Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

The magnitude of polarization or increased covalent character depends upon a number of factors.  These factors are,            (1) Small size of cation : Smaller size of cation greater is its polarizing power i.e. greater will be the covalent nature of the bond.            (2) Large size of anion : Larger the size of anion greater is its polarizing power i.e. greater will be the covalent nature of the bond.            (3) Large charge on either of the two ions :  As the charge on the ion increases, the electrostatic attraction of the cation for the outer electrons of the anion also increases with the result its ability for forming the covalent bond increases.                 (4) Electronic configuration of the cation :  For the two ions of the same size and charge, one with a pseudo noble gas configuration (i.e. 18 electrons in the outermost shell) will be more polarizing than a cation with noble gas configuration (i.e., 8 electron in outer most shell). 

Covalent bond was first proposed by Lewis in 1916. The bond formed between the two atoms by mutual sharing of electrons so as to complete their octets or duplets (in case of elements having only one shell) is called covalent bond or covalent linkage. A covalent bond between two similar atoms is non-polar covalent bond while it is polar between two different atom having different electronegativities. Covalent bond may be single, double or a triple bond. We explain covalent bond formation by Lewis octet rule.  Chlorine atom has seven electrons in the valency shell. In the formation of chlorine molecule, each chlorine atom contributes one electron and the pair of electrons is shared between two atoms. both the atoms acquire stable configuration of argon. \[\underset{(2,\,8,\,7)}{\mathop{_{\bullet }^{\bullet }\underset{\bullet \,\,\bullet }{\overset{\bullet \,\,\bullet }{\mathop{Cl}}}\,\,\bullet }}\,\,\underset{(2,\,8,\,7)}{\mathop{\,\,\,*\underset{*\,\,*}{\overset{*\,\,*}{\mathop{Cl\,_{*}^{*}}}}\,}}\,\,\,\,\,\,\to \,\,\,\,\underset{\,(2,\,8,\,8)\,\,\,\,\,\,\,(2,\,8,8)}{\mathop{\,\underset{\bullet \,\,\bullet \,\,}{\overset{\bullet \,\,\bullet \,\,}{\mathop{_{\bullet }^{\bullet }Cl\,\,_{\,*}^{\,\bullet }}}}\,\,\,\underset{*\,\,*\,\,\,\,\,}{\overset{*\,\,*\,\,\,\,\,}{\mathop{Cl\,_{*}^{*}}}}\,}}\,\]   or  \[Cl-Cl\] Some other examples are : \[{{H}_{2}}S,N{{H}_{3}},HCN,PC{{l}_{3}},P{{H}_{3,}}\] \[{{C}_{2}}{{H}_{2}},{{H}_{2}},{{C}_{2}}{{H}_{4}},SnC{{l}_{4}},FeC{{l}_{3}},B{{H}_{3}},\]graphite, \[BeC{{l}_{2}}\]etc. (1) Conditions for formation of covalent bond (i) The combining atoms should be short by 1, 2 or 3 electrons in the valency shell in comparison to stable noble gas configuration. (ii) Electronegativity difference between the two atoms should be zero or very small. (iii) The approach of the atoms towards one another should be accompanied by decrease of energy. (2) Characteristics of covalent compounds (i) These exist as gases or liquids under the normal conditions of temperature and pressure. Some covalent compounds exist as soft solids. (ii) Diamond, Carborandum (SiC), Silica (SiO2), AlN etc. have giant three dimensional network structures; therefore have exceptionally high melting points otherwise these compounds have relatively low melting and boiling points. (iii) In general covalent substances are bad conductor of electricity. Polar covalent compounds like HCl in solution conduct electricity. Graphite can conduct electricity in solid state since electrons can pass from one layer to the other. (iv) These compounds are generally insoluble in polar solvent like water but soluble in non-polar solvents like benzene etc. some covalent compounds like alcohol, dissolve in water due to hydrogen bonding. (v) The covalent bond is rigid and directional. These compounds, thus show isomerism (structural and space). (vi) Covalent substances show molecular reactions. The reaction rates are usually low. (vii) The number of electrons contributed by an atom of the element for sharing with other atoms is called covalency  of the element. Covalency = 8 – [Number of the group to which element belongs]. The variable covalency of an element is equal to the total number of unpaired electrons in s, p and d-orbitals of its valency shell.           The element such as P, S, Cl, Br, I have vacant d-orbitals in their valency shell. These elements show variable covalency by increasing the number of unpaired electrons under excited conditions. The electrons from paired orbitals get excited to vacant d-orbitals of the same shell. Four elements, H, N, O and F do not possess d-orbitals in their valency shell. Thus, such an excitation is not possible and variable valency is not shown by these elements. This is reason more...

