Current Affairs 5th Class

LEARNING OBJECTIVES This lesson will help you to:—  
  • Be able to identify and classify angles as acute, right and obtuse angles.
  • Be able to identify right angles in real world situations.
  • Explore perspective while drawing 3D object in 2D.
  • Be able to. explore rotations and reflection in 2D shapes.
  • Be able to explore symmetry and nets in 3D shapes.
  Real – Life Examples
  • The intersection of four roads on a traffic single is an example of right angle.
  • The Taj Mahal is a fine example of symmetry.
           QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW An angle is a measure of a turn. It is measured in degrees (°). There are different types of angles: Acute angle: If the measure of an angle is less than\[{{90}^{0}}\], then it is called an acute angle.                                                                                                                                                         \[\angle ABC\] is an acute angle. Right angle: If the measure of an angle is 90°, then it is called a right angle.   Amazing Facts
  • ARCHITECTURE is based on angles and lines. They use the then bring the building to life.
  • Things that are shaped like cube are often referred as ‘cubic’
  • most dice are in the shape of a cube with numbers 1 to 6 on each face.
  • \[{{20}^{0}}\] is approximately the width of a handspan at arm’s length
          \[\angle ABC\] is a right angle. Obtuse angle: If the measure of an angle is greater than\[{{90}^{0}}\], then it is called an obtuse angle.      \[\angle ABC\]is an obtuse angle.              Symmetry is when one shape becomes exactly like another if it is rotated, reflected or translated.       The vertical line in the figure above is called line of symmetry. 3D shapes have faces, edges and vertices. A net of a 3D shape is a figure which folds up to form a 3D shape. For example:                              Net of a cube folds up to form a cube.   Historical preview
  • The first know instrument for measuring angles was the Egyptian Groma. It consisted of 4 stones hanging by cords from more...

LEARNING OBJECTIVE This lesson -will help you to:—
  • Understand the concept of area and perimeter of polygons.
  • Calculate the area, perimeter and volume of two dimensional and three dimensional shapes.
  Real – Life Example
  • Whenever we have to pave any surface with tiles we calculate the area to be paved and the area covered by one tile. This gives the no. of tiles to be used in fencing an area we find the perimeter of the garden etc which gives us the length of wire to be used.
  Historical preview
  • The uniform systems of measur3ements seem to have been created by Egypt, Mesopotamia and Indus valley people. Indus valley people achieved great accuracy in measurement of length, time etc.
  QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW AREA is the space occupied by a closed figure. For example: the area covered by a carpet on the floor. PERIMETER is the distance around a closed figure. For I example: when you take a round around your play ground the distance covered by you in taking one round is called the perimeter. Area of square As we know that the square has all its four sides equal. The formula for area of a square is side x side. For example: Calculate the area of a square with each side of 5 cm.  Then to calculate the area of the square we apply the formula side x side. \[5\times 5=25,\] so the area of the square will be 25. UNITS: While calculating the area of square we are multiplying two numbers with same unit. Like in the example above, 5cm is multiplied by 5cm so the result will be in \[c{{m}^{2}}.\] This means the area will be 25\[c{{m}^{2}}.\]Whenever we find area of the square the units will be square units, like m2, \[c{{m}^{2}}.\]  or \[inc{{h}^{2}}.\] etc. Amazing Facts
  • If base of a triangle is doubled the area of the triangle also gets doubled.
  • When there are two rectangles of same perimeter, closer the length and the width, greater is the area.
For example, if there are three rectangles with sides:
  • l = 1; b= 5 perimeter is 2 (1 + 5) \[=2\times 6=12\] units: area is \[1\times 5=5sq\]units.
  • l = 2; b = 4 perimeter is 2(2 + 4) \[=2\times 6=12\] units; area is \[2\times 4=8sq\] units.
  • l = 3; b = 3 permeter is 2(3 + 3) \[=2\times 6=12\] units; area is \[3\times 3=9sq\] units.
