastic collisions, i.e., molecules just collide and disperse in different directions with different velocities. (iv) For a collision to be effective, the following two barriers are to be cleared, (a) Energy barrier : “The minimum amount of energy which the colliding molecules must possess as to make the chemical reaction to occur, is known as threshold energy”.
  • In the graph 'E' corresponds to minimum or threshold energy for effective collision.
  • There is an energy barrier for each reaction. The reacting species must be provided with sufficient energy to cross the energy barrier.
(b) Orientation barrier : The colliding molecules should also have proper orientation so that the old bonds may break and new bonds are formed. For example, \[N{{O}_{2}}(g)+N{{O}_{2}}(g)\to {{N}_{2}}{{O}_{4}}(g).\] During this reaction, the products are formed only when the colliding molecules have proper orientation at the time of collisions. These are called effective collisions. (v) Thus, the main points of collision theory are as follows, (a) For a reaction to occur, there must be collisions between the reacting species. (b) Only a certain fraction of the total number of collisions is effective in forming the products. (c) For effective collisions, the molecules should possess sufficient energy as well as orientation. (vi) The fraction of effective collisions, under ordinary conditions may vary from nearly zero to about one for ordinary reactions. Thus, the rate of reaction is proportional to : (a) The number of collisions per unit volume per second (Collision frequency, Z) between the reacting species (b) The fraction of effective collisions (Properly oriented and possessing sufficient energy), f i.e.,   \[\text{Rate}=\frac{-dx}{dt}=f\times Z\] Where f is fraction of effective collision and Z is the collision frequency. (vii) The physical meaning of the activation energy is that it is the minimum relative kinetic energy which the reactant molecules must possess for changing into the products molecules during their collision. This means that  the fraction of successful collision is equal to \[{{e}^{-{{E}_{a}}/RT}}\] called Boltzmann factor. (viii) It may be noted that besides the requirement of sufficient energy, the molecules must be properly oriented in space also for a collision to be successful. Thus, if \[{{Z}_{AB}}\] is more...

(1) Integration method (Hit and Trial method) (i) The method can be used with various sets of \[a,\ x\] and \[t\] with integrated rate equations. (ii) The value of \[k\] is determined and checked for all sets of \[a,\ x\] and \[t\]. (iii) If the value of \[k\] is constant, the used equation gives the order of reaction. (iv) If all the reactants are at the same molar concentration, the kinetic equations are : \[k=\frac{2.303}{t}\ {{\log }_{10}}\frac{a}{(a-x)}\]                                     (For first order reactions) \[k=\frac{1}{t}\left[ \frac{1}{a}-\frac{1}{a-x} \right]\]                              (For second order reactions) \[k=\frac{1}{2t}\left[ \frac{1}{{{(a-x)}^{2}}}-\frac{1}{{{a}^{2}}} \right]\] (For third order reactions) (2) Half-life method :  This method is employed only when the rate law involved only one concentration term. \[{{t}_{1/2}}\propto {{a}^{1-n}}\]; \[{{t}_{1/2}}=k{{a}^{1-n}}\]; \[\log {{t}_{1/2}}=\log k+(1-n)\ \log a\] A plotted graph of \[\log {{t}_{1/2}}\]vs log a  gives a straight line with slope \[(1-n)\], determining the slope we can find the order n. If   half-life at different concentration is given then, \[{{({{t}_{1/2}})}_{1}}\propto \frac{1}{a_{1}^{n-1}};\] \[{{({{t}_{1/2}})}_{2}}\propto \frac{1}{a_{2}^{n-1}};\] \[\frac{{{({{t}_{1/2}})}_{1}}}{{{({{t}_{1/2}})}_{2}}}={{\left( \frac{{{a}_{2}}}{{{a}_{1}}} \right)}^{n-1}}\] \[{{\log }_{10}}{{({{t}_{1/2}})}_{1}}-{{\log }_{10}}{{({{t}_{1/2}})}_{2}}=(n-1)\ [{{\log }_{10}}{{a}_{2}}-{{\log }_{10}}{{a}_{1}}]\] \[n=1+\frac{{{\log }_{10}}{{({{t}_{1/2}})}_{1}}-{{\log }_{10}}{{({{t}_{1/2}})}_{2}}}{({{\log }_{10}}{{a}_{2}}-{{\log }_{10}}{{a}_{1}})}\] This relation can be used to determine order of reaction ‘n’ Plots of half-lives Vs concentrations (t1/2 µ a1–n) (3) Graphical method :  A graphical method based on the respective rate laws, can also be used. (i) If the plot of \[\log (a-x)\] Vs \[t\] is a straight line, the reaction follows first order. (ii) If the plot of \[\frac{1}{(a-x)}\] Vs \[t\] is a straight line, the reaction follows second order. (iii) If the plot of \[\frac{1}{{{(a-x)}^{2}}}\] Vs \[t\] is a straight line, the reaction follows third order. (iv) In general, for a reaction of nth order, a graph of \[\frac{1}{{{(a-x)}^{n-1}}}\] Vs \[t\] must be a straight line.   Plots from integrated rate equations    Plots of rate Vs concentrations [Rate = k(conc.)n ]    (4) Van't Haff differential method :  The rate of reaction varies as the nth power of the concentration Where \['n'\] is the order of the reaction. Thus for two different initial concentrations \[{{C}_{1}}\] and \[{{C}_{2}}\] equation, can be written in the form, \[\frac{-d{{C}_{1}}}{dt}=kC_{1}^{n}\] and \[\frac{-d{{C}_{2}}}{dt}=kC_{2}^{n}\] Taking logarithms,  \[{{\log }_{10}}\left( \frac{-d{{C}_{1}}}{dt} \right)={{\log }_{10}}k+n{{\log }_{10}}{{C}_{1}}\]                                                                                                 …..(i) and \[{{\log }_{10}}\left( \frac{-d{{C}_{2}}}{dt} \right)={{\log }_{10}}k+n{{\log }_{10}}{{C}_{2}}\]                                                                                                          …..(ii) Subtracting equation (ii) from (i), \[n=\frac{{{\log }_{10}}\left( \frac{-d{{C}_{1}}}{dt} \right)-{{\log }_{10}}\left( \frac{-d{{C}_{2}}}{dt} \right)}{{{\log }_{10}}{{C}_{1}}-{{\log }_{10}}{{C}_{2}}}\]                                                                                                                  …..(iii) \[\frac{-d{{C}_{1}}}{dt}\] and \[\frac{-d{{C}_{2}}}{dt}\] are determined from concentration Vs time graphs and the value of \['n'\] can be determined. (5) Ostwald's isolation method (Initial rate method) This method can be used irrespective of the number of reactants involved e.g., consider the reaction, \[{{n}_{1}}A+{{n}_{2}}B+{{n}_{3}}C\to \text{Products}\]. This method consists in finding the initial rate of the reaction taking known concentrations of the different reactants (A, B, C). Suppose it is observed as follows, more...