An electrovalent bond is formed when a metal atom transfers one or more electrons to a non-metal atom.            \[\overset{\bullet \,\,\,\,}{\mathop{Na}}\,\,\,\,\,+\,\,\,\bullet \underset{\bullet \,\,\bullet \,\,\,}{\overset{\bullet \,\,\bullet \,\,\,\,}{\mathop{Cl\,_{\bullet }^{\bullet }}}}\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\to \,\,\,\,\,{{\left[ \underset{\,}{\overset{\,}{\mathop{Na}}}\, \right]}^{+}}\,\,{{\left[ _{\bullet }^{\bullet }\underset{\bullet \,\,\bullet \,\,}{\overset{\bullet \,\,\bullet \,\,\,}{\mathop{Cl\,_{\bullet }^{\bullet }}}}\, \right]}^{-}}\,\,\,\,\text{or}\,\,\,\,\,\,N{{a}^{+}}C{{l}^{-}}\]            Some other examples are: \[MgC{{l}_{2}},\text{ }CaC{{l}_{2}},\text{ }MgO,\text{ }N{{a}_{2}}S,\text{ }Ca{{H}_{2}},\text{ }Al{{F}_{3}},\text{ }NaH,\text{ }KH,{{K}_{2}}O,\text{ }KI,\text{ }RbCl,\text{ }NaBr,\text{ }Ca{{H}_{2}}\] etc.            (1) Conditions for formation of electrovalent bond            (i) The atom which changes into cation (+ ive ion) should possess 1, 2 or 3 valency electrons. The other atom which changes into anion (+ ve ion) should possess 5, 6 or 7 electrons in the valency shell.            (ii) A high difference of electronegativity (about 2) of the two atoms is necessary for the formation of an electrovalent bond. Electrovalent bond is not possible between similar atoms.            (iii) There must be overall decrease in energy i.e., energy must be released. For this an atom should have low value of Ionisation potential and the other atom should have high value of electron affinity.          (iv) Higher the lattice energy, greater will be the case of forming an ionic compound. The amount of energy released when free ions combine together to form one mole of a crystal is called lattice energy (U). Lattice energy\[=\frac{K}{{{r}^{+}}+{{r}^{-}}}\]; \[{{r}^{+}}+{{r}^{-}}\] is internuclear distance.            The energy changes involved in the formation of ionic compounds from their constituent elements can be studied with the help of a thermochemical cycle called Born Haber cycle.   According to Hess's law of constant heat summation, heat of formation of an ionic solid is net resultant of the above changes. \[\Delta {{H}_{f}}=\Delta {{H}_{\text{Subl}\text{.}}}+\frac{1}{2}\Delta {{H}_{\text{diss}\text{.}}}+IE-EA-U\]            (2) Characteristics of electrovalent compounds            (i) Electrovalent compounds are generally crystalline is nature. The constituent ions are arranged in a regular way in their lattice.            (ii) Electrovalent compounds possess high melting and boiling points. Order of melting and boiling points in halides of sodium and oxides of IInd group elements is as,            \[NaF>NaCl>NaBr>NaI,\]\[MgO>CaO>BaO\]            (iii) Electrovalent compounds are hard and brittle in nature.            (iv) Electrovalent solids do not conduct electricity. While electrovalent compounds in the molten state or in solution conduct electricity.            (v) Electrovalent compounds are fairly soluble in polar solvents and insoluble in non-polar solvents.            (vi) The electrovalent bonds are non-rigid and non-directional. Thus these compound do not show space isomerism e.g. geometrical or optical isomerism.            (vii) Electrovalent compounds furnish ions in solution. The chemical reaction of these compounds are known as ionic reactions, which are fast.            \[{{K}^{+}}C{{l}^{-}}+\overset{+}{\mathop{Ag}}\,\overset{-}{\mathop{N{{O}_{3}}}}\,\,\,\,\xrightarrow{{}}\,\,\underset{(\text{Precipitate})}{\mathop{\overset{+}{\mathop{Ag}}\,\overset{-}{\mathop{Cl}}\,}}\,\,\downarrow +\overset{+}{\mathop{K}}\,\overset{\,-}{\mathop{N{{O}_{3}}}}\,\]                           (viii) Electrovalent compounds show isomorphism.            (ix) Cooling curve of an ionic compound is not smooth, it has two break points corresponding to time of solidification.            (x) Ionic compounds show variable electrovalency due to unstability of core and inert pair effect.  

