Current Affairs 12th Class

The process by which exchange of chromosomal segment take place is called crossing over. Crossing over may be defined as "the recombination of linked genes" brought about as a result of interchange of corresponding parts between the chromatid of a homologous pair of chromosomes, so as to produce new combination of old genes. The term was given by Morgan and Cattle. Janssen (1909) observed chiasmata during meiosis-I (Prophase). Morgan proposed that chiasmata lead to crossing over by breakage and reunion of homologous chromosomes. Crossing over results in new combination while non-cross over result in parental type, which leads to variations. Crossing over and chiasma There are two views extended to explain the relationship between crossing over and chiasma formation. They are summarised here under : Chiasma type theory : According to Janssen, 1909 the act of crossing over is followed by chiasma formation. He suggests that the crossing over takes place at the pachytene stage and the chiasma appear at diplotene. Classical theory : According to Sharp, 1934, crossing over is the result of chiasma formation. According to this view, the chiasma are organised at pachytene and crossing over takes place at diplotene stage. On the basis of evidence available from molecular biology, that is untenable and hence rejected. Mechanism of crossing over There are different views put forward to explain the mechanism of crossing over. Copy choice hypothesis : According to Belling, 1928 the chromomeres represent the genes joined by interchromomeric regions. The chromomeres duplicate first and then the interchromomeric regions. The synthesis of these regions may occur in such a way that the chromomeres of the chromatid of a homologue get connected of the chromatid of the other homologue at a specific location. As a result, the adjacent chromatids of a pair of homologue are exchanged. Precocity hypothesis : According to Darlington, the pairing of homologues occurs to avoid singleness of a chromosome. The pairing need of a chromosome could be nothing less than the replication of DNA. The crossing over takes place due to torsion on chromosome created by coiling of the two homologues around each other. Cross over value : The percentage of crossing over varies in different materials. The frequency of crossing over is dependent upon the distance of two genes present on a chromatid. Coincidence : Coincidence or coefficient of coincidence is inverse measure of interference and is expressed as the ratio between the actual number of double cross over and the expected number of such double cross. That is: \[Coincidence=\,\frac{Actual\text{ }number\text{ }of\text{ }double\text{ }cross\text{ }over}{Expected\text{ }number\text{ }of\text{ }double\text{ }cross\text{ }over}\] Factors controlling frequency of crossing over Primarily, frequency of crossing over is dependent upon the distance between the linked genes, but a number of genetic, environmental and physiological factors also affect it. These are: Temperature : High and low temperature increase the frequency of crossing over. X-ray : Muller has discovered that exposure to X-ray and other radiations increases the frequency of crossing over. Age : The frequency of crossing over decreases with more...

The fact that nucleus contains the units of inheritance was proposed by Oscar Hertwig in 1870. The mechanism was clearly understood with the development of Mendel's laws of inheritance. Further researchers proposed that cytoplasm also contains the hereditary material. The evidence for cytoplasmic inheritance was first presented by Correns in Mirabilis Jalapa and by Baur in Pelargonium zonale in 1908. The cytoplasm in such cases contain self perpetuating hereditary particles formed of DNA. These may be mitochondria, plastids or foreign organism, etc. The total self duplicating hereditary material of cytoplasm is called plasmon and the cytoplasmic units of inheritance are described as plasmagenes. Criteria for cytoplasmic inheritance : The cases of cytoplasmic inheritance are found to exhibit maternal influence. The reason is very simple. Very little cytoplasm is contained in the sperm cell of an animal. Most of the cytoplasm is contributed to the zygote by the ovum or egg. Hence if there are hereditary units in the cytoplasm, these will be transmitted to the offsprings through the egg. The offspring, therefore will exhibit maternal influence. This could be explained further by following example : (i) Maternal influence on shell coiling in snail. (ii) Inheritance of sigma particles in Drosophila. (iii) Breast tumour in mice. (iv) Plastid inheritance in Mirabilis (4 O' clock plant).      (v) Plastid inheritance in Oenothera. (vi) Male sterility in plants – e.q. maize. (vii) Inheritance of kappa particles in Paramecium. (viii) Mitochondrial genetics – Sacromyces cerevieacae, Neurospora – crassa, Aspergillus nidulens.

