Current Affairs Essays


Category : Essays

An auto rickshaw is a form of transport which does not depend on human muscles yet is cheaper than a taxi, both to run and use. It consists essentially of a motorcycle engine mounted on a three-wheeled chassis, with space for passengers and a driver.
Its single steering wheel is at the front, below the Windscreen, with the two driven wheels at the back. The passengers are well protected from the weather by a canvas hood. The driver sits in front with the engine beneath his seat. The passengers' compartment is at the back. (The life of an auto rickshaw driver is very hard. He has to bear hot winds during summer season. He has to face bone biting cold winds in the winter. Even rainy season too does not favour him. Sometimes he gets drenched and sometimes he has to face the muddy water forcing him to draw his autorickshaw on foot in water.
Auto rickshaw drivers are commonly seen in big cities. They are found generally at bus stand and railway stations. In big cities they have their own stoppages according to the local facilities. Drivers are bound to have a license. Most of the auto rickshaw drivers provide their services during day time. But during night too some drivers are there to serve our purposes. Due to them, going from one place to another becomes very easy. They save our precious time also. And what is more, the fare which they charge generally remains within our reach.
An auto rickshaw driver enjoys no holiday. He leads a very simple life. Even though he works beyond his capacity, still he does not earn much. It is because most of the auto rickshaw drivers don't have their own auto rickshaws. They have to work on contract basis with the vehicle's owners. As a result they are bound to pay their owners even if by any reasons they don't drive the auto rickshaw on a particular day. 
This is the root cause of their misery. They cannot afford to teach their children in good schools. Our Government is kind enough to help these drivers for their upliftment. Banks are helping them in purchasing their own auto rickshaws on basis of easy installments. It is a good sign, because it will surely improve their condition. Then they will be in a situation to lead a little bit better life and also they will give good education to their children.
Thus, auto rickshaw drivers are very helpful to us. They are generally meek and soft-spoken. They perform their duties honestly and demand the fare on the basis of metre or contract basis. They are reliable too. Once we sit in the auto rickshaw, we do not have to bother much. The driver will help us to reach our destination.
But there are a few auto rickshaw drivers who try to cheat people, especially the new faces in the town. They overcharge them and thus make all efforts to gain through dishonesty. However, we can't overlook their services to common people. 

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