Current Affairs The World

The Russian oil Baron, Roman Abramovich, is a spendthrift, spending US $ 700 million in 2 years, which includes h chase of UK' Chelsea football club for US $ 290 million, 2 yachts for US $ 220 comes next. He spent US $ 250 million for a 450 ft luxurious yacht, which will supplant Paul Alien's (Microsoft) 414 ft octopus as the world's biggest luxurious yacht.

Australia's Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral    reef, which extends up to 2027 km from north to south, and is the world's largest ever biological structure. This is    made from 400 different      corals, and it took 2 million years to form. This is even visible from the moon! 

 The deepest point in the Indian Ocean has been recorded at 7400 m in the Java trench. The great white shark, which can smell one drop of human blood in 100 million drops of water, is often found in this ocean.

The bullet train 'Nozomi’ with the Japanese railways, is the fastest train in the world, which connects Hiroshima to Kokura on the island of Honshu at an average speed of 262 KMPH, just a shade faster than the speed of 256 KMPH by French TGV at an average.

The trumpets used by the Lamas in Bhutan for certain religious ceremonies are made from human thigh-bones.

Tsunami denotes a series of tidal waves, triggered off by volcanic eruption, or an earthquake, underneath the sea bed etc. The earthquake measuring 9.8 Richter scale , that occurred near Sumatra island on Sunday, the 26th December 2004, devastated the   south-eastern part of the Indian claiming 1,24,000 leaving 1,13,000 p e o p I e missing and r e n d e r I n g  4, 00 000 homeless. 

On 14th April 1999, Japanese railways’ MAGLEV train reached a speed of 552 KMPH. This train has magnets instead of wheels, and runs over a magnetic track. The magnetic sources constantly repel (shove apart), so that the AAAGLEV is suspended slightly above the track as it traverses over it. It is better known as "Train without wheels.'

The Ivory Coast in West Africa is the world leader in the production of cocoa, about 1.16 million tonnes per year. Half of this is exported to USA alone. Cocoa, which is roughly 20% protein, 40% carbohydrate and 40% fat, makes a better cough suppressant than codeine the active ingredient in most cough medicines.

The City Montessori School, Lucknow (India), had a record enrolment of 26,312 pupils for the academic year 2002-2003.

The Burj-AI-Arab is the world's first 7 star hotel and the world's tallest hotel too with a height of 321 m. Shaped like a sail, it has 202 suites and covers a total plinth area of 1, 11, 500 sq. m. The rapidly coming up, first-of-its-kind. Palm Island at Burj-Dubai is expected to be the new wonder of the world.

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