Gene expression in prokaryotes Gene expression refers to the molecular mechanism by which a gene expresses a phenotype by synthesizing a protein or an enzyme. Which determines the character. The gene contains the blue print or the information for the protein or an enzyme. The category includes mechanism involved in the rapid turn-on and turn-off gene expression in response to environmental changes. Regulatory mechanism of this type are very important in microorganisms, because of the frequent exposure of these organisms to sudden changes in environment. Gene concept can be studied by operon model. Operon are segment of genetic material which function as regulated unit that can be switched on and switched off, which was given by French scientists. Jacob and Monod (1961) working at Pasteur institute. They were studying lactose utilization in mutants of E.coli. An operon consists of one to several structural genes (three in lac operon and five in tryptophan operon of Escherichia coli, nine in histidine operon of Salmonella typhimurium), an operator gene a promoter gene a regulator gene, a repressor and inducer or corepressor. Operons are of two types, inducible and repressible. (1) Inducible operon system /lac operon system : An inducible operon system is that regulated genetic material which remains switched off normally but becomes operational in the presence of an inducer. It occurs in catabolic pathways. The components are: Structural genes : They are genes, which produce mRNAs for forming polypeptides/proteins/enzymes. Lac operon of Escherichia coli has three structural genes-Z (produces enzyme \[\beta -\]galactosidase for splitting lactose/galactoside in to glucose and galactose) Y (produces enzyme galactoside permease required in entry of lactose/galactoside) and A (produces enzyme galactoside acetylase/transacetylase without any function in E.coli). The three structural genes of lac operon produce a single polycistronic mRNA. The three enzymes are, however, produced in different concentration.      Operator gene (O) : It gives passage to RNA polymerase when the structural genes are to express themselves. Normally, it is covered by a repressor. Operator gene of lac operon is small, made of 27 base pairs. Promoter gene (P) : It is recognition centre / initiation point for RNA polymerase of the operon. Regulator gene (i Gene) : It produces a repressor that binds to operator gene for keeping it nonfunctional (preventing RNA polymerase to pass from promoter to structural genes). Repressor : It is a small protein formed by regulator gene. Which binds to operator gene and blocks passage of RNA polymerase towards structural enzymes. Repressor has two allosteric sites, one for attaching to operator gene and second for binding to inducer. Repressor of lac operon has a molecular weight of 160,000 and 4 subunit of 40,000 each. Inducer : It is a chemical which attaches to repressor, changes the shape of operator binding site so that repressor no more remain attached to operator.    Differences between induction and repression more...
Defined as structure of nitrogen bases(nucleotides) in mRNA molecule which contain the information for the synthesis of protein molecule. It is discovered by frame shift mutation by Crick. Codon is the sequence of nitrogen bases (nucleotides) in mRNA, which codes for a single amino acid. Nirenberg and Mathaei (1961) experimentally proved that a single amino acid is determined by a sequence of three nitrogen bases which is known as triplet code. Khorana has got Nobel prize on genetic code. Salient Features Triplet : A single amino acid is specified by a sequence of three nucleotides in mRNA i.e., called codon. Due to triplet nature, it consist 64 codon. Universal : A codon specifies the same amino acid in all organisms from viruses to human beings. Commaless : There is no pause, so it reads continously. Non-overlapping : No overlapping between adjacent nucleotide. Initiation codon : The synthesis of polypeptide chain initiated by initiation codon, which located beginning the cistron i.e., AUG or GUG, which codes to methionine and valine amino acid respectively. Termination codon : Termination is done by codon. These are UAA, UGA or UAG which does not code to any amino acid. These are also called nonsense codon. Degeneracy : A single amino acid may be specified by many codon i.e., called degeneracy. Degeneracy is due to the last base in codon, which is known as wobble base. Thus first two codon are more important to determining the amino acid and third one is differ without affecting the coding i.e., known wobble hypothesis, (proposed by Crick) which establishes a economy of tRNA molecule and put forwarded by Crick. Degeneracy of genetic code was discovered by Berrfield and Nirenberg.   The Genetic Code Dictionary

