Current Affairs Miscelleneous

Pope Adrian VI choked to death after a fly got stuck in his throat as he was taking a drink from a fountain.

Kangaroos and emus are the only living things that can't walk backwards.

Greek soldiers, called hoplites, carried shields made of leather or bronze to protect them from neck to thigh.

The trunk of an elephant contains 50,000 muscles.

Calculating DNA length for each person, it would stretch across the diameter of the solar system.

Olympus Mons (on Mars) is the largest volcanic mountain in the solar system. It is 600 km across and 27 km high.

The term ‘drowning’ refers to the process of taking water into the lungs, not death caused by immersion.

A crow is the cleverest of all birds... and the scariest.

When the green turtle lays her eggs, they bounce and look exactly like ping-pong balls.

Horses sleep while standing or lying down.

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