Chemical bonding takes place due to acquire a state of minimum energy and maximum stability and to convert atoms into molecule to acquire stable configuration of the nearest noble gas. We divide atoms into three classes,          (1) Electropositive elements which give up one or more electrons easily. They have low ionisation potentials.            (2) Electronegative elements, which can gain electrons. They have higher value of electronegativity.            (3) Elements which have little tendency to lose or gain electrons.            Different types of bonds are formed from these types of atoms.
Atoms involved Type
A + B Electrovalent
B + B Covalent
A + A Metallic
Electrons deficient molecule or ion (Lewis acid) and electrons rich molecule or ion (Lewis base) Coordinate
H and electronegative element (F, N,O) Hydrogen

On the basis of the elecronic configuration principles the electronic configuration of various elements are given in the following table :            The above method of writing the electronic configurations is quite cumbersome. Hence, usually the electronic configuration of the atom of any element is simply represented by the notation. Some Unexpected Electronic Configuration            Some of the exceptions are important though, because they occur with common elements, notably chromium and copper.            \[Cu\] has 29 electrons. Its excepted electronic configuration is \[1{{s}^{2}}2{{s}^{2}}2{{p}^{6}}3{{s}^{2}}3{{p}^{6}}4{{s}^{2}}3{{d}^{9}}\] but in reality the configuration is \[1{{s}^{2}}2{{s}^{2}}2{{p}^{6}}3{{s}^{2}}3{{p}^{6}}4{{s}^{1}}3{{d}^{10}}\] as this configuration is more stable. Similarly \[Cr\] has the configuration of \[1{{s}^{2}}2{{s}^{2}}s{{p}^{6}}3{{s}^{2}}3{{p}^{6}}4{{s}^{1}}3{{d}^{5}}\] instead of  \[1{{s}^{2}}2{{s}^{2}}2{{p}^{6}}3{{s}^{2}}3{{p}^{6}}4{{s}^{2}}3{{d}^{4}}\].            Factors responsible for the extra stability of half-filled and completely filled subshells,            (i) Symmetrical distribution : It is well known fact that symmetry leads to stability. Thus the electronic configuration in which all the orbitals of the same subshell are either completely filled or are exactly half filled are more stable because of symmetrical distribution of electrons.            (ii) Exchange energy : The electrons with parallel spins present in the degenerate orbitals tend to exchange their position. The energy released during this exchange is called exchange energy. The number of exchanges that can take place is maximum when the degenerate orbtials (orbitals of same subshell having equal energy) are exactly half-filled or completely. As a result, the exchange energy is maximum and so it the stability.  

