Current Affairs Essays

Wonders of Science

Category : Essays

Science is a great blessing to mankind. Nothing better has happened in the history of man than advent of science in his life. Before the advent of science the world was full of ignorance, suffering and hardships. But with the adverts of science these vices have been taken — away from the life of Science has transformed our daily life to a great extent.

Science has made things or articles cheap and has brought them within the reach of every body. The production of goods on a large scale has been possible only due to science. Now these are being sold at cheap rates in every market. All other forms of entertainment have been brought to our doorstep with the help of science only. Radio, television and cinema are some forms of entertainment. Even an ordinary man can pass his time with these means of entertainment. Certainly, the daily life of the common man is very different from what it used to be earlier in the past.

Since it has proved to be the most faithful medical attendant, it shows every care for our health. Science has cured us of many deadly diseases. It has empowered us to keep epidemics under check. No longer are smallpox, cholera and plague the ravages of mankind. Science has been proved as a boon for the poor housewife. Now she need not to

always remain busy in the kitchen. Hundreds of electronic devices have been developed to assist her. There are electrical appliances that make cooking a pleasure. Then there is no dirt and no smoke in the kitchens with the use of these electronic gadgets. Now the use of washing machine has made the task of washing clothes simpler. Even ironing the clothes can be done in on time. No one could be more grateful than the housewife to the science for its blessings.

Now, we can reach any place, no matter how much far it is, in a very less time. In fact, science has made travelling a pleasure. Science has abridged the hindrances of time and space. The trains and the motorcars have become absolute means of transport. The aeroplanes fly across thousands of kilometres in a stretch time. The work of months and years can be completed in hours with the use of computers. Without any partiality, science favours the labourers equally.

Science has take off the dirtiest jobs. Another important role played by it is in the field of publishing. Science has built great printing presses which produce a large number of books at very cheap rates. News is brought to us from every corner of the world through the medium of newspaper, radio and the television.

The wonders of Science are the gifts provided that have made the life luxurious.


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