Heredity is the study of transmission of genetic characters and variations from one generation to the next. Heredity involves the transfer of chromosomes from parents to offspring or one individual to another. Therefore, chromosome is the base of heredity. The physical basis of heredity are genes while chemical basis of heredity is DNA. Pre-Mendelian view points Vapour theory (Pythogoras) : Different body parts produce minute particles. Fluid theory : Empedocles, proposed that each body part produced a fluid. The fluid of different body parts of the two parents mixes up and is used in the formation of embryo. Preformation theory : Malpighi believed that homunculus or miniature individual is present in sperm or egg. Antony Von Leeuwenhoek was first to observe human sperm. Particulate theory : Maupertuis proposed that the body of each parent gives rise to minute particles. These particles unite together to form the daughter individual. Encasement theory : Charles Bonnet and his supporters presumed that every female contains within her body miniature prototypes of all the creatures which would descend from her, one generation within the other, somewhat like a series of chinese boxes. This was named as encasement theory. Theory of epigenesis : Wolff proposed that the germ cells contain definite but undifferentiated substances, which after fertilization, become organised into various complex body organs that form the adult. This idea was referred to as epigenesis. Pangenesis theory : Proposed by Charles Darwin (1868) according to this theory every cell, tissue and organ of animal body produces minute invisible bodies, called gemmules or pangenes. They can produce offsprings. Weismann theory of germplasm : August Weismann (1889) suggested the theory of continuity of germplasm. He described reproductive cells as germplasm and rest of the body as somatoplasm. Pre-Mendelian theories of inheritance are also called theories of blending inheritance. Evidences against blending theory Under this concept, the progeny of a black and white animal would be uniformly grey. The further progeny from crossing the hybrids among themselves would be grey, for the black and white hereditary material, once blended, could never be separated again. Pattern of inheritance shown by atavism also speaks against blending theory. The traits of sex do not blend in unisexual organisms. Basic features of inheritance (i) Traits have two alternative forms. (ii) Traits are represented in the individual by distinct particles which do not blend or change. (iii) Traits may remain unexpected for one or more generations and reappear later unchanged. (iv) Traits may remain together in one generation and separate in a later generation. (v) One alternative of a trait may express more often than the other.

Gene : (Mendel called them factor) In modern sense an inherited factor that determines a biological character of an organism is called gene (functional unit of hereditary material). Allelomorphs or alleles : Alleles indicates alternative forms of the same gene. e.g., Tall TT and dwarf tt are alternation forms of the same gene etc. Gene locus : The specific place on a chromosome where a gene is located. Wild and mutant alleles : An original allele, dominant in expression and wide spread in the population is called wild allele. An allele formed by a mutation in the wild allele, recessive in expression and less common in the population is termed as mutant allele. Homozygous (Bateson and Saunders, 1902) : Both the genes of a character are identical is said to be homozygous or genetically pure for that character. It gives rise to offspring having the same character on self-breeding e.g., TT (Homozygous dominant) or tt (Homozygous recessive). Heterozygous (Bateson and Saunders, 1902) : Both the genes of a character are unlike is said to be heterozygous or hybrid. Such organisms do not breed true on self fertilization e.g., Tt. If we know the number of heterozygous pairs we can predict the following : Number of types of gametes\[={{2}^{n}}\] Number of \[{{F}_{2}}\] phenotype\[={{2}^{n}}\] (Where n is the number of heterozygous pairs). Number of \[{{F}_{2}}\] genotype\[={{3}^{n}}\] Genotype : The genotype is the genetic constitution of an organism. TT, Tt and tt are the genotypes of the organism with reference to these particular pairs of alleles. Phenotype : External feature of organisms, colour and behaviour etc. Pure line : Generations of homozygous individuals which produce offsprings of only one type i.e., they breed true for their phenotype and genotype. Monohybrid, dihybrid and polyhybrid : When only one allelic pair is considered in cross breeding, it is called monohybrid cross. Similarly when two allelic pairs are used for crossing, it is called dihybrid cross and more than two allelic pairs in a cross are called polyhybrid cross. Reciprocal cross : The reciprocal crosses involve two crosses concerning the same characteristics, but with reversed sexes. Genome : Total set of genes (DNA instructions) in the haploid set of chromosomes and inherited as unit from parents to offspring is called genome. Gene pool : All the genotypes of all organisms in a population form the gene pool. \[{{\mathbf{F}}_{\mathbf{1}}}\]Generation : \[{{F}_{1}}\] or first filial (filus–son, filia–daughter; Bateson, 1905) generation is the generation of hybrids produced from a cross between the genetically different individuals called parents. \[{{\mathbf{F}}_{\mathbf{2}}}\]Generation (Bateson, 1905) : \[{{F}_{2}}\] or second filial generation is the generation of individuals which arises as a result of inbreeding or interbreeding amongst individuals of \[{{F}_{1}}\] generation. Punnet square : It is a checker-board used to show the result of a cross between two organisms, it was devised by geneticist, R.C. Punnet (1927). It depicts both genotypes and phenotypes of the progeny. Back cross : It is cross which is performed between hybrid and one of its parents. In plant breeding, more...

