Current Affairs The World

King Khalid International Airport, Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) is the largest airport by acreage, covering an area of 55,040 acres. It cost US $ 3.7 billion and was inaugurated in November 1983. 

Around 270 million trees were felled or uprooted by o storm that hit France on 26+h and 27th December 1999. The storm lasted for 30 hours and caused 87 deaths. The damage was estimated at US $ 8 billion.

South-China Sea is the most extensive sea in the world, covering an area of 3.45 million sq. Km

The CN tower of Toronto (Canada) became the world's tallest tower with a mast (an upright post with transmitter) of 555 m high in 1976 built from 1,30,000 tonnes of reinforced concrete.

One morning, in 1943, at South Dakota (USA), the temperature shot up byin just two minutes.

The largest fire-fighting aircraft is the Russian built llyushin 76TD with a capacity of 42000 litres of water. On each journey, it can pour its cargo over an area 1200 m wide and 90m long, extinguishing in a short time the most un- controllable blaze.

Greenland, the world's largest island, owned by Denmark, is 2670 km long and 1210 km wide. , 48 % of it is covered by ice, and it has very little greenery as against its name.

The Japanese have the largest merchant fleet in the world, with 8000 ships, compared to 6000 registered in Panama, and 5800 in the USA.

Alaska, the largest state, and Hawaii islands are the two states of USA, which are not joined to any states of the USA.

Cisko, the snifferdog, a Belgian breed, worth US $ 60000, aged above 3, with extraordinary ability to unearth hidden explosives, is deployed to guard the envoy of the USA in Kabul (Afghanistan) where Americans are prone to be killed by Taliban militants. Any on visiting the USA envoy must be cleared by Cisko’s powerful nose. Cisko is expected to work until he is 14 years old, which is the normal life span of dogs.

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