Current Affairs Essays

Science and Religion

Category : Essays

The celebrated scientist of the world once confessed - '... Always I feel there is a super power working above and beyond me. I feel his presence but unable to see him'. Einstien's this 'superpower' is no doubt, which we call the God. Religion is a belief in or the worship of a God or gods. It is a particular system of belief or worship. A person is totally devoted to his religion and it rules his life. So religion, the very word immediately reminds us the existence of God. It is not a dogma or blind faith. In a true peace and harmony between head and heart. This valueless World cannot produce good citizens. Another important aspect of scientific development is that gradually it makes individuals so dependent that they loose their creativity. Science is not to be blamed but the way we use it is very important.

Despite tremendous scientific developments we are still unable to win over death. We are unable to know the purpose aim of our birth. The modern civilization has achieved its peak and the fall is inevitable. The early symptoms of mass destruction are clearly visible. So, it is good to bring out a synthesis between religion and science. Let's use science purposefully for the betterment of humanity Science is the product of human brain and the human brain is the product of God. So, why should we forget this basic truth. Temporary sensual pleasure is forbidden in every religion. Once Vivekanand observed 'you can better read Gita playing foot ball'. What we rightly need is a powerful co-ordination between scientific temper sanctioned by religions ethos. Otherwise anarchy will rule over the world. Can all the medicines of the world cure a man who is pre-destined to die?

The modern man has become a money making machine and everybody is lost is a mad, mad rat race. How long this will go on . . .? Religion is in a sense 'Super Science'. So let's hope for a better world based on God's paradise bliss where the peace of nectar flows and sanctioned by a value based scientific temper.

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