Current Affairs Miscelleneous

The great pyramid Giza, in Egypt is constructed with over 2,500,000 blocks of limestone.

The caterpillar has more than 2,000 muscles.

Heart generates energy. In an hour it energises one to lift a weight of one ton about a yard up.

A worm has 5 hearts.

The Venezuelan brown bat can detect and dodge individual raindrops, and fly back to its cave fully dry. 

A crocodile can neither move its tongue nor chew. 

It takes about 10 pounds of mulberry leaves for silk worms to manufacture 1 pound of cocoons, which can be spun into a silk thread over 100 miles long.

In China, most children are evaluated for certain inherent talents and given rigorous training in that field.

Every month, you grow a brand new layer of skin.

To frown we use 45 muscles, but to smile we use only 7.

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