Current Affairs 1st Class


Category : 1st Class




  • Counting things together is called addition.
  • The words total, sum, add, more, in all, altogether etc., mean addition.
  • The symbol for addition is +, read as plus.
  • The numbers that are added are called addends.
  • The answer we get by adding two numbers is called sum.




Note: The sum of two numbers is more than each of the numbers.


A line with numbers at equal places on it is called a number line.






  • We can add numbers using a number line. e.g., 3 + 4







  • We can also use our fingers, draw lines and count objects to add numbers.

Adding numbers by writing them in a line (across) is called horizontal addition, e.g., 5 + 3 = 8  (Across)

  • Adding numbers by writing them one below the other (down) is called vertical addition.




  • Addition using Ones: Add the numbers and write the sum.






  • Addition using Tens and Ones: Add the ones first, write the sum and then add the tens.



e.g., (a)               (b)        





Note: Add ones first and then add tens.


Adding 0 to a number gives the same number as the sum. e.g., 6 + 0 = 6  



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