In all of the above given rectangles, perimeter is same. The rectangle in which the difference between the sides is least more...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES This lesson will help you to:
  • Understand the concept of temperature.
  • Learn and study about various measuring scales of temperature.
  • Study and learn about the conversion from one scale to another.
  Real-Life Example
  • We use thermometers at our home to check the temperature of our bodies during fever. We place the thermometer either in the mouth or under the arm-pits to measure the body temperature.
  Amazing Facts
  • An interesting temperature related fact is that Fahrenheit and Celsius are equal at -40 degress.
  • The hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth is \[{{57.8}^{0}}C\] (136\[^{0}F\]), recorded in Al ‘Azizyah, Libya on September 13, 1922.
  • The coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth is -89.2 \[^{0}C\] (-128.6\[^{0}F\]), recorded at Vostro Station, Antarctica on July 21, 1983.
  • It is the degree of hotness or coldness of a body or,
  • Temperature is measured in units called degrees. There are a few different temperature scales, including degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius represented as \[^{O}F\] and \[^{O}C\] respectively.
  • Temperature is measured using a thermometer.
  • When you boil water, it measures \[{{100}^{O}}\] in Celsius, but \[{{212}^{0}}\] in Fahrenheit.
  • When you freeze water, it measures \[{{0}^{0}}\] in Celsius, but \[{{32}^{0}}\] in Fahrenheit.              
  • So the difference between freezing and boiling is \[{{100}^{0}}\] in Celsius, but \[{{180}^{0}}\] in Fahrenheit:
  • The temperature of our bodies is about \[{{37}^{0}}C\] or \[{{98.6}^{0}}F.\]
  Historical preview
  • One of the early scientists to start developing a way of measuring temperature was Galileo Galilei. These devices were called ‘’thermoscopes’’ because they did not actually have a scale which measured temperature. However, records from this time period do allow scientists to records from this time period do allow scientists to reconstruct world temperatures much more accurately. Galileo invented the first documented thermometer in about 1592.
  • By the early 18th century, as many as 35 different temperature scales had been devised.
Misconcept / concept
  • Misconnect: All liquids boil at \[{{100}^{0}}C\left( {{212}^{0}}F \right)\] and freeze at \[{{0}^{0}}\] C\[\left( {{32}^{0}}F \right)\].
  • Concept: Not all liquids boil at \[{{100}^{0}}C\] and freeze at \[{{0}^{0}}\]C. This is the melting and freezing point of water only. Each and every liquid has different properties and thus melt and freeze at different temperatures.
Temperature Conversion                      By looking at the diagram, it can be seen that:      
  • The scales start at a different number (0 v/s 32), so we will need to add or subtract 32.
  • more...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES This lesson will help you to:
  • Learn and study about finding fractional part of a collection.
  • Learn to compare one and more fractions.
  • Learn to study about identifying equivalent fractions.
  • Study and learn to estimate the degree of closeness of a fraction to known fractions (1/2, 1/4 and 3/4).
  • Understand and learn to use decimal fractions in the context of units of length and money.
  • Understand and study about expressing a given fraction into decimal notation and vice-versa.
  • Understand the fractional part of a collection.
  • Comparison of fractions.
  • Identifying equivalent fractions.
  Real – Life Example
  • Time is a very good example of fractions. Time is divided into various denominations of hours, minutes and seconds For example, 1 hour has 60 minutes or it can also be said that 1 hour can be divided into 60 equal fractions each being equal to 1 minute.
  • Fractional Part: The fractional part of a number is the part of the number that appears after the decimal point.
  • A fraction is a way of representing division of a 'whole* into parts.
  • A fraction is a way of representing division of a 'whole* into parts. It has the form
\[\frac{\text{Numeratar}}{\text{Denominatar}}\] Where the Numerator = Number of parts chosen And the Denominator = Total number of the parts   Amazing Fact
  • The number Pi (the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle) can’t be expressed as a fraction. When written as a decimal it never repeats and never ends.