           The atom is built up by filling electrons in various orbitals according to the following rules,                      (1) Aufbau?s principle          This principle states that the electrons are added one by one to the various orbitals in order of their increasing energy starting with the orbital of lowest energy. The increasing order of energy of various orbitals is      \[1s<2s<2p<3s<3p<4s<3d<4p<5s<4d<5p<6s<4f\] \[<5d<6p<7s<\,5f<6d<7p.........\]            (2) (n+l) Rule            In neutral isolated atom, the lower the value of (n + l) for an orbital, lower is its energy. However, if the two different types of orbitals have the same value of (n + l), the orbitals with lower value of \[n\] has lower energy.            (3) Pauli?s exclusion principle            According to this principle ?no two electrons in an atom will have same value of all the four quantum numbers?.            If one electron in an atom has the quantum numbers \[n=1\], \[l=0\], \[m=0\] and \[s=+1/2\], no other electron can have the same four quantum numbers. In other words, we cannot place two electrons with the same value of \[s\] in a \[1s\] orbital.
             The orbital diagram                 does not represent a possible arrangement of electrons            Because there are only two possible values of \[s,\] an orbital can hold not more than two electrons.            (4) Hund?s Rule of maximum multiplicity            This rule deals with the filling of electrons in the orbitals having equal energy (degenerate orbitals). According to this rule,            ?Electron pairing in \[p,\] \[d\] and \[f\] orbitals cannot occur until each orbitals of a given subshell contains one electron each or is singly occupied?.            This is due to the fact that electrons being identical in charge, repel each other when present in the same orbital. This repulsion can however be minimised if two electrons move as far apart as possible by occupying different degenerate orbitals. All the unpaired electrons in a degenerate set of orbitals will have same spin.            As we now know the Hund?s rule, let us see how the three electrons are arranged in \[p\] orbitals.            The important point ot be remembered is that all the singly occupied orbitals should have electrons with parallel spins i.e in the same direction either-clockwise or anticlockwise.

The atom is built up by filling electrons in various orbitals according to the following rules,                      (1) Aufbau's principle          This principle states that the electrons are added one by one to the various orbitals in order of their increasing energy starting with the orbital of lowest energy. The increasing order of energy of various orbitals is      \[1s<2s<2p<3s<3p<4s<3d<4p<5s<4d<5p<6s<4f\] \[<5d<6p<7s<\,5f<6d<7p.........\]            (2) (n+l) Rule            In neutral isolated atom, the lower the value of (n + l) for an orbital, lower is its energy. However, if the two different types of orbitals have the same value of (n + l), the orbitals with lower value of \[n\] has lower energy.            (3) Pauli's exclusion principle            According to this principle ?no two electrons in an atom will have same value of all the four quantum numbers?.            If one electron in an atom has the quantum numbers \[n=1\], \[l=0\], \[m=0\] and \[s=+1/2\], no other electron can have the same four quantum numbers. In other words, we cannot place two electrons with the same value of \[s\] in a \[1s\] orbital. The orbital diagram   does not represent a possible arrangement of electrons            Because there are only two possible values of \[s,\] an orbital can hold not more than two electrons.            (4) Hund's Rule of maximum multiplicity            This rule deals with the filling of electrons in the orbitals having equal energy (degenerate orbitals). According to this rule,             "Electron pairing in \[p,\] \[d\] and \[f\] orbitals cannot occur until each orbitals of a given subshell contains one electron each or is singly occupied".            This is due to the fact that electrons being identical in charge, repel each other when present in the same orbital. This repulsion can however be minimised if two electrons move as far apart as possible by occupying different degenerate orbitals. All the unpaired electrons in a degenerate set of orbitals will have same spin.            As we now know the Hund's rule, let us see how the three electrons are arranged in \[p\] orbitals.            The important point ot be remembered is that all the singly occupied orbitals should have electrons with parallel spins i.e in the same direction either-clockwise or anticlockwise.        