Genes interaction is the influence of alleles and non-alleles on the normal phenotypic expression of genes. It is of two types : (1) Inter–allelic or intra–genic gene interaction : In this case two alleles (located on the same gene locus on two homologous chromosomes) of gene interact in such a fashion to produces phenotypic expression e.g., co-dominance, multiple alleles. (i) Incomplete dominance or Blending inheritance (1: 2:1 ratio) : After Mendel, several cases were recorded where \[{{F}_{1}}\] hybrids were not related to either of the parents but exhibited a blending of characters of two parents. This is called incomplete dominance or blending inheritance. Example : First case of incomplete dominance or blending inheritance was reported in 4-O’clock plant, (Mirabilis jalapa) by Carl Correns (1903) when plants with red flowers (RR) are crossed with plants having white flowers (rr) the hybrid \[{{F}_{1}}\] plants (Rr) bear pink flowers. When these F1 plants with pink flowers are self pollinated they develop red (RR), pink (Rr) and white (rr) flowered plants in the ratio of 1:2:1 (\[{{F}_{2}}\] generation). Snapdragon or dog flower (Antirrhinum majus) is a other example of in complete dominance.    (ii) Codominance (1:2:1 ratio) : In codominance, both the genes of an allelomorphic pair express themselves equally in \[{{F}_{1}}\] hybrids. 1:2:1 ratio both genotypically as well as phenotypically in \[{{F}_{2}}\] generation. Example : Codominance of coat colour in cattle, Codominance in andalusian fowl and Codominance of blood alleles in man.    Differences between incomplete dominance and codominance
Incomplete dominance Codominance
Effect of one of the two alleles is more conspicuous. The effect of both the alleles is equally conspicuous.
It produces a fine mixture of the expression of two alleles. There is no mixing of the effect of the two alleles.
The effect in hybrid is intermediate of the expression of the two alleles. more...
Introduction : "When genes are closely present link together in a group and transmitted as a single unit this phenomenon is called linkage". Theories of linkage Sutton's hypothesis of linkage (1903) : The number of groups of genes are equivalent to the number of chromosomes. Morgan's hypothesis of linkage (1910) : It was given by T. H. Morgan. According to him the genes of homologous parents enter in the same gamete and tend to remain together, which is opposite in heterozygous parents. Linked group are located on the same chromosome and distance between linked group of gene limits the grade of linkage. Coupling and repulsion hypothesis : Proposed by Bateson and Punnet (1906) that dominant alleles tend to remain together as well with recessive alleles, called gametic coupling. If dominant and recessive alleles are present in different parents they tend to remain separate and called repulsion. When BBLL and bbll are crossed, the \[{{F}_{1}}\] is BbLl and the test cross of it will show progeny in 7 : 1 : 1 : 7 ratio i.e., BbLl : Bbll : bbLl : bbll (coupling) when BBll is crossed with bbLL the \[{{F}_{1}}\] is BbLl or the test cross progeny will show 1 : 7 : 7 : 1 ratio i.e., BbLl : Bbll : bbLl : bbll (repulsion). Coupled and repulsed genes are known as linked genes. Linkage has coupling phase and repulsion phase. In coupling phase both the linked genes have their dominant alleles in one chromosome and recessive alleles in other chromosomes. The heterozygotes with such constitution is called cis heterozygote. Cis-arrangement is a original arrangement. Which form two types of gametes as (AB) and (ab). In Human X–chromosomes carry 102 genes and Y chromosome carries 10 genes only. In repulsion phase the normal alleles as well as mutant alleles lie in opposite chromosomes of the homologous pair, such heterozygote is called as trans heterozygote. It is not original arrangement, caused due to crossing over, which form two types of gametes as (Ab) and (aB).       Chromosomal hypothesis of linkage : It was given by Morgan and Castle. According to them linked genes are bound by chromosomal material and are transmitted as a whole. Types of linkage Depending upon the absence or presence of nonparental or new combination of linked genes, linkage has been found to be complete or incomplete. Complete linkage (Morgan, 1919) : Such cases in which linked genes are transmitted together to the offsprings only in their original or parental combination for two or more or several generations exhibit complete linkage. In such cases the linked genes do not separate to form the new or non-parental combinations. This phenomenon is very rare. Some characteristics in males of Drosophila are found to exhibit complete linkage. Incomplete linkage : In majority of cases, the homologous chromosomes undergo breakage and reunion during gametogenesis. During reunion the broken pieces of the chromatids are exchanged, producing some more...

