Current Affairs Essays

The Evil of Dowry System

Category : Essays

There are many social problems India is facing. Out of them Dowry system is one of the biggest problem prevailing in India. Dowry system can as regarded as an illegal system in which though unwillingly but after marriage bride's parents need to give money and other necessary items to bride. It use to be a good tradition but with the changing time its purpose has changed completely. Now, this system has taken a bad form and it has emerged as the biggest evil of our society. Earlier bride's parents use to give dowry according to their status and with their own choice. Nothing was forced. But now people from bride's side are forced to give dowry for the sake of Hurii.ige. They are forced to give more and more money at nine of marriage and even after marriage people are becoming greedy. Some people give their son higher education like Doctor, Engineer and MBA but it further helps them to encash their sons. So they expect that Whatever they have spent on their sons, the recovery of the money should be done by their respective daughter In-laws’ or their parents.

Marriage has become a kind of departmental store of boys tied with price tags that are put according to their profession. Now, its up to brides parents financial condition which boy they can afford for their daughters as groom. Marriage use to be a pure ceremony, about which it was said that God use to fix them up above in heaven. But now the whole scenario has changed. Now, brides are killed or forced to suicide if they are not able to fulfil needs of their greedy in laws. In laws misbehave with girls and (fortune) them if did not bring what they have asked for.

Day in and day out, we hear heart-rending news of bride burning. How disgusting it is that for some people, money matters more than the life of a person! When a marriage takes place, the in-laws of a bride expect her to bring dowry in large quantities but when she fails to satisfy their greed after marriage, they harass her, they torture her and Sometimes, they even kill her. In this way, the custom which Was a healthy one in its early phase, has now turned into a Social evil.

In old times, at the time of their daughter's marriage the parents used to give their daughter some gifts. They would also give gifts to their son-in-law and other members of his side. These very gifts came to be called as dowry. This system remained a healthy one for a long time. Actually, the things received as dowry were supposed to be helpful in the newly - married couple's life. But, with the passage of time, it turned into an evil. Now, the groom's side started demanding dowry. Either the girl's parents had to meet their demands or they had to look for another groom. Sometimes, those who could not afford to give dowry, their daughter had to remain unmarried for life.

Due to this evil system, many other social evils came into existence. For example, people began to prefer male child. If a girl was born, she had to face sex-discriminations. Even her own parents discriminated between her and her brothers. When they realized that they could not afford to give dowry, they usually married their daughter off to some unsuitable man. Many other evils have cropped up due to this evil, corruption, killing of baby girls and unsuitable marriages are a few examples of them.

These social evils exist in our modern society as they did before. It is not that the govt. has not made efforts to curb this evil. There are anti-dowry laws to deal with this menace. But, these are not enough. This problem can be addressed successfully only if the govt. and people make mutual effort. If the people make a firm resolve that neither they will give nor they will accept dowry, this social evil can be eradicated from our society.

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