Current Affairs Essays

Founded in 1985 to foster economic, social and neighborly relations among the member countries of the region, the SAARC (South Asian Association it Regional Cooperation) has not been a success so far. SAARC comprise seven nations namely Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka of Soult Asia. It was originally conceived by Bangladesh President Zia-ur-Rahman, witty view of  benefitting all the member nations, because of close and friendly economical social cooperation, if possible. The SAARC Charter provides for annual summits that means 19 summits» far, but under the compulsions of politics of the region, only 11 summits have taka place. Only a few SAARC summits have taken place without being marred by on controversy or the other. In fact the Islamabad summit scheduled to be held m Jan. 2004, was postponed over India's stand not to attend, because of Pakistan's involvement in cross-border terrorism in India. The 11th Kathmandu summit of Jai 2002, was a] so delayed because of the bloodless military coup in Pakistan in Oct. 19% and the incidence of hijacking of Indian Airlines plane in Dec. 1999. when the lit summit finally took place in the backdrop of Dec 13. 2003. attack on India Parliament, the eyes of world were focused on the melodramatic handshake Pakistan's president General Musharraf with his counterpart Mr. Vajpayee, the Pm Minister of India. Undoubtedly the continuing differences among the member countries espied the big brothers, India and Pakistan have over shadowed the spirit of region cooperation and hampered the growth of the SAARC. Though the SAARC—Chart clearly barred the discussion on bilateral issues during the summit, yet Pakistan had always been trying to take up the Kashmir issue, in every summit, on the pretext thtf without solving Kashmir issue, noncooperation can be thought of. India also made a of bilateral problem, the cross border terrorism, when declining to attend the 1 Islamabad summit .Earlier Sri lanka had also refused to take part in SAARC fore minister's conference in 1998, in protest against some of India's policies. Although bilateral issues have hampered the progress of the organization,) in various summits informal discussions were held between the nations consumed a that produced some useful results. In Male summit in 1997, when, the then the Minister Mr. I.K. Gujral and Mr. Nawaj Sharif agreed on a mechanism for resolve  outstanding issues, which set in motion concrete process. The second was in 199 during Colombo summit, held after the nuclear tests conducted by India and Pakistan a meeting between Vajpayee and Nawaz Sharif took place that paved the way Lahore bus journey by Mr. Vajpayee. No concrete results could have been emanated since the creation of SAARC.”  Various reasons are there for such a failure, one being, tension between the member nations like India and Bangladesh have migration problem, India and Sri lanka have question more...

"Millions of innocent people anil thousands of cops have lost their lives, fighting terrorism but the thirst for human blood of the creators and fumigators of terrorists has not been quenched so far." Terrorism has now become a worldwide phenomenon. Since independence, India has been facing the problem terrorism in different parts of the country. Terrorism means an armed violent movement directed against government as well as non- government targets, involving pre-meditated attacks with arms, ammunition and explosives against civilians, and resorting to intimidation tactics such as hostage- taking and hijacking, but not seeking territorial control. Terrorism can also be defined as an organized way of intimidation and violence especially for political purpose. Political frustration. Political necessities. Religious and Racial Fanaticism and personal political interests are some of the main causes of Terrorism. Terrorists are encouraged by the vested interest of some countries, external powers, to create instability in other countries. Terrorists indulge in looting , kidnapping, murder shooting, arson and other unlawful activities to serve their very purpose of creating instable facilities or deter the innocents so that either they support them or don' t support the legal Government machinery. India has faced exclusively terrorist movements in Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir, bordering Pakistan, terrorist movements in the northeast, bordering Myanmar and Bangladesh; in Bihar, bordering Nepal; and in certain interior States like Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa that do not have international borders.  India has also faced terrorism of an ephemeral nature, which sprang suddenly due to religious anger against either the government or the majority Hindu community or both and petered out subsequently. For example the explosions in Mumbai on March 12.1993 which killed about 250 civilians, and the simultaneous explosions in Coimbatore. Tamil Nadu, in February 1998. Tamil Nadu has also faced the fallout of terrorism promoted by LITE elements on its political rivals living in the State and the assassination of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in May 1991.  India had also faced, for some years, Hindu sectarian terrorism in the form of the Anand Marg, which, in its motivation and irrationality, resembled to some extent the Aum Shinrikiyo of Japan. The Marg, with its emphasis on meditation, special religious and spiritual practices and use of violence against its detractors, had as many followers in foreign countries as it had in India. Its over-ground activities have petered out since 1995.  Political Causes: In Assam and Tripura the political factors that led to insurgency-cum-terrors included the failure of the government to control large-scale illegal immigration Muslims from Bangladesh.  Economic Causes : In Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Bihar, there are economy factors that include the absence of land reforms, rural unemployment, exploitation landless laborers by more...

