Current Affairs Essays

(THE FIERY QUEEN OF JHANSI)   "History is created with legends as history in its ancient origins grew out of legends. Heroes and heroines of ancient legends are not fleshly-and-blood humans. Tilley belong to mythical time and perform feats far beyond the abilities of ordinary human beings. Many such individuals get endowed with the halo of a hero or a It fringe. Their lives and deeds become the subject of popular legends, son of and stories. In India those who are seen to have sacrificed their lives far the country ^freedom quickly become recipients of the reverence for heroes. Freedom fig/tiers have an automatic pass to enter the J hallowed national pantheon. It then becomes a sacrilege—almost an act of treason to re evaluate such national figures. Rani Lakshmi Bai, the queen of Jhansi is one such individual."  Rani Lakshmi Bai. the fiery Queen of Jhansi, also known as the Rani of was bom on 19th November 1835 at Kashi. Her father Moropanth was a Biahjil and her mother Bhagirathi Bai was a cultured, intelligent and orthodox lady Manni kamika (Manu) was the name of Rani Lakshmi Bai in her childhood. When slier was only four years of age she lost her mother, The complete responsibility young girl fell on the father. She completed her education and also learned horse ridding sword fighting and shooting on a target with a gun. She was married to Raja Gangadhar Rao, the Maharaja of Jhansi in 1 Wits became the Rani of Jhansi. After the marriage she was given the name Lakshmi Bai. The marriage ceremony was performed in Ganesh Mandir, situated in the city of Jhansi. Rani Lakshmi Bai gave birth to a son in 1851 but unfortunately this childdial at the age of four months. After this tragedy she adopted Damodar Kao as sun on Maharaja Gangadhar Rao also died on 21st November 1853. After tin . Maharaja Gangadhar Rao, Rani Lakshmi Bai was left alone. At this time she eighteen years old. Rani Lakshmi Bai was a bold and brave Iady. She did not courage.  At that time Lord Dalhousie was the Governor-General of India. Thou, Damodar Rao, adopted son of late Maharaja Gangadhar Rao and Rani Laxmi Bai was Maharaja's heir and successor as per the Hindu tradition but the British didn't accept Rani's claim that Damodar Rao was their legal heir. l.ord Dalhoua decided to annexed the State of Jhansi as Maharaja Gangadhar Rao had left no heir. This misfortune of Jhansi was used by the Britishers to expand their Empire. The Rani was given a life pension of Rs. 60.000 and was allowed to live in 11 city palace. When the decision to annex Jhansi was communicated to her, apparently declared, "Men Jhansi nahin dungi", but there was no resistance offered lo the British takeover. more...

 "The world is largest democracy has produced one of the most extraordinary electoral turnarounds. The people’s verdict is the product of a three-week-long election in which one million officials moved more than one million tamper-proof voting machines around this vast country, delivering democracy to even the furthest flung region by camel, elephant, boat and helicopter was pretty damning".  Election 2004 are over. Was it a vote for development, social justice" change ? The answer is complicated as can be expected from a country as diverse a layered as India. But it can be said that rural and poor India voted against the government because it found the 'India Shining', 'Feel Good Factor' campaign offensive insulting to their poverty and hunger. India was left out of economic liberalization so that this election was about voice resounding in the nation's consciousness. In this sense it can be argued she was a vote against economic policies that marginalized\ and neglected many particularly the rural and lower middle class and favored the few particularly the affluent.  However this doesn't explain why the rich cities of India supposedly beneficiaries of this growth voted against their providers. Did cities vote against the politics exclusion and division? Or simply, assert that even in urban India the shining illusionary and that more people are 'feeling bad' compared to those' feeling good— If it was not so then, was this a vote for effective governance? but the defeat of the B M. Krishna government (in Kamataka), arguably, more efficient and productive than the Naveen Patnaik government in Orissa does conform to this notion. Perhaps it is better not to look for an overarching rationality. India is a full of diversities, contradictions and this election was no different.  It is really naive to say that the Congress has won the election. They secured only 145 seats out of a total of 543, as against the BJP's 137 seats. I Congress led front secured 216 seats against the BJP led NDA's 188 seats. A Congress has been routed out from MP, Rajasthan, Punjub, Kamataka and Orissa-B has miniscule presence in Bihar, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh (only 15 seat? of 162 seats). So it can't be said as a Congress win. The BJP's debacle both as leader of NDA and individually is felt very much UP, Bihar and West Bengal. The BJP lost almost 3 8 seats individually and as a partner 62 seats. With these 62 seats for the NDA or 38 seats for the BJP, it would 175 seats for the BJP and 250 seats for the NDA which most of the pre-poll and ca poll surveys predicted for the NDA and the BJP. And election to these three Star (Bihar, UP and West Bengal) is fought on different ideologies and more...

