Current Affairs The Human Body

The flavour sensing cells in taste buds are replaced once in 10 days. But as the human body ages, the cell replacement system becomes less efficient. This means that food often tastes bland and has no flavour to older people.

The largest bone is pelvis.

If the heart is taken out of the body, it will continue to beat.

The right foot of the human is almost always longer than the left foot.

The highest recorded speed of a sneeze is 165 KMPH. and you cannot keep your eyes open when you sneeze.

The ear is most sensitive to sounds in the middle range of 500 to 4000 h z/sec. But, in young people the range of audible frequencies is approximately from 20 h z to 20 k h z/sec. 

Your gut is folded over so many times that it is 6 times as long as you are tall - up to 10 m.

A newborn baby has more than 350 bones. Some of these gradually join together during childhood to form 206 bones of the adult skeleton.

Our hair is made up of keratin, a tough and horny protein, the fastest growing tissue in the body but second only to the bone marrow.

We blink our eyes once every six seconds. In an average lifetime of 65 years, we blink about 200 million times.

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