Current Affairs Miscelleneous

Muscles contract in waves to move the food down the esophagus. That's why the food gets to a person's stomach even when he eats standing upside down.

Corn is a member of the grass family.

During World War II, a German submarine sank due to malfunctioning of the toilet.

Dogs can hear sound waves as high as 40,000 Hz.

Some harmless snakes avoid predators by copying the colours and patterns of venomous snakes.

Most people who read the word 'yawning' will yawn.

Recent studies have proved that athletes, who took some honey before and after competing, recovered more quickly than those who did not.

The skin of the armpit can harbour up to 5, 16, 000 bacteria per square inch.

The pet ferret was domesticated more than 500 years before the house cat.

A cat's purr has the same romance-enhancing frequency as the voice of singer, Barry White.

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