Current Affairs Essays


Category : Essays

The market of my town is very important. There is no other place of grain market in the area having so much brisk business as this market.
The market itself is in the centre of the town. All important bazaars of the town lead to this market. It has a square shape. There is an open ground in the middle of the shops. There are shops on the four sides of the big square. The main shopkeepers are regents. Their trade is chiefly export and import of grains. There are a few shops which meet needs of the people who visit the market for purchase  
The crowd scene in the market is very interesting. It is a centre of attraction for both buyers and sellers. I always find a Dig crowd there Businessmen come from far and wide for purchasing or selling their produce. The market is always crowded with carts, horses, donkeys and camels. They come loaded with the produce of such as cotton, grain, oilseeds, grand vegetables.
The merchants make their purchases moving in the groups. They bid in a particular fashion. They do some indications under the cloth to fix the rates of the commodities brought in the market for sale. The purchase of commodities takes place in the day. In the evening all commodities are packed in jute bags. They are sent back to places where they are in demand. The country carts, horses and donkeys go back with their masters to the villages. Nearly all the shops have telephones. 
The shopkeepers get news about the rates of the markets through post and telephone. The market of my town is a very noisy place. Petty hawkers with namkins of various kinds go about the market. They sell their articles by shouting their names at the top of their voice. One can meet all sorts of people there. There is joy and laughter on all sides. Friends welcome one another. People discuss politics in the light of their business.
The market of my town is different from old market. It is not dirty. It is swept cleaned every day. There is no mud and bad smell. In the centre of market there is a well. A trough is made near it. The animals drink water at the trough. There is a public bath for the labourers. In short our town market is worth a visit.

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