Current Affairs Essays

Dancing to the Tunes of Remixes

Category : Essays

Now-a-days, remix albums are selling like hot cakes. Today it has become some sort of rule that every music album must have a video where three or four girls, insufficiently dressed are dancing with the pelvic moves. This fashion was kick started by 'Tu hai wohi', 'Kaliyon ka Chaman', 'Kanta Laga' by DJ Doll, the latest one being 'Kabhi aar kabhi paar' and many more.

The English songs are blended into the Hindi remixes beautifully by these DJ's who use impressive accomplishments to fuse both the sounds- Certain Hindi golden oldies are fused with popular international hits to give a tremendous vocal effect. Typical example are 'Kehdoon tumhe' which was originally an English oldie hit 'Just wanna be close to you' and the lead track 'Saiyan dil mem aana re' which was originally of spice girl's popular song 'wannable’. These albums reflect the changing phase of remixes. It's all about being Indian and International at the same time. It's just like being 'Hinglish' or rather the proper word to be used is that it is the 'Fusion' of the two different scores of music.

The trend today is of remixes and such trend is followed to suit the listener's trend, changing tastes but at the same time we cannot deny that this gradual change in our Indian music with computers and new type of instruments are losing their flavour now. Now anything created in Bollywood from 1950-1990 can be remixed. From 'Kajra Mohabbat Wala' to 'Mere. Naseeb', every thing has been ruthlessly and shamelessly butchered.

the trend that started long way back with 'Chura liya hai' has finally gripped the Indian music like serpent aid today these remixes are becoming more popular by the extent of vulgarity shown in their videos. There would be a time when the next generation would be lost on the names of some of the great singers, lyricist and music directors. They would only be aware of the famous DJ's, remixing companies and other X, Y, Z's. Though they are cheating the rich heritage of old music and songs but still they are accepted by young generation.

On the other hand, remixing can be seen as an educative experience for the next generation as they can get insight into the yester year's music. Remixes make the new generation related to old songs.

However, remixing makes the member peppy and definitely more acceptable by our younger generation but it is true that remixing has spoiled the original track. Earlier, it used to be fire dance styles, facial expressions but now it is plain obscenity in music videos. Moreover, it is not good that music companies today are making money out of someone else's hard work. Cashing on other's talent does not make sense. Rest all depends upon the target audience and the ratio of acceptors and non-acceptors.

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