"Adulteration thrives in India, with a view of 'Sab Kiichh Chalta Hai'. Such belief encourages and allures even the honest traders to resort to make quick bucks. The unholy nexus between death merchants and corrupt officials, even the Police has allowed this heinous crime". What do we find pure or unadulterated now-a-days? False branded ghee, adulterated petrol, turmeric mixed with chromate powder. Chilli powder mixed with red colour, dal with stones bits, dust tea garnished by saw dust, white powder in salt, milk with water or synthetic milk, mustard oil with argemone are known examples of adulteration. Even fruits, vegetables and cereals sold in market, reportedly contain high level of toxic metals like lead, nickle. cadmium. A survey conducted recently by a private agency revealed that all the cold drinks, Pepsy, Cocacola etc., are found adulterated with unhygenic substances. The episode of Cocacola had been in International news recently. National Dairy Development Corporation also conducted a survey which revealed that 90% of the edible oils available in the market contain highly intoxicated elements. "Food adulteration has become the order of the day and consumer education and awareness is the need of the hour", assert experts. "A common mistake committed by most consumers is to blindly pick up any product without reading the label which includes details like batch number, expiry date, manufacturer's name and address. Sometimes it is a spurious or duplicate product and can be mistaken for a reputed brand. The consumer has to keep his eyes open while buying a product. One must avoid informal transactions which deprive the consumer of a receipt of the purchases made," explains Kagadwala. Adulteration like corruption has become rampant. Every citizen and the government is well known to the fact, that 90% spices, dais, milk, ghee, sugar, tea to be sold in our rural area are adulterated. We have laws against adulterations but like anyother social legislation it is rarely enforced. Adulteration has become a way of life, the negligent government officials, society are awakened only when a tragedy takes place. Adulteration of food is a very serious anti-social act as it poses a major health hazard. Lack of awareness among people and corrupt officials even the police is the reason why spurious food products continue to hit the shelf. As an academician, I feel there is a need to evolve better techniques to detect adulteration. A lot of research  allocation is pending in this field too. Co-ordination between various government  bodies scrutinising the quality of food products and increase in awareness can go a  long way in containing adulteration.                                      _, Can't we forget the death of 54 people in the Capital because of dropsy triggered by the consumption of adulterated mustard oil? Dropsy is caused by a toxin called sanguinarine, found in the seeds of common weed, prickle more...

"More than two centuries dominion over a country by any alien power, but natural results in large impact on its social economical, cultural, legal and political system of the civilization.  So India too inherited so many legacies from the British Raj, that had far reaching effects on its art and culture, education, language, legal, political system and economic parameters and so on.  The question of legacy as such has arisen because of the arrested nature of Indian civilization. From time immemorial, our civilization showed a marvelous sense of adaptability. The Persians gave us their imperial ideas and the duality of good and evil. Soon followed the Greek ideas in trade, literature and philosophy. Whatever the rudimentary ideas the Kushans, the Sakas and the Pallavas had, they too were absorbed. It was this quality of assimilation that had gone away from India by the time the Muslims came. From then onwards Indian civilization developed its own immunity or defense mechanism like the tightening of caste rules and increased social segregation. India also witnessed the Bhakti movement which provided a drawbridge between Islamand Hinduism. All the same the spring had gone away from Indian civilization and it presented a pathetic spectacle by the time the British Raj was established. For reasons not known to history, the Indian civilization once again showed its old quality of assimilation without losing its own identity, all under the impact of the British Raj. This Is the raisin for the British legacy. The one legacy that was consciously handed down to us was the introduction English language in 1835. Lord Macaulay was able to carry the day because he contended that a single shelf of western knowledge was more precious than the whole range of the oriental knowledge. Although he spoke disparagingly of oriental knowledge and wisdom, the chief motive that prompted the introduction of English was the salutary effect that the spread of western knowledge and wisdom would have. Toa great extent these expectations are being fulfilled. And ever since the nineteenth century we are being irradiated by the western thought enriching our intellectual life. "Western influence in North Africa, for example, has taken French from, while in Japan in the Meiji era it often had a German one. Shakespeare would not have been so popular as he is in India today if French had been the language medium for communication with the West. Cycling, instead of cricket, might have been a modem Indian national sport. But in general, with due allowance for national idiosyncrasies, what Britain did was to import ideas, values and inventions from the West and add them to the rich mixture of Indian life."  One of the important mental perspectives that we are gaining is in relation to time. All through the progress of Indian civilization the linear perspective of time was not known. The western civilization lays great stress on more...