"Our Police is functioning under the outmoded Police Act of 1S61, framed by the British to perpetuate their colonial rule and subjugate the natives. The olden Act has since allowed to prevail in spite of recommendations of National Police Commission in 1977 and the State Police Commissions and several other committees, perhaps that the present politicians find the olden Act setting their purpose nicely."   It is a known fact that the image of the Police has fallen to abyss in recent years.  People want an efficient Police which serves them in need. The poor want reforms because they are the crude victims of oppression and dictates of the powerful, rich and so they need the true services of the police for their rescue. The National Human Rights Commission demands reforms because it is overwhelmed by public complaints against the police that ranges from death, rape and torture in custody to the refusal to file FIR, manipulation coercion and threats to witnesses and demands for money to register, neglect or pursue a case. The Supreme Court pulled up the police inefficiency, neglect and corruption prevailed in many cases and passed serious strictures against the functioning of the police. Despite of demands from all quarters and necessity to reform the Police force, no concrete or resulting action has so far initiated by any Government since independence. Paradoxical all it appears, that a country which so emphatically  new off the British yoke is satisfied to be nailed by a colonial Act, whose main objective was to subjugate the population. Every successive government avoided so far the necessary reforms in police force indicate the obnoxious nexus between the Police, and politicians, the police and the executives and a belief that if the reforms be made, the benefits being derived by them from the Police will no more be available.  Necessity of a new Police Act, is undoubtedly being felt in all segments of the society. The new Act needs to state that the Police must act strictly according to the law and not as per whims of any powerful politician, executive. It needs to be systematized by a new statutory framework that fixes the accountability, responsibility, makes it certain that the chains of command lies within the police, their promotions, posting and punishment do not depend upon the patronage from the political bosses. A greater transparency more accurate mechanism of segregation of work and devolving of responsibility is required.  In 1977, the National Police Commission recommended, analysing carefully the problems of the police and pressures faced by the police force. The recommendations mainly dealt with two aspects, one insulating the police from undue political pressure and accountability of the police to law alone and not to any person. The more...

"Newspaper is today regarded at a powerful source of knowledge, a vigorous critic of government actions, a social reformer, drawing tile attention of public towards the maladies and abuses prevalent in tile society, as tile champion of freedom, justice, as tile best tool of communication and so exercise a tremendous influence on the minds of public." Through newspaper one can enlighten oneself with all kinds of subjects whether relating to Economics, Finance. Administration, Science, Space. Information Technology, Commerce, Sports or relating to the social problems facing our country or the world. "A careful and inquisitive reader of a few good newspapers can learn much more than the most scholars learn in great libraries," said an eminent writer. Newspaper commands such an educative value that it can mould the public opinion, it can change the attitude of the people, it can force the rulers to amend in their policymaking and force them to enact some laws, banning some social evils prevalent in the society." "The pen is mightier than the sword."                                                                                                                          —Lord Oxford Newspaper does not have brutal force of a sword, but it plays on the minds of the people and so more effective, mightier than the swords. The beginning of the newspaper, as we know today, were in the form of newsletter news books first published in 1400s the earliest of these newsletters often called courante. Occur rents or intelligencers, were published in Europe's commercial centers. They simply contained business news and news of other public events for business community. Official news sheets began to appear during the late 1500s. Then came the written notes, were pasted in public places in Venice, which could be read on payment of a coin, known as the Gazette. The first printed news sheet seems to have been the Avisa Relation Oder Zeilung, published regularly on weekly basis from 1609 in Germany. The weekly Frankfurter Journal of Germany is generally regarded as the world’s first real newspaper founded by Egenolph Emmel in 1615. The Leipziger Zeitung was the first newspaper started on daily basis. It was first started on weekly basis and soon became the first daily journal in the world in 1660.The Wiener Zeitung is the world's oldest newspaper still in existence, published in Vienna Austria in 1703. Viedomosti, the first Russian newspaper, was began in1702, and the Daily Courant was the first daily newspaper published in U.K... The Indian World was India's first important newspaper. During mid 1800's the newspapers were able to cover news across the world faster after the invention of electric telegraph and the introduction of international cables.   Since 1960's many newspapers have modernized their facilities by installing computerized word processing and lay out system. Today many newspapers offer  electronic newspapers are called on line newspapers. With the Hashing of news on  television, became very common, now newspapers have started covering many aspects, like features on science, general knowledge, stories, and analytical process on various current affairs. Now the newspapers have become not only a source more...