If a number of non zero vectors are represented by the (n - 1) sides of an n-sided polygon then the resultant is given by the closing side or the nth side of the polygon taken in opposite order. So, \[\overrightarrow{R}=\overrightarrow{A}+\overrightarrow{B}+\overrightarrow{C}+\overrightarrow{D}+\overrightarrow{E}\] \[\overrightarrow{OA}+\overrightarrow{AB}+\overrightarrow{BC}+\overrightarrow{CD}+\overrightarrow{DE}=\overrightarrow{OE}\] Note : 
  • Resultant of two unequal vectors can not be zero.            
  • Resultant of three co-planar vectors may or may not be zero            
  • Resultant of three non co- planar vectors can not be zero.    

If two non zero vectors are represented by the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram then the resultant is given by the diagonal of the parallelogram passing through the point of intersection of the two vectors. (1) Magnitude  Since, \[{{R}^{2}}=O{{N}^{2}}+C{{N}^{2}}\] \[\Rightarrow \]\[{{R}^{2}}={{(OA+AN)}^{2}}+C{{N}^{2}}\] \[\Rightarrow \]\[{{R}^{2}}={{A}^{2}}+{{B}^{2}}+2AB\cos \theta \] \[\therefore \] \[R=\,|\overrightarrow{R}|\,=\,|\overrightarrow{A}+\overrightarrow{B}|\,=\sqrt{{{A}^{2}}+{{B}^{2}}+2AB\cos \theta }\]     Special cases : \[R=A+B\] when q = 0o \[R=A-B\] when q = 180o \[R=\sqrt{{{A}^{2}}+{{B}^{2}}}\] when q = 90o (2) Direction \[\tan \beta =\frac{CN}{ON}=\frac{B\sin \theta }{A+B\cos \theta }\]    

Each orbital in an atom is specified by a set of three quantum numbers (n, l, m) and each electron is designated by a set of four quantum numbers (n, l, m and s).              (1) Principle quantum number (n)            (i) It was proposed by Bohr and denoted by 'n'.            (ii) It determines the average distance between electron and nucleus, means it denotes the size of atom.            (iii) It determine the energy of the electron in an orbit where electron is present.          (iv) The maximum number of an electron in an orbit represented by this quantum number as \[2{{n}^{2}}.\] No energy shell in atoms of known elements possess more than 32 electrons.            (v) It gives the information of orbit K, L, M, N------------.            (vi) Angular momentum can also be calculated using principle quantum number              (2) Azimuthal quantum number (l)            (i) Azimuthal quantum number is also known as angular quantum number. Proposed by Sommerfield and denoted by 'l'.            (ii) It determines the number of sub shells or sublevels to which the electron belongs.            (iii) It tells about the shape of subshells.            (iv) It also expresses the energies of subshells \[s<p<d<f\] (increasing energy).            (v) The value of \[l=(n-1)\] always. Where 'n' is the number of principle shell.
(vi)   Value of l = 0 1 2 3?..(n-1)
Name of subshell = s p d f
Shape of subshell = Spherical Dumbbell Double dumbbell Complex.
  (vii) It represent the orbital angular momentum. Which is equal to \[\frac{h}{2\pi }\sqrt{l(l+1)}\]            (viii) The maximum number of electrons in subshell \[=2(2l+1)\]            \[s-\text{subshell}\to 2\,\text{electrons}\] \[d-\text{subshell}\to 10\,\text{electrons}\]             \[p-\text{subshell}\to \text{6}\,\text{electrons}\] \[f-\text{subshell}\to 14\,\text{electrons}\text{.}\]            (ix) For a given value of 'n' the total values of 'l' is always equal to the value of 'n'.              (3) Magnetic quantum number (m)            (i) It was proposed by Zeeman and denoted by 'm'.            (ii) It gives the number of permitted orientation of subshells.            (iii) The value of m varies from ?l to +l through zero.            (iv) It tells about the splitting of spectral lines in the magnetic field i.e. this quantum number proves the Zeeman effect.            (v) For a given value of 'n' the total more...

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