Current Affairs The Human Body

Skin colour is due to the different levels of melanin, a black pigment present in our skin, also found in hair and the iris of the eye. Melanin    protects skin from the sun's radiation. The darker the skin, the less likely it is to suffer from sunburn. So the melanocytes, the melanin making cells are larger and produce more pigment in darker people.

Every minute you are alive, you breathe in more than 6 litres of air. A normal breath takes in about 0.4 litres of air. A deep breath can take up to 4 litres of air.

An eyeball, which is too long, causes short sight where the light rays form an image in front of the retina. It can be corrected by a concave lens. Ashort eyeball causes M long sight where the image cannot A be formed within the eye. It can be corrected by a convex lens.

There are 200 different types of cells and about 600 billion cells in our body.

Up to 2 percent of the world's population suffers from vitiligo (white patches). This disorder involves destruction of pigment producing cells (melanocytes) and can be treated by carefully controlled photochemotherapy with UV light exposure.

On an average for an adult human, the liver weighs (1,600 gm), lungs (1,100 gm), skin, the, largest organ (11,000 gm) and the brain (1,400 gm).

Our kidney filters nearly 200 litres of blood daily. One fourth of all blood in human body are filtered by the kidneys every minute. 

Finger nails grow nearly four times faster than toe nails. 

 Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble vitamins, and are stored by the body mainly in the liver. Vitamins B and C are water- soluble, absorbed quickly, but only excess is excreted in the urine.

80% of the body heat is vented through the head. 

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