"Nationalism is a sacred passion, a great moral and ethical belief, a social expression on a national plane, immense love for the country. It is an infrangibly notion to treat loyalty to one's nation  superior to all other loyalties ". A true nationalist is one who regards his country as the cause of his existence and ready to abandon his own interests for its welfare. An avowed nationalist never minds sacrificing everything including his life for the cause of the nation. People adore and glorify him as an incarnation of super being. Poets compose verses in honour of his deeds and everyone pray for his immortality. After death he is treated as an eternal foundation of inspiration, an ideal to be followed by all, a beacon light which shows right path even after his departure. Nationalism can't be treated as a passive thing or inconspicuous way of leading life. It is such an active and self motivated, inner emotion which urges him to do and dare anything for the cause of nation. They die so that others may live. There are many instances even in the history of our freedom struggle where for the cause of motherland, many suffered unimaginable hardships and many sacrificed their lives for the cause of nation. Shaheed BhagetSingh, Bal Gandgadhar Tilak. Subhash ChandraBose, Bipin Chandra Pal, Chandra Shekhar, Mahatma Gandhi and so many, who had never cared for their own comfort and they lived for the cause of the Motherland and die, were the true nationalists. Since time immemorial, in all the histories of civilization. Nationalism has remained and regarded a subject of eloquent praise on the lips of everybody. The love and attachment to one's motherland is not unnatural, its root lies in the affection her receives since he born, plays, nurtures in that land. Everyone has the feeling of nationalism, love for his country. An unknown poet has beautifully coded the following lines that show the feeling of immense love for the motherland: "O for a glimpse of my Motherland so fair! O for a breath of its sweet scented air! There let me live and oil, there let me die! There is sweet silence my dead body shall lie", Evils of Nationalism: Nothing is wrong in loving one's country, nothing is wrong in having loyalty to one's country, but if the love and loyalty becomes so strong, that it resulted in to hatred for all other countrymen, and other nations it becomes an evil. Blind nationalism dwarfs the mind just as Chinese woman's unnatural shoes compress and distorts her feet. Nationalism, when outruns its reasonable limits, becomes organized hypocrisy, creates hatred for other nations. Extreme nationalism glorifies war. Nationalism when diverted from the path of reason and common good, quite often loses its sacred instincts and degenerates into aggressive attitude of nationalism. A nationalist more...

"Though Election Reforms are must for the survival of our of democracy, yet it is the awareness among public to vote in favour of sincere, dedicated and honest political leader that can put a check on all evils of the system. " The election process in our country is the progenitor of political corruption. Politicians today have mono aim to capture power by hook or by crook with no consideration for moral or ethical values. The erstwhile Chief Election Commissioner, T.N. Sheshan considers the election process to be the root cause of corruption and the corrupt influences in our political system. In his peculiar style, he end devoured to the best of his capacity to purge the electoral system of the baneful influences of money power, muscle power, politicians' dominancy and bureaucratic favoritism. In the history of Indian democracy it was Mr. T.N. Sheshan who took the cudgels alone to fight the hitherto unchallengeable politicians, and shown them the authority of the office of the Election Commission. The indefatigable Sheshan, made it crystal clear that unless the political system from top to bottom was freed from the evil of corruption, there could be no permanent solution of this cancerous evil. Mr. Sheshan has shown the path leaving the unfinished task in the hands of his successors like Mr. M.S. Gill. Mr. J.M. Lyngdoh, and Mr. T.S. Krishnamurthy, everyone of these stalwarts of bureaucracy did their best to purge the system of electioneering in the Indian democratic setup. The task of Mr. Krishnamurthy has not finished yet. In the path of reform in election process the judgment of Supreme Court delivered on 13th March, 2003, has a far reaching positive and resultant impact. With this judgment, it has become mandatory for candidates to declare their criminal antecedents, wealth, educational qualifications etc. A three judge bench said "A voter has a fundamental rig/it to know the antecedents of a candidate and this right was independent of the statutory right under the election law". The judges declared that a voter is first a citizen of this country and apart from statutory rights, he is having fundamental right conferred by Constitution. A member of the Bench, Mr. Justice M.B. Shah observed that the "right to vote would be meaningless unless citizens me well informed about the antecedents of a candidate". The judge said that exposure to public gaze and scrutiny was one of the surest means to change our democratic governing system and have a competent legislature. Mr. Justice Dhannadhikari observed that an improved electoral system was required to make the election process transparent and accountable so I fiat the influence of tainted money and physical force of criminals did not make democracy a farce.  Fair and free election is the necessity of democracy, wherein every representative Of people whether MLA or MP has to observe the law of nation in true spirit. It is no secret more...

