Current Affairs Miscelleneous

There are 1 70 million sheep in Australia, which is three times the population of England.

In a banyan tree, aerial roots emerging from its branches implant themselves in the soil. Thus, a single tree can form a grove all by itself.

A cockroach can run up to three miles in an hour.

An elephant has 4 knees. 

The first known transfusion of blood was performed by Jean Baptiste from a sheep to a young man in 1667.

A falcon maintains absolute balance while diving for its prey at a speed of 384 km/hr.

Most cats hate water, but the cat from eastern Turkey, loves swimming. 

Did you know that the king cobra can be trained to dance to music. 

In Brisbane, Australia, surfing clubs found over 200 sets of false teeth, which had been lost by holiday-makers along the gold coast, Queensland.

The body temperature of a sparrow can rise to as much as 480° C due to its fast metabolism.

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