Current Affairs Essays


Category : Essays

Parenting has become the most talked about matter of fact in the present situation. Parents are those who nature a  child in a rightful manner and guide him to lead a proper life. There was time when there was joint family system in our country. In those set-up the responsibilities of parents were not so much prominent as it is today because now parents are solely responsible for the brought up of a child. But time has become so tough for the parents that they hardly spare
time for their child. It has created a crises in our developing society. Parenting has become a mystery and people are trying to find out the ways of successful parenting. 
It has always been a concept that family is the first school for a child. A child begins to learn everything from his mother,
father and the people who surround him. Parents make all their efforts to provide their child the best of learning in this
period. The child imitates his parents. The values, morals,  beliefs, manner, behavior that a child learns from his parents
prove to be the real way of his life. Wordsworth has rightly said, 'child is the father of man'. It means the habits, traits, virtues, nature-whatever the child adopts during his childhood is never missed in his grown-up life. Hence the making of a complete man begins under the close contact of a successful parenting.
The first step for a successful parenting depends upon their contact with a child. Parents should always watch over activities of the child. They should try to create healthy atmosphere in the family so that the child can learn to be compassionate and confident. Confidence is the first trait of a successful life. Confidence building depends upon the way
how a child is being brought up. A child should be taught in the beginning through mythological instances and the success stories of our great saints and warriors because lives of great men remind us that we can make our lives sublime and we can prove to be a guide for the coming generation. 
The fast growing TV culture and westernized exposure of our life has corrupted all our values. We have forgotten our past. Parents have no time for their child. They think that money can solve all the problem, money can make a child great. It can bring all happiness to their life. But the fact is that money can make life comfortable but not valuable. If a child loses contact with his parents, he will be distracted and will try to find comfort in TV, clubs, films, markets, etc. These are just perversions and not construction. The child will have stress in life and sometimes would prefer finishing his life through illegal means.
Hence parents need to regenerate themselves and once again they will have to learn the art of successful parenting. They will have to spare their valuable time for their child. They will have to be friendly with their child. Otherwise they are bound to suffer at the loss of the future of their child. 

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