"The Preamble to Constitution of India embodies the spirit and soul of the constitution, the determination of the people of India to be united themselves for the sacred cause of building a new and independent nation which ensures justice, liberty, equality and fraternity to all its citizens". The Preamble to the Constitution of Indian Republic is one of the best of its kind. Ever drafted so beautifully, encompasses both in ideas and ideals and in expression that it becomes the foundation of the governance of the country. The Preamble to the Constitution of India reads as under: "We, the People of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens—Justice, social, economic and political; Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; Equality of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation; In our Constituent Assembly this twenty-sixth day of November 1949, do hereby adopt, enact and give to ourselves this Constitution." The sentiments characteristically, embodies the views expressed by Mahatma Gandhi, in 1931, when he was on board to a ship to London as a representative of nationalist India, to the Second Round Table Conference, he was questioned by a newspaper correspondent as to what Constitution, he would bring if he could help it. Gandhiji replied, "I shall strive for a Constitution which will release India from all thraldom and patronage and give her, if need be, the right to sin. 1 shall work for an India in which the poorest shall feel that it is their country in whose making they have an effective voice; an India in which there shall be no high class and low class of people; an India in which all communities shall live in perfect harmony. There can be no room in such an India for the curse of untouchability or the curse of intoxicating drinks and drugs. Women shall enjoy the same rights as men. Since we shall be at peace with all the rest of the world neither exploiting nor being exploited, we should have the smallest army imaginable. All interest not in conflict with the interests of the dumb millions will be scrupulously respected, whether foreigner indigenous. Personally, I have no distinction between foreign and indigenous. This is (he India of my dreams." The Preamble not only shows the path of governance to the leaders, but also embodies, the purposes that it serves, like the declaration (1) the source of the authority (2) a statement of objectives (3) the date of its adoption. The first line of the Preamble emphasizes the ultimate authority of the people, who has resolved to constitute the country into a Sovereign Socialist more...

"It is open to the educational institutions to prohibit political activities and forbid students from organizing or attending Hireling other than the official ones within the college campus," the coif ft declared. "A restriction does not violate the right it’s such as freedom of speech and expression, freedom to form associations or unions under tile Constitution of India," the judgement said. (Kerala High Court) During the days of India's struggle for independence, the student’s participation in politics deemed synonymous with their involvement in the pious cause of attaining freedom from the British despot. Students imbued with the desire to achieve freedom, threw themselves in hundreds and thousands into the turbulence of revolutionary politics. Their active participation in the struggle for freedom was undoubtedly useful  for they possess required zeal and energy and in those peculiar circumstances, they were fully Justified in sacrificing their studies at the altar of political freedom.  But with the country became independent, the situation has altogether recharged. The reasonability of participation of students in the politics is required a thorough review. We have to sec what we expect from the students whether we want them to become the politicians of tomorrow or we want them to become an Administrator. Scientist, Judge or alike. We should also review the present state of politics in our country and its impact on students. Politics in many of Kerala's church-run colleges is now officially being inked as a dirty word. A recent High Court order allowed college management to prohibit students from undertaking or participating In political activities within campuses. But student unions of major political parties such as the Congress and the Communist Party of India—Marxist say they will appeal against the order in the Supreme Court as it is against the fundamental rights. At least a dozen colleges run by the church have already enforced the May 26 order saying student politics have often disrupted studies and led to violence and killings. More colleges across the State are in the process of banning politics. The influential Inter-Church Council for Education—an apex union of various Christian educational managements in Kerala—has also written to all the colleges run by it to forbid politics in colleges. "We no longer want colleges to allow students' unions to fight elections under political banners. We feel banning politics in campus would improve the quality of education and reduce various forms of violence perpetuated by students in colleges," ICCE Chairperson Archbishop Joseph Powathil of Changanassery told. "Kerala has suffered a lot because of violent students' politics," he adds. The unprecedented court judgement came after a student — Sajan Francis — filed a case against the church-run St. Thomas College principal Father M.M. Mathew for preventing him from writing his second year degree examinations in Apri] 2002 on account of inadequate attendance. Francis more...