Here is Pi written to 50 decimal Places: 3.1415926535897932384624338327950288419716939937510 Example: Fraction 1/3 is shown by the pie chart below. The pie is divided into 3 equal parts. The green part is equal to one third of the pie, thus 1/3. Part of a whole   √             the top number (the numerator) says how many parts the whole is divided into.                        √             the bottom number (the denominator) says how many you have. Comparing fractions: Fractions are compared to see if one fraction is equal to (=), greater than (>) or smaller than (<) the other fraction.
  • While comparing the fractions, if the fraction are like fractions, the fraction with bigger numerator is greater.
  • If the fractions are not like fractions, convert fraction into like fraction using the LCM of the denominator and then compare.
  • more...

LERNING OBJECTIVE This lesson will help you to:
  • Understand the concept of ratio.
  • Simplify ratio and understand equivalent ratio.
  • Determine and define unit rate.
  • Use scale drawings to measure.
  • The concept of ratio is very commonly used in cooking A recipe has ingredients in a certain fixed ratio. For example; the ratio of flour to sugar is 3: 1.
  • Builder use ratio in constructing a building. The raw material used should be in fixed ratio to construct a strong building
  QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW Ratio is two things compared to each other. For example: 60 km per hour is a ratio or 12 girls to 13boys in a class is a ratio.   PROPERTIES OF RATIO
  • There are 3 ways to write a ratio, a to b; \[\frac{a}{b}\] and a: b.
  • A ratio can be scaled up.
For example:   The ratio of checkered ball: striped balls is 3:1.   Amazing Facts
  • The ratio of length to breadth of Indian flag is 3 : 2
  • The ratio of speed of sound underwater to air is 5 : 1 i.e., sound travels five times faster underwater than is air
  PLAY TIME Have a bag of red balls and blue balls. Divide your friends in teams. Distribute same number of red and blue balls to all the teams. Ask the team to divide the balls in asked ratio. The ratio of checkered ball: striped balls is 9: 3 = 3:1, even thought there are more balls.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES This lesson will help you to:
  • understand the expanded form of a decimal number.
  • learn the conversion of decimal into fraction & vice-versa.
  • identify the different types of decimals.
  • compare decimals.
  • learn about the different operations on the decimal numbers.
  Real – Life Example
  • Decimals are used in expressing money, distance and length, weight and capacity.
  • Decimals are frequently used in Science from laboratory experimental data.
  • Decimals are used when adding and counting money. Whenever we have some number of paise that do not add up to a complete rupee, we express the amount as a decimal.
  • Decimals are used in all types of measurements. Eg: When you fall sick, doctor prescribes you medicine as 2.5 ml twice a day or so on.
  QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW (i) Decimal number is another way of representing   fractions.       
  • Decimal is a fraction having the denominator power of 10.
  • Decimal part read as separately one by one like 25.921 is read as twenty five point nine, two, one.
  • Decimal numbers have a whole part and a decimal part separated by a decimal point.
  Amazing Facts
  • One decimal place to the right of the demical point is he ‘’tenths’’ place, but one decimal place to the left ‘’ones’’ place. The ‘’tens’’ place is two places to the left.
  • Decimal notation is the writing of numbers in a base-10 numeral system.
  • The word decimal is derived from the Latin root decem (ten).
(ii)         The decimal point goes between units and tenths place.              Place of a decimal: In a decimal number, position or "place" of each digit is important. In the number 237,
  • the "7" is in the Units position, meaning just 7
  • the "3" is in the Tens position meaning 3 tens
and the "2" is in the Hundreds position, meaning  2 hundreds.                "Two Hundred Thirty Seven"          (iv)         As we move left, each position is 10 times bigger, Hundreds are 10 times bigger than Tens.         
  • As we move right, each position is 10 times" smaller From Hundreds, to Tens, to Units
  Expanded form of decimals \[315.162=300+10+5+\frac{1}{10}+\frac{6}{100}+\frac{2}{1000}\] (vi)         Like more...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES This lesson will help you to-
  • learn about the concept of BO&MAS.