“With materialistic values at the topmost priority, moral and ethical values at lowest span of loader, every fiber of society indulged in self-aggrandisement, wherein not only the credibility of politicians and bureaucrats but also of tlie judiciary is at stake, it is very difficult and ridiculous to dream of a corruption free society”. In present spectrum an honest man is like a drop in the ocean which loses its identity as soon as mingles virtually in the salt water of ocean, corruption is a common practice, a way of life. It is a matter of shame, that even after 57 years of independence, India figures among the first thirty most corrupt countries. The Virus of corruption has crept into all walks of life and it can endanger the body politic of our nation. Corruption always existed in human society in one or the other form. In primitive period, the scope of public administration was minimum, as a result the scope of corruption was also limited. After independence, with the concept ofwelfare state coming into existence, the scope of being corrupt widened. At the juncture of Independence a statesman like C. Rajagopalachari called the PWD (Public Works Department) as the first enemy of the country in terms of the corruption prevailed in that department. Now-a-days, every department has become a Public Works Department, 1 he corruption has crept into every fabric of society in such a way that it was the theme of speeches made by the President, the Prime Minister, the Speaker of Lok Sabha. during the Golden Jubilee celebrations of our independence. Every Chief Election Commissioner since Mr. Sheshan hold the office, has advocated the dire necessity of electoral reforms to strike the corruption at grass root level. When the highest placed leaders and bureaucrats join the bandwagon of corruption who is there to watch the interests of the common people. Corruption is regarded as a low risk and highly profitable way of easing quick bucks and whoever is caught, knows how to go scot free. In this country which is known for moral and ethical values, where spirit of truism is adored, fair means were advocated to attain anything, has now counted among the top thirty most corrupted nations of the world. From Panch to Prime Minister, from peon to the Chief secretary all have been found involved and charged for many acts of commissions and omissions, how can we imagine to eradicate the corruption in toto? Causes of Corruption  A peculiar face of corruption in our Country is that it goes upstream not downstream and so most of the fundamental policies and decisions about big purchases, contracts, projects etc. are distorted at the top level. The delay in disposing of the cases of corruption, is one of the important causes of flourishing more...

"Cloning is an advance technological invention for producing a genetic twin of a living thing, an organism thai starts life with the same genes as its parents. In mammals, DNA is taken from an adult animal and then it is inserted into an egg cell from another animal. This egg then divides into an embryo. The embryo is then trans- planted into a surrogate mother and grown to term. This process has worked in animals like cows, sheep, goats, mice, pigs, while such attempts could not succeed in rabbits, rat, cat, dog, monkey and horse." In 1997, researchers at Scotland's Rosline Institute, led by embryologist lan Wilmat reported that they had successfully cloned a sheep—named Dolly, from the cell of an adult ewe. In 1998, scientists at the University of Hawaii, cloned a mouse, creating not only dozens of copies, but three generations of cloned clones, hi the same year two research teams succeeded in growing embryonic stem cells. In November 2001, the scientists were able to clone the first human embryo. From pure scientific analysis, it was unprecedented milestone in the field of genetic engineering technology, but the news created a fetter among the moralists, governments. US president Mr. George W. Bush condemned human cloning as "morally wrong""We should not as a society grow life to destroy it,:" said the President "The use of embryos to clone is wrong ".  Many US states, including California, have banned cloning and Congress is also considering imposing such a ban. The company Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) in Worcester Massachusetts USA, which claimed to clone the first human embryo, said, "This Corporation (ACT) is creating human embryos for the sole purpose of killing them and harvesting their cells". This announcement of ACT, provoked angry reactions across Italy and inside the Vatican. Mr. Girolamo Sirchia, the Italian Health Minister, described human cloning as a crime against humanity. The Vatican Archbishop said that the church opposes any form of human conception that was not born from an act of love between husband and wife.  Scientists at ACT said that the experiments were aimed at aiding stems cells research to treat a wide range of diseases providing hope for people with spinal injuries, heart diseases, and other ailments, according to Dr. Robert P. Langa, one of the scientists at ACT, this latest experiment "sets the pace for human therapeutic cloning as a potentially limitless source of immune compatible cells for tissue engineering and transplantation medicine." The company claimed that it has no intention of transplanting embryos into a woman's womb to give birth to a cloned human being. According to scientists, the stem cells could provide replacements for various body tissues and organs such as heart, pancreas and the nervous system. Indeed stem cells research holds out the promise of a bonanza in tackling a wide range of diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's. diabetes, more...