Gregor Johann Mendel first "geneticist", also known as father of genetics was born on July 22, in 1822 in Silisian, a village in Heizendorf (Austria). In 1843, he joined Augustinian monastry at Brunn (then in Austria, now Brno Czechoslovakia). In 1856, Mendel got interested in breeding of Garden pea (Pisum sativum). He selected pure breeding varieties or pure lines of pea. Breeding experiments were performed between 1859 – 1864. The results were read out in two meetings of Natural History Society of Brunn in 1865 and published in 1866 in "Proceedings of Brunn Natural History Society" under the topic "Experiments in Plant Hybridisation". Mendel died in 1884 without getting any recognition during his lifetime. Rediscovery of Mendel's work : In 1900, Hugo de Vries of Holland, Carl Correns of Germany and Erich von Tshermak of Austria came to the same findings as were got by Mendel. Hugo de Vries found the paper of Mendel and got it reprinted in ‘Flora’ in 1901. Correns converted two of the generalisations of Mendel into two laws of heredity. These are law of segregation and law of independent assortment. Reasons for Mendel’s success Method of working : He maintained the statistical records of all the experiments and analysed them. He selected genetically pure (pure breed line) and purity was tested by self-crossing the progeny for several generations. Selection of material : Mendel selected garden pea as his experimental material because it has the following advantages. It was an annual plant. Its short life–cycle made it possible to study several generations within a short period and has perfect bisexual flowers containing both male and female parts. The flowers are predominantly self-pollinating because of self-fertilization, plants are homozygous. It is, therefore, easy to get pure lines for several generations and also easy to cross because pollens from one plant can be introduced to the stigma of another plant by removing anthers (emasculation) and bagging. In addition to that there was one reason more for his success. He studied seven pairs of characters which were present on four different pairs of chromosomes. Selection of traits : Mendel selected seven pairs of contrasting characters as listed in the table. Luckily all were related as dominant and recessive.   Seven pairs of contrasting characters in pea plant more...
Two types of nucleic acids are found in the cells of all living organisms. These are DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (Ribonucleic acid). The nucleic acid was first isolated (reported) by Friedrich Miescher in 1869 from the nuclei of pus cells and was named nuclein. The term nucleic acid was given by Altman (1899).     Term was given by Zacharis, which is found in the cells of all living organisms except plant viruses, where RNA forms the genetic material and DNA is absent. In bacteriophages and viruses there is a single molecule of DNA, which remains coiled and is enclosed in the protein coat. In bacteria, mitochondria, plastids and other prokaryotes, DNA is circular and lies naked in the cytoplasm but in eukaryotes it is found in nucleus and known as carrier of genetic information and capable of self replication. Isolation and purification of specific DNA segment from a living organism achieved by Nirenberg. H.Harries is associated with DNA-RNA hybridization technique. Chemical composition The chemical analysis has shown that DNA is composed of three different types of compound. (i) Sugar molecule : Levene identified a five carbon sugar, ribose in nucleic acid in 1910. It is represented by a pentose sugar the deoxyribose or 2-deoxyribose which derived from ribose due to the deletion of oxygen from the second carbon. (ii) Phosphoric acid : \[{{H}_{3}}P{{O}_{4}}\] that makes DNA acidic in nature.       (iii) Nitrogeneous base : Kossel demonstrated the presence of two pyrimidines (cytosine and thymine) and two purines (adenine and guanine) in DNA and he was awarded Nobel Prize in 1910. These are nitrogen containing ring compound. Which classified into two groups: (a) Purines : Two ring compound namely as Adenine and  Guanine. (b) Pyrimidine : One ring compound included Cytosine and Thymine. In RNA Uracil is present instead of Thymine. Nucleosides : Nucleosides are formed by a purine or pyrimidine nitrogenous base and pentose sugar. DNA nucleosides are known as deoxyribosenucleosides. Nucleotides : In a nucleotide, purine or pyrimidine nitrogenous base is joined by deoxyribose pentose sugar (D), which is further linked with phosphate (P) group to form nucleotides.    
S. No.    Character Dominant Recessive
Nitrogenous base Nucleoside (Base + Sugar) Nucleotide (Base + Sugar + Phosphate)

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