  • study about the application of BO&MAS in
  • study about the importance of BO&MAS rule while solving mathematical problems.
  Real – Life Example
  • The rules of BODMAS are very important in daily accounting and calculations and are used frequently by bankers, accountants, students and even housewives.
  Amazing Fact
  • As in India we often hear about BODMAS in USA the acronym PEMDAS in used. The full form of PEMDAS is ‘Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction.
  QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW Lesson in a Nutshell BODMAS: BODMAS is the sequence for working out and constructing mathematical equations and formulas containing more than one calculation. This methodology is commonly referred to as the order of mathematical operations. Operations: "Operations" in mathematics refer to addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. If it isn't a number it is probably an operation. B    RACKETS    ( ) [ ] { } O    RDER POWER OF  \[\sqrt{{}}{{\left( {} \right)}^{2}}\] D    IVIDE      \[/\div \] M   ULTIPLY    \[*\times \] A     DDITTION     + S      UBTRACTION   ____
  • Divide and Multiply rank equally (and go left to right).
  • Add and Subtract rank equally (and go left to right).
  • After you have done ‘’B’’ and ‘’O’’, Just go from left to right doing and ‘’D’’ or ‘’M’’ as you find them.
  • Then go from left to right doing any ‘’A’’ or ‘’S’’ as you find them.
  Steps to simplify the order of operation using BODMAS rule:
  • First part of an equation is start solving inside the ‘Brackets’’
For Example :  \[\left( 6+4 \right)\times 5\] First solve inside ‘brackets’ 6 + 4 = 10, then \[10\times 5=50.\]
  • Next solve the mathematical ‘Of’
For Example : 3 of 4 +n 9 First solve ‘of’ \[3\times 4=12,\] then 12 + 9 = 21.
  • Next, the part of the equation is to calculate ‘Division’ and Multiplication’.
We know that, when division and multiplication follow one another, then their order in that part of the equation is solved from left side to right side. For Example:  \[15\div 3\times 1\div 5\] ‘Multiplication’   and ‘Division’ perform equally, so calculate from left to right side. First solve  \[15\div 3=5,\] then \[5\times 1=5,\] then \[5\div 5=1.\]

LEARNING OBJECTIVES This lesson will help you to:
  • recognize and learn factors and multiples.
  • understand how to find factors and multiples.
  • understand the real life applications of factors andmultiples.
  • understand and draw factor trees.
  • find common factors and multiples of two numbers.
  Real - Life Example
  • We are surrounded by numbers in each & every sphere of our life. Factors & multiples are also commonly used in our everyday lives. We use factors when we want to arrange things in different ways. For example, arranging books in rows & columns, making groups of children in different ways etc.
  QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW FACTORS It was picture day in Ria's school. Her teacher made all the students stand in a single line. But all of them couldnot come in the frame.       This way also all the students were not fitting in the frame. Then she made 4 lines of 5 each. Now all the students could fit in the frame. So here we saw three different ways to make 20 students stand in lines.                                       The first way is \[1\times 20\] The second way is \[2\times 10\] & the third way is \[5\times 4\] Therefore, we can say that 1,20,2, 5 & 4 are the factors of 20. Definition of factors: The factors of a number are thosewhich divide the number without leaving any remainder. Thus, factors of a number divide the number completely, Note: A number can have many factors.        
  • Prime factors: Factors of a number which areprime are called its prime factors.
  • Prime factorization: A factosation in whichevery factor is prime is called prime factorization of the number.
  • Co-prime: Two numbers are co-prime if they haveonly 1 as the common factor.
  • A Factor Tree is a diagram which is used to break down a number by dividing it by its factors until all the numbers.
  • We can make different factor tress of a same number.