"Euthanasia means as an action which aims at taking the life of another at the tatter's expressed request. It concerns an action of which death is the purpose and the result." This definition applies only to voluntary euthanasia and excludes the non-voluntary or involuntary euthanasia, the killing of a patient without the patient's knowledge or consent. Some call this life-terminating treatment." Euthanasia can be either active or passive. Passive euthanasia allows one to die by withholding or withdrawing life supporting means. This is a tricky area because ordinary and extraordinary means of supporting life come into the picture. Ordinary means such as nutrition and hydration are never to be withheld since they are one's basic right in order to survive. However, one is not obliged to use extraordinary or 'disproportionate' means to sustain life. Due to complexity, each situation needs to be looked at individually when discussing extraordinary means. However, as a rule, one can discontinue "medical procedures that are burdensome, dangerous, extraordinary, or disproportionate to the expected outcome." One cannot intend death by withdrawing or withholding treatment, but should, however, obey God and let one die a natural death. To withdraw a treatment as a condition worsens, is letting one die and not a direct killing. In this case, it is the disease that is killing and not the one who withdraws the treatment. Active euthanasia or 'mercy killing' pertains to the Dr. Kevorkians' of the day. This is the direct intentional killing of a patient with either their consent (voluntary), without their consent when impossible (non-voluntary), or without consent but not sought (involuntary). Advocates of this murder have covered their ears to the command of the Lord: Thou shall not kill! The goal is to eliminate or relieve suffering by an evil means of death. Many patients’ are in immense suffering and may be led to choose death as the answer by these 'doctors', friends or relatives. The culpability for the patient, in these cases may be lessened, but, this act of killing can never be justified. These patients, whether having an incurable disease, being elderly, or suffering in other ways, are crying out for help and love. Palliative care, not death, is the answer. Medical personnel, friends and family must reach out and comfort the afflicted. Suffering and pain is manageable, especially today, with so many medicines and treatments available. Pain killers can be prescribed as long as there is no danger or intention of death. Consciousness of the patient is strongly encouraged, so that if dying, one may prepare to accept to meet God. We cannot do whatever to our bodies, since they are not our own. God made us and knows what we need here on earth, so that we, someday, may enter into eternity. If Christ endured immense suffering, then why do we expect any less? We are called to be imitations of Christ and to more...

India has one of the oldest film industries in the world. Though the first film advertisement in India appeared in the Times of India on 7 July 1896, inviting people to witness the Lumiere Brothers' moving pictures, "The wonder of the world", was not until in early 1913 that an Indian film received a public screening. 'Rajah Harischandra' was an extraordinary commercial success: its director, Dadasaheb Phaike, who is now remembered through a life-time achievement award bestowed by the film industry in his name, went on to make a number of other films drawing upon themes derived from the Indian epics. Phalke could not find a woman to play the female roles, being turned down in this endeavor not only by 'respectable' women but by prostitutes and had to resort to the expedient of choosing a young man, A. Salunke, to play the female roles in his early films. Among the middle classes, that association of acting with the loss of virtue, female modesty and respectability has only recently been put into question, whatever degree of emulation actresses might appear to receive from an adoring public. While a number of other film-makers, working in several Indian languages, pioneered the growth and development of Indian cinema, the studio system was beginning to emerge in the early 1930s. Its most successful initial product was the film Devdas( 1935) whose director P.C. Barua also appeared in the lead: the Hindi re-make of the original Bengali film also directed by Barua was to establish the legendary career of Kundanlal Saigal. The Tamil version of this New Theatres release appeared in 1936. "To some extent", the authors of Indian Film, "Devdas was a film of social protest. It carried an implied indictment of arranged marriage and undoubtedly gave some satisfaction on this score to those who hate this institution". The Prabhat Film Company established by V. G. Damie, Shantaram. S. Fatehlal and two others in 1929 has also achieved its first successes. Damie and Fatehlal's' Sant Tukarani'( 1936) made in Marathi was the first Indian film to gain international recognition winning an award at Venice. The social films of V. Shantaram more than anything else paved the way for the directors who took it upon themselves to interrogate not only the institutions of marriage, dowry and widowhood but also the grave inequities created by caste and class distinctions. Some of these problems received perhaps their most explicit expression in 'Achhut Kanya' ("Untouchable Girl", 1936), a film directed by Himanshua Rai of Bombay Talkies. The film portrays the travails of a Harijan girl, played by Devika Rani and a Brahmin boy, played by Ashok Kumar, whose love for each other cannot merely be consummated but must have a tragic end. The next significant phase of Hindi cinema is associated with such prominent figures as Raj Kapoor, Bimal Roy and Guru Dutt. Raj Kapoor, the son of Prithviraj Kapoor, created some of the more...

