Current Affairs Essays


Category : Essays

Change in life is like spices in food. Change makes life worth- living. The desire of change is human instinct.
One fashion today is declared as outdated by another tomorrow. They are always moving. Changing in fashion is a universal process. No race, nationality is a hindrance in its move. Mostly in oriental countries fashions infiltrate from western countries where fashions are born and brought up. The most significant role is played by film industry in changing fashions. Common masses  wears the dresses that actors and actresses wear as they are the models for the people.
The change of fashions in dress is very old. It changes from time to time. Sometimes it is body tight fitting fashion. On the other time it is very loose fitting fashion. Sometimes considerable parts of the body are exposed to the viewers and sometimes they are covered with sufficient clothes. Everywhere we can see men and women, boys and girls, babies and children in fashionable dresses. Sometimes it becomes difficult at the first sight to recognize whether it is a boy or a girl due to unisex fashions in dresses.
Boys and girls keep harmony between the two so far as fashion f is concerned. Boys keep long hairs, girls have bob hairs or boy cut hair. The girls wear rings in the ear; boys too wear it but only in one ear. Boys and girls feel it a sacred duty to out beat each other in smoking competition especially in universities. In their opinion it their opinion it makes them highly sophisticated and cultured.

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