Current Affairs Essays


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There was a great joy on the birth of a child in the royal family of Kapilvastu. From the very beginning of his childhood he showed no interest in toys and other plays. Neither he was interested in living in palaces nor in enjoying the usual pleasures of life. He was known as Prince Siddhartha.
One day he was passing through the streets of the city. He saw an old man, a sick man and a dead man. The sight had an adverse effect on him; he thought that he was living in a world, which was full of miseries and sorrows. All the three sights remained before his eyes all the time even while sitting, sleeping and walking. He decided to find a way to cure all these ills. One night he left the palaces leaving behind his wife Yashodhara and son Rahul and went in search of truth. He loved humanity more than his wife and son. From the river bank he sent the driver of his carriage back to Kapilvastu with the message that the people of city_ should forgive him as he had a greater cause of mankind.
He spent some days in an Ashram but was unable to find truth. Then he sat for meditation on the bank of river Niranjana for six years but had no peace of mind. One day in a dream he saw a goddess. Very sweet music was coming out of three  stringed veena in her hand. He woke up. He found the path of truth. He termed it as middle path. In Bodhgaya, he sat in sarnadhi seven nights and discovered the truth. After that he was known as Lord Buddha.
Sarnath and Kashi were the first places where he gave his sermons. Millions of men and women became his followers. He taught them five principles of life called "Panch Sheel". They were, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not tell lies, Do not drink alcohol and Do not lead a dirty life. Gautama Budha is one of the greatest saints India has produced.

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