Current Affairs The Human Body

The shortest ever female was Pauline Musters (NetherIands). Born 1876, she measured only 30 cm at birth and reached only 55 cm height and 1.5 kg weight. She died of pneumonia in 1895 in New York (USA).

Our bones are composed mainly of calcium, phosphorous and fibrous substance called collagen.

Speech is one of the most complex and delicate operations that the body is asked to undertake .The whole of the respiratory system and the entire structure of the muscles, from the abdomen to nose, play some part in the production of speech sounds.

By the age of 2 to 3 years, the child will have complete set of 20 milk teeth. By the early 20's most people have full set of 32 permanent teeth and some 25% of adults never develop the wisdom teeth or third molars.

Thyroid glands trap all the available iodine from the blood effectively, which is vital for its activities. An absence of iodine in the diet results in malfunction of the thyroid and the growth of the gland, a condition called 'endemic goitre'.

There are thousands of different antibodies present in the blood in our body. Each antibody is targeted against a particular invader (antigen).

Uranium produces 30 times more energy than that produced by coal.

Omron Corpn, Tokyo (Japan), developed which is intelligent enough to recognise the user's face and perform only for users. Whereas of the world's to Q mobile phone producers from Ningbo (China) has developed a phone that can be activated by the user's finger print.

Some researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) designed a prototype robot that walks on water. It is made from carbon fibres with 8-2 inch steel wire legs coated with a water- repelling plastic. Its body measures little more than half an inch. This robot could be used in any still water to monitor water supplies for contamination and to skim contaminants off.

The chances of a mother giving birth to quadruplets (four babies) are almost one in 6,00, 000 and for twins, it is one in 86.

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