Vinayak Damodar Savarkar was one of the fervent freedom fighters of India. But he was not just a freedom fighter. He was a bold warrior, good orator, prolific writer, a poet, a historian, a philosopher, a social worker, a cautious leader, a bard ana staunch supporter of Freedom and much more. He was bom in Bhagur, Dist. Nashik on 28th May 1883, he spent his youth in fighting against British Raj. As an extremely brilliant, outspoken and confident school boy, he was famous amongst his teachers and friends. In 1898 when Chaphekar brothers were hanged for assassinating the British Officer—Savarkar was just 15 years old. But Chaphekar's martyrdom impressed him and he decided the freedom of the country as his foremost aim.  After matriculation in 1901, he took admission in Fergusson College of Poona. He was however more interested in India's freedom from British rule. The young college students in Poona were influenced by the speeches by the pa [riots and political leaders like Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bhopatkar etc. The newspapers in Poona were also actively participating in creatinganti-British atmosphere in the society and appealing society's feelings of Nationalism. Savarkar was the uncrowned leader of the youth in this movement. He organized a Vanarsena (Monkey Brigade) of kids when he was just eleven. A fearless individual, he wanted everybody round him to become physically strong and able to face any disasters—natural or man-made. He conducted long tours, hiking, swimming and mountaineering around Nasik, his birthplace in Maharashtra. During his High School days, he used to organize Shivaji Utsavand Ganesh Utsav, started by Tilak (whom Savarkar considered as his Guru) and used these occasions to put up plays on nationalistic themes. He started writing poems, essays, plays, etc. to inspire people which he had developed as a passion. In 1905 he burnt the imported clothes as a token of India's protest against imported clothes, h May 1904, he established an International Revolution Institute named "Abhinav Bharat". His instigating patriotic speeches and activities irritated the British Government. As a result his B.A. degree was withdrawn by the Government. In June 1906 he left for London to become Barrister. However, in London, he united and inflamed the Indian students in England against British. He believed in use ofarms against the foreign rulers and created a network of Indians in England, equipped with weapons. Although he passed Barrister Examination in England, but because of his anti-government activities, he was denied the Degree. Savarkar greatly nurtured the idea of bringing out an authentic informative researched work on The Great Indian Revolt, which the British termed as "Sepoy Mut'" of 1857. Since India Office Library was the only place which contained all records and documents, he was determined to undertake a detailed study, but was cautious enough not to make his intentions known. Hence after landing in London, he wrote a biography of Giuseppe Mazzini. The great revolutionary more...

Doing rig/it things at right time ill the right way, produces the light results, we aspire. Time has gone, when power of sword rules the world. Even during that period, the power of sword alone never ruled, but the knowledge about enemy, knowledge, about own strength and knowledge of the right time attack always had played a crucial role in grabbing the power. In other words, knowing what to do at what time—in what direction and how, are the various parameters that leads to sure success. Knowing the timings well, knowing our goals well, knowing our strengths and weaknesses well and shape them, in right direction, we can achieve what we aspire to achieve. Knowledge gives power to mobilize the things in right direction and so it is said that knowledge is power. If one ventures to establish any business, wishes to achieve any goal, he must acquire full knowledge of all the things including his own limitations and weaknesses. Knowledge gives one capacity and capabilities to know the result of his actions. probability of success and failure, propriety of his venture and so knowledge is said to be a power. For a country knowledge about its friends and foes, knowledge about the capabilities of its enemies is very important. In the present world scenario many satellites and spy aircrafts are deployed for the purpose of gaining maximum knowledge of activities going on in other countries. A country having the maximum and accurate knowledge of other countries can use them for its advantage, it is the 'Knowledge' that rules the world. Knowledge means knowing the things in an appropriate and better way. A man of knowledge can understand the circumstances more wisely, so can decided the things favorably. Knowledge inspired confidence. Courage, to act at a right time. A man of knowledge possesses immense influence in society. He has the capacity to lead the society, mould the society in a positive direction, keep away the society from the many social evils. A man of knowledge can turn the sleeping people into a thundering force. Whatever the inventions and discoveries, are seen today, from need to the jet planes are the result of proper use of knowledge. Human being is the only creature who can use his brain wisely, rationally, selectively, and can do wonders. It is the magic of knowledge man walked on the moon, man has been exploring the secretes of solar planets, like Mars, Jupiter, Septum etc. Many incurable diseases in the past are no more incurable today. The progress made by the man in the field of surgery, medicine, meteorology, bio-technology and all fields of science and technologies are because of the power of knowledge. The advancement in genetic engineering has put the man equivalent to God. The cloning of sheep has been more...

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