Example 1: A factor tree of 8 is given in figure A. Here 8 has been broken into 2 factors 4 A 2. But 4 is not a prime number. 4 is again broken into 2 factors 2 & 2 as shown in   figure - A. Therefore, the factors of 8 are 2, 2 A 2. Example 2: We can make factor trees of a same number 60 in different ways as shown in figures - B, C and D: Fig.-B: This is a factor tree of 60. Here 60 has been broken into two factors 6 & 10. But 6 & 10 are not prime numbers. 6 & 10 are again broken into two factors each. 6 is broken in 2 & 3 more...

LEARNING OBJECTIVE This lesson will help you to:—
  • study and understand about the operation of numbers including additions, subtraction, multiplication and
  • learn and understand about the importance of place value in performing operations of numbers.
  • study and learn about the operation of fractional and decimal numbers.
  • learn to use the operations in order.
  Real - Life Examples
  • Addition and subtraction are used in the calculations of money.
  • We use division when we have to divide something equally.
Example:  Pizza can be divide into 8 pieces so that all the four friends can eat two slices of pizza each.
  • Subtraction can also be viewed as addition of signed numbers. Extra minus signs simply denote additive inversion. Then we have
3-(-2) = 3 + 2 = 5
  • The study of numbers and its operations is called as algorism.
  QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW What are operations? An operation is an action or procedure which produces a new value from one or more input values, called "operands". Operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are binary operations since they involve two or more values. The Basic Operations
Symbol Words Used
+ Addition, Add, Sum, Plus, Increase, Total
- Subtraction,   Subtract,   Minus,   Less,  Difference, Decrease, Take Away, Deduct
\[\times \] Multiplication, Multiply, Product, By, Times, Lots of
\[\div \] Division, Divide, Quotient, Goes Into, How Many Times
  Historical preview
  • The earliest written records indicate the Egyptians and Babylonians used all the elementary arithmetic operations as early as 2000 B.C
  • Modern methods for four fundamental operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) were first devised by Brahmagupta of India.
  • Addition is bringing two or more numbers (or things) together to make a new total.
  • Other names for Addition are Sum, Plus, Increase, Total.
  • And the numbers to be added together are called the "Addends"
  Properties for Addition
  • Commutative property of addition - It states that more...

  • LEADING OBJECTIVES This lesson -will help you to:
    • learn to find place value in numbers beyond 1000.
    • study and learn the role of place value in addition, subtraction and multiplication algorithms.
    • understand and study about informal and standard division algorithm.
    • learn and study about factors and multiples.
      Amazing Facts
    • Zero was not even considered a number for the Ancient Greeks. However, they also questioned whether 1 was a number.
    • The Mayans discovered/ developed zero.
    • 2 and 5 are the only prime numbers that end with a 2 or a 5.
    • Different names for the number 0 include zero naught, naught, nill zilch and zip.
    • The name of the popular search engine ‘Google’ came from a misspelling of the word ‘googol’ which is a very large number (the number one followed by one hundred zeros to be exact)
      QUICK CONCEPT WIEW PLACE VALUE B The value of the place, or position, of a digit in a number or series is called place value. Each place has a value of 10 times the place to its right. The idea of place value is at the heart of our number system.   The concept of place value is as follows: Beginning with the ones place at the right, each place value is multiplied by increasing powers of 10. For example, the value of the first place on the right is "one" the value of the place to the left of it is "ten," which is 10 times 1. The place to the left of the tens place is hundreds, which is 10 times 10, and so forth. The place value of number goes beyond 1000 with the next place value being 10 times greater. The place values after thousand are ten thousands (10,000), hundred thousand (1,00,000), millions (10,00,000) and so on. For easier readability, commas are used to separate each group of three digits, which is called a period. When a number is written in this form, it is said to be in "standard form" Example: four hundred sixteen thousand, seven hundred thirty-one can be written as 416,731.       The role of place value in addition, subtraction and multiplication algorithms.                             
    • The place value of a number starts from right to left in the following order: ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, etc.
    • Place values are extremely important when doing addition, subtraction and multiplication.
    • When doing addition or subtraction, add or subtract like places, and you may need to group in addition and ungroup in subtraction to get enough to subtract from.

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