Current Affairs The World

The German Volkswagen Beetle is the most popular car of all time. Production ceased in 1978 after almost 50 years of existence. During that time, over 20 million Beetles had been produced and sold.

Mohammed is the most common first name in the world.

Bugatti Royal Sports Coupe Model 41 was the most expensive car with a price of US $ 15 million. Only 6 of these cars were ever made for private use by Japanese society in 1990. 

Mount Wai-Ale-Ale (Hawaii -USA) situated 1569 m above sea level gets rainfall on 350 days in a year.

Eskimos, who eat more fat compared to others in the world, seldom have any heart diseases.

Baltic Sea is the least salty sea in the world, whereas the salt content of the water in the Red Sea is 43 to 46 gm /kg of water.

Glaciers, the enormous masses of compressed ice, cover almost 14 million sq. Km. of the Earth's surface nearly one-tenth of the Earth's surface. The Lambert - Fisher, the longest glacier, with a length of 515 km, is in Antarctica.

The highest number of railway passengers are in Moscow (Russia), over 3 billion user per year against over 2 billion in Tokyo (Japan) and 1.5 billion on the underground railways in Mexico City.

Fidel Castro, the dictator, has been the leader of Cuba since 1959, as the prime minister from 1959-1976, and as the president from 1976 to 2008.

Sudhir Deshpande of Nasik (India) created a massive sculpture out of scrap metal, called 'Powerful'. It stands 17 m high and weighs 27 tonnes.

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