Current Affairs Essays


Category : Essays

Games and sports are a very necessary part of education. As we know the aim of education is all round development physical mental and moral - of a student. Only a sound body can have a sound mind. Mind cannot be stronger if the body is weak.
There is a very old saying that "Health is Wealth". One can build his body by playing games as it provides exercise in open and fresh air. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. India does not need book worms with ill health. A good student must take care of all the things. He must give time to his studies, but he should not neglect games. He should follow the maxim, "work, while you work, play, while you play, that is the way to be happy and gay."
Games teach us discipline and sportsmanship. A sportsman treats victory and defeat equally. Games provide a good training for playing the game of life. A true player is unmindful of joys and sorrows. We learn to laugh in the face of failures. We do not feel proud at success. Games give the best education in the art of living. The battle of life is won by sportsmen. The spirit of sportsmanship helps in the formation of character. Games teach us the art of leadership also. The captain wins the hearts of his team through love, sympathy and fair play. In this way games produce the best citizens of tomorrow. Games provide a good excitement in dull life of students. We can make the best use of leisure by playing games. They also let off the surplus energy of young men. If this surplus energy does not come out, the result would be mischief and indiscipline. An idle brain is the devil's workshop.. Students must be kept busy when they are not studying.
Many schools have no proper arrangement for games. Games should be made compulsory for every student in every school. Education without games is incomplete in order to make a full man of a student. School should give due importance to games and sports.

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