The rate at which a substance reacts is directly proportional to its active mass and the rate at which a reaction proceeds is proportional to the product of the active masses of the reacting substances.
  • For a reaction, \[aA+bB\to \] product
Rate \[=\left( \frac{dx}{dt} \right)\propto {{[A]}^{a}}{{[B]}^{b}}\]; \[\left( \frac{dx}{dt} \right)=k{{[A]}^{a}}{{[B]}^{b}}\] Where k is called rate constant or velocity constant. When \[[A]=[B]=1\ mol/litre\], then \[\frac{dx}{dt}=k\] Thus, rate constant k is also called specific reaction rate.
  • The value of rate constant depends on, nature of reactant, temperature and catalyst. It is independent of concentration of the reactants.
  • Unit of rate constant \[={{\left[ \frac{\text{litre}}{\text{mol}} \right]}^{n-1}}\times {{\sec }^{-1}}\]\[\ ={{\left[ \frac{\text{mol}}{\text{litre}} \right]}^{1-n}}\times {{\sec }^{-1}}\]
  Where \[n=\] order of reaction.

The rate of a chemical reaction depends on the following things (1) Nature of reactants (i) Physical state of reactants : This has considerable effect over rate of reaction. \[\underset{\text{Decreasing rate of reaction}}{\mathop{\xrightarrow{\text{Gaseous satae }>\text{Liquid state}>\text{Solid state}}}}\,\] (ii) Physical size of the reactants : Among the solids, rate increases with decrease in particle size of the solid. (iii) Chemical nature of the reactants (a) Reactions involving polar and ionic substances including the proton transfer reactions are usually very fast. On the other hand, the reaction in which bonds is rearranged, or electrons transferred are slow. (b) Oxidation-reduction reactions, which involve transfer of electrons, are also slow as compared to the ionic substance. (c) Substitution reactions are relatively much slower. (2) Effect of temperature : The rate of chemical reaction generally increases on increasing the temperature. The rate of a reaction becomes almost double or tripled for every \[{{10}^{o}}C\] rise in temperature. Temperature coefficient of a reaction is defined as the ratio of rate constants at two temperatures differing by (generally 25°C and 35°C) 10°C. \[\mu =\]\[\text{Temperature coefficient}=\frac{k\,\text{at (t}+\text{1}{{\text{0}}^{\text{o}}}C)}{k\,\text{at }{{t}^{o}}C}=\frac{{{k}_{{{35}^{o}}C}}}{{{k}_{{{25}^{o}}C}}}\]  (3) Concentration of reactants : The rate of a chemical reaction is directly proportional to the concentration of the reactants means rate of reaction decreases with decrease in concentration. (4) Presence of catalyst : The function of a catalyst is to lower down the activation energy. The greater the decrease in the activation energy caused by the catalyst, higher will be the reaction rate.             (5) Effect of sunlight :  There are many chemical reactions whose rate are influenced by radiations particularly by ultraviolet and visible light. Such reactions are called photochemical reactions. For example, Photosynthesis, Photography, Blue printing, Photochemical synthesis of compounds etc. The radiant energy initiates the chemical reaction by supplying the necessary activation energy required for the reaction.

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Electrolyte Electrode Product at cathode Product at anode
Aqueous NaOH Pt or Graphite \[2{{H}^{+}}+2{{e}^{-}}\to \]\[{{H}_{2}}\] \[2O{{H}^{-}}\to \frac{1}{2}{{O}_{2}}+{{H}_{2}}O+2{{e}^{-}}\]
Fused NaOH Pt or Graphite \[N{{a}^{+}}+{{e}^{-}}\to Na\] \[2O{{H}^{-}}\to \frac{1}{2}{{O}_{2}}+{{H}_{2}}O+2{{e}^{-}}\]
Aqueous NaCl Pt or Graphite