"Caste has polarized the national politics and caste politics breed caste parties. Not a single party', however; avowedly opposes\castes, is free from the dominant influence of caste. During election time when the question of number games becomes most important, candidates seek to mobilize the support of not only their own caste hut also those belonging to backward caste and tlie Dalits." Caste is a gift of centuries in the history and its origin goes back to 3 or millennia. It goes back to a past when like all other humans, the tribal Aryans roamed the plains of Central Asia before reaching India. The Caste-based stratification displays very different characteristics. To begin with, it is impossible to construct uniform hierarchy of caste based on the notion of purity and pollution. No caste would acquiesce to its placement among the so-called' untouchables'. No caste would agree that members of other castes are made up of substances better than theirs (Gupta 2000 72-85: see also Appadurai 1974). No caste would like its people to marry outside th community. No caste would like to merge its identity with any other caste. No cast accepts that it has originated from a shameful act of miscegenation. Any suggestion of being half-breed is dismissed haughtily across the board by all castes (see Gupta ibid). Castes always differentiate themselves from other castes on multiple fronts'! how they get married, how they conduct their funeral ceremonies, the cuisines the cook and prefer, and even on the basis of gods that they each castes considers to special to its members (Gupta 2000:77-85). Each caste has a clear idea of which caste it considers to be below it and which ones roughly equal. Endogamy, or marrying within one's jati, is a strict rule that all castes hold dear. It is not at all true that poorer castes are less punctilious in observing their caste norms. Each caste inspires its own variety of caste patriotism for which reason jati puranas or origin tales are such an important aspect of their cultural legacy and heritage. All dominated castes explain their subjugation not on the basis of purity and pollution but on the basis of lost wars, chicanery and deceit by kinsmen and fair weather friends. Sometimes the Gods too an blamed for being fickle, inconstant and temperamental in bestowing their favor (ibid: 73-78, 116-129). Other castes had to acquiesce to this or face brutal consequences. They dare not express their version of the true' hierarchy. With the growth in commercialization, urbanization and democracy, poorer castes are becoming bolder and now have the courage to openly express what they have always held dear but dared not manifest in any form in the past. The distinguishing characteristic of the caste order is the discrete character of its constituent units tilt resist being forced into a single hierarchical frame. As these castes arc discrete more...

 “I ask you all so earnestly to open girl's schools in every village and try to uplift them. If the conditions of women are raised, then their children will, by their noble actions, glorify the name of the country."                               —Swami Vivekanand Today’s girl child will be the mother of tomorrow. As a mother she can give her child a sound nursing and capable upbringing. A woman has the maximum impact on the social, economical decisions making in the family generally. At micro level, educated woman help in making the whole family including the older family members, understand the values and importance of education, and at macro level, educated women add to the social and economical development of the nation. Girls education is like sowing the seed which gives rise to green, cheerful and full grown family plant. In ancient time girl's education had a significant place in the society. Gargi and Maitreyi played very encouraging role in spreading the education to a great extent. Women's social conditions started deteriorating with the passage of time. Instead of giving them education, they are being subjected to sufferings under Purdah System, Child marriage. In some states female infanticide is prevalent even today. A new culture of elimination of female foetus has gradually become rampant discrimination between the education of girl and boy is common in rural areas. Parents feel that the education of girls is wastage as they will go to their husbands after marriage and more dowry have to be paid for a more educated girl. The poverty and illiteracy among the people is also big reason for not sending the girls to schools and colleges. But things are being changed, though slowly, but gradually. The various awakening programmes launched by the government for encouraging the girls education, the introduction of TV's in rural areas, the 33% reservation given to females in Panchayats, have played positive role in this direction. Now the importance of educating the girls is being felt. Several other policies, like 30% reservation to female candidates in services, enhanced subsidy to girls entrepreneurs .various self employment schemes launched for the benefits of women like Women Entrepreneurs Development Programme, Self Help Groups of women have resulted in mobilizing and directing the parents to get their daughters educated. The educated women can help in eradicating many social evils prevalent in the society, like Dowry, killing the female foetus, discrimination in the matter of education of the girls, illiteracy and so on. Many programmes of the government like population control, polio eradication, programmes relating to the development of the rural area in which the cooperation and coordination of the rural masses are necessary, can well be taken care by the women representatives of the Panchayats. If these representatives are educated the implementation of the programmes will be a grand success. Education gives effectiveness